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[12/12/2016 08:54:44 PM] Mìmz: So generally I'll tell you the top 7-8 picks in top and their runes/mastries/playstyle and laning phase if thats cool with you
[12/12/2016 08:55:14 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: thats fine
[12/12/2016 08:55:48 PM] Mìmz: I'd say at the moment the best top champion is by far poppy
[12/12/2016 08:55:58 PM] Mìmz: But shes easily countered by trundle
[12/12/2016 08:56:39 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: ok
[12/12/2016 08:57:08 PM] Mìmz: The top 8 atm are
[12/12/2016 08:58:51 PM] Mìmz: Mostly tanks have the same playstyle
so when we talk about poppy/mao/naut they have the same playstyle/buildpath

so in this case you'd start corrupting potion (only on maokai you'd get double dorans ring)
then rush sunfire if you're against ad / if you're against ap you'd get spirit visage then sunfire
[12/12/2016 08:59:22 PM] Mìmz: then depending on the rest of the game but you'd mostly get frozen heart or iceborn gauntlet/dead mans plate/banshee
[12/12/2016 08:59:29 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: ok
[12/12/2016 09:01:01 PM] Mìmz: and for kennen you'd mostly rush protobelt then void staff if you're against a tank
or zhonya if you're against an ad then void and rylais/deathcap
[12/12/2016 09:01:52 PM] Mìmz: for jayce it'd be rush black cleaver/youmuus/bloodthirster/last whisper
[12/12/2016 09:02:00 PM] Mìmz: and rumble has the same build as kennen
[12/12/2016 09:02:07 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: ye i played quite abit of jayce last season
[12/12/2016 09:02:25 PM] Mìmz: irelia would be trinity then botrk and full tank
[12/12/2016 09:02:32 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: yu
[12/12/2016 09:02:55 PM] Mìmz: trundle is revenous hydra+ spirit if you're against ap. if you're against ad you can get iceborn gauntlet then sv and deadmans plate
[12/12/2016 09:03:12 PM] Mìmz: also you can play trundle with either fervor or warlords, basically up to you both works
[12/12/2016 09:03:35 PM] Mìmz: every top laner takes 14% attack speed except few like gp/darius takes 10% cdr
[12/12/2016 09:04:36 PM] Mìmz: mostly at early game all you wanna do is give your jungler a good smiteless if he starts at your side
If he doesn't start top then you shouldn't appear on lane until minons start clashing for a bit
[12/12/2016 09:04:52 PM] Mìmz: its called a fake leash you mostly have to waste some mana for that
[12/12/2016 09:04:59 PM] Mìmz: so you don't give your jungler starting position
[12/12/2016 09:05:16 PM] Mìmz: that way they won't know if he started top or bot which actually gives him huge adventage
[12/12/2016 09:05:50 PM] Mìmz: secondly during laning phase i like to put top laners in 2 categories : carries and tanks
[12/12/2016 09:06:01 PM] Mìmz: tanks like poppy/naut/mao/etc
[12/12/2016 09:06:39 PM] Mìmz: they mostly have the same playstyle in laning phase which is mostly push your lane to the end and look for flanks or drake fights
[12/12/2016 09:08:32 PM] Mìmz: if you ever see your jungler invading try to push to the end of the lane and either help your jungler 2v1 or stick to your enemy top laner so he either has to follow or lose his wave
[12/12/2016 09:08:36 PM] Mìmz: are you still with me xD
[12/12/2016 09:08:50 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: yes this is all making sense XD
[12/12/2016 09:08:56 PM] Mìmz: if this is way too boring we can just spectate a game if you want
[12/12/2016 09:09:08 PM] Mìmz: basically i like to call top/mid are 2v2 lanes
[12/12/2016 09:09:11 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: erm its upto you i do understand wat ur saying tbh
[12/12/2016 09:09:19 PM] Mìmz: if you put your jungler behind that makes you lose games
[12/12/2016 09:09:32 PM] Mìmz: mostly top is about helping your adc/jungler
[12/12/2016 09:09:36 PM] Mìmz: its up2u tbh lol
[12/12/2016 09:09:50 PM] Mìmz: i dont mind talking but if it gets boring for you to read we can do a live game now
[12/12/2016 09:10:35 PM] Mìmz: also try to know if the enemy jungler started top/bot and call it out to your team . This is mostly known by enemy top laner if he leashed or not (which should be obvious unless he did a fake leash)
[12/12/2016 09:10:58 PM] Mìmz: if he started bot he'd most likely gank you around 3:40 so you should have a ward around 3:20
[12/12/2016 09:11:34 PM] Mìmz: if he started top you should ward around 2:30 . since he is either gonna do red/golems and come top or hes gonna ignore top completly and try to snowball his adc
[12/12/2016 09:12:28 PM] Mìmz: and its totally fine to your first teleport to lane if its not an infernal or mountain drake
[12/12/2016 09:13:22 PM] Mìmz: so basically what you have to do in lane as a top laner is farm as much as you can (but its also fine to miss some farm if its risky to take)
[12/12/2016 09:13:38 PM] Mìmz: like missing farm is something not many low elo players realize is important
[12/12/2016 09:13:44 PM] Mìmz: like lets say you're against jayce
[12/12/2016 09:14:12 PM] Mìmz: you have to miss some farm against jayce since his only power is lane (if he doesn't get kills from lane he won't snowball and he'll fall late game)
[12/12/2016 09:14:41 PM] Mìmz: so he'd have in mind that once you take this specific creep he's gonna punish you hard for it . so the best thing you'd do is ignore this farm and try to survive
[12/12/2016 09:14:46 PM] Mìmz: i call this survive lanes
[12/12/2016 09:14:57 PM] Mìmz: mostly people that fall if they dont snowball are called survive lanes
[12/12/2016 09:15:02 PM] Mìmz: if you end the lane 0/0/0 you win
[12/12/2016 09:15:14 PM] Mìmz: like darius/rene/jayce
[12/12/2016 09:16:02 PM] Mìmz: the second category of top laners is carries
[12/12/2016 09:16:12 PM] Mìmz: carries tend to be mostly splitpushers or teamfighters
[12/12/2016 09:16:50 PM] Mìmz: splitpushers like fiora/irelia/jayce
[12/12/2016 09:17:03 PM] Mìmz: and teamfighters like gnar/gp/kennen
[12/12/2016 09:17:15 PM] Mìmz: mostly how you counter splitpushers is that you pick a tank
[12/12/2016 09:17:26 PM] Mìmz: so if you see an irelia or fiora you wanna go trundle
[12/12/2016 09:17:32 PM] Mìmz: or poppy
[12/12/2016 09:17:46 PM] Mìmz: that way you counter them in lane and in game
[12/12/2016 09:18:46 PM] Mìmz: mostly splitpushers will try to snowball off the lane and abuse that by getting towers and doing 2v1's. So to counter them you have to either do a very good flank on bot lane and get drakes or you're gonna have to freeze a wave in the early game infront of your tower
[12/12/2016 09:19:15 PM] Mìmz: splitpushers tend to be a pain in the ass to deal with if you lose lane
[12/12/2016 09:19:21 PM] Mìmz: so mostly you dont wanna die against them
[12/12/2016 09:19:26 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: OK
[12/12/2016 09:19:48 PM] Mìmz: and teamfighters like kennen you need to have them always at their tower
[12/12/2016 09:19:57 PM] Mìmz: because they mostly tend to rely on tp flanks
[12/12/2016 09:20:06 PM] Mìmz: also tanks that rely on tp flanks has the same counter way
[12/12/2016 09:20:17 PM] Mìmz: you mostly want them to be always at their tower
[12/12/2016 09:20:31 PM] Mìmz: that way they can't abuse their teleport and snowball off your carries
[12/12/2016 09:20:58 PM] Mìmz: Which top laners do you play again?
[12/12/2016 09:21:13 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: malph/trundle
[12/12/2016 09:21:23 PM] Mìmz: whats your build path on both
[12/12/2016 09:21:47 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: ravenous
[12/12/2016 09:21:49 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: boots
[12/12/2016 09:21:53 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: tabi boots
[12/12/2016 09:22:00 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: visage or deadm ap or ad
[12/12/2016 09:22:15 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: then if im ahead ill get bork or trinity
[12/12/2016 09:22:23 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: really ahead both
[12/12/2016 09:22:27 PM] Mìmz: botrk or trinityis basically
[12/12/2016 09:22:28 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: then some tank late
[12/12/2016 09:22:29 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: ye
[12/12/2016 09:22:43 PM] Mìmz: if you wanna get botrk or trinity you wanna stay top 24/7
[12/12/2016 09:22:47 PM] Mìmz: you can't teamfight with these
[12/12/2016 09:22:51 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: ok
[12/12/2016 09:22:58 PM] Mìmz: and for malph
[12/12/2016 09:23:26 PM] Mìmz: if you're against an ad you max e and get sunfire/omen/sv/thorn
[12/12/2016 09:23:39 PM] Mìmz: you can add an abyssal if you snowballed
[12/12/2016 09:23:46 PM] Mìmz: basically what matchups do you find the most pain in the ass?
[12/12/2016 09:24:02 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: hmmmm
[12/12/2016 09:24:31 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: i struggled vs a jayce playing malph the other day
[12/12/2016 09:24:44 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: tbf i didnt die once in lane
[12/12/2016 09:24:48 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: but he got kills elsewhere
[12/12/2016 09:24:57 PM] Mìmz: basically against jayce you wanna always have your tp up
[12/12/2016 09:25:02 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: yup
[12/12/2016 09:25:03 PM] Mìmz: to counter him in lane is
[12/12/2016 09:25:14 PM] Mìmz: basically if you build dorans shield +ninja tabi first items
[12/12/2016 09:25:17 PM] Mìmz: hes done for the lane
[12/12/2016 09:25:26 PM] Mìmz: he'd deal 0 damage if you dodge q (which shouldnt be hard)
[12/12/2016 09:25:41 PM] Mìmz: against jayce i'd say lose 10-15 farm til you get lv 6
[12/12/2016 09:25:55 PM] Mìmz: then force him to push on you by shoving your lane
[12/12/2016 09:26:07 PM] Mìmz: then ask for a gank
[12/12/2016 09:26:17 PM] Mìmz: jayce should be very easy to kill once you get to lv 6 with any champ
[12/12/2016 09:26:34 PM] Mìmz: since jayce has no ults so he has no powerspike. he'll mostly try to cheese a kill early game
[12/12/2016 09:26:47 PM] Mìmz: if you survive that lane and not let jayce roam
[12/12/2016 09:27:02 PM] Mìmz: i mean if he roams all you have to do is follow up
[12/12/2016 09:27:22 PM] Mìmz: unless hes shoved his wave to your tower then you can ignore the roam and just hope your allies fall back
[12/12/2016 09:27:56 PM] Mìmz: and lets say you're top lane. you should always have tp up for drakes/barons
[12/12/2016 09:28:07 PM] Mìmz: lets say drake is up in 5 mins
[12/12/2016 09:28:09 PM] Mìmz: and oyu have tp
[12/12/2016 09:28:21 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: YE
[12/12/2016 09:28:27 PM] Mìmz: tp cooldown is around 4mins
[12/12/2016 09:28:36 PM] Mìmz: so you can use tp to lane in this case
[12/12/2016 09:28:42 PM] Mìmz: but lets say drake is up in 3.5 mins
[12/12/2016 09:28:56 PM] Mìmz: then you should walk back to lane because if you used tp , it wouldn't be up by the time next drake comes
[12/12/2016 09:29:26 PM] Mìmz: also as a splitpusher you should be trying to split most of the game and not teamfight
[12/12/2016 09:29:45 PM] Mìmz: like some people would tell you group with us etc but mostly when you play trundle you just wanna split until drake is up
[12/12/2016 09:29:54 PM] Mìmz: if drake is down and its around 35 mins and baron is up
[12/12/2016 09:29:57 PM] Mìmz: you wanna split bot not top
[12/12/2016 09:30:22 PM | Edited 09:30:31 PM] Mìmz: that case if they send u 1 you mostly can 1v1 him but if they send you 2 your team can start baron immedietly
[12/12/2016 09:30:58 PM] Mìmz: but as tanks you mostly wanna group with your team so if you play poppy/mao/naut
[12/12/2016 09:31:01 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: thats smart
[12/12/2016 09:31:16 PM] Mìmz: you mostly wanna shove top and then try to look for stuff to do around the map
[12/12/2016 09:31:26 PM] Mìmz: i mean in mid game ofc
[12/12/2016 09:31:35 PM] Mìmz: roaming in early game is very bad
[12/12/2016 09:31:51 PM] Mìmz: since t3 towers are easy to take and they give 500g
[12/12/2016 09:31:58 PM] Mìmz: so its kinda bad to do first tp for a flank
[12/12/2016 09:32:00 PM] Mìmz: UNLESS
[12/12/2016 09:32:02 PM] Mìmz: its infernal
[12/12/2016 09:32:05 PM] Mìmz: infernal wins games
[12/12/2016 09:32:18 PM] Mìmz: after infernal in value comes mountain
[12/12/2016 09:32:29 PM] Mìmz: mountain drakes are so fucking good if you have a team of dps
[12/12/2016 09:32:45 PM] Mìmz: if you can get 2 mountains you can get baron in aprox 10-13 secs
[12/12/2016 09:33:14 PM] Mìmz: so basically if you trade a t3 tower for infernal as a top laner thats so worth
[12/12/2016 09:33:40 PM] Mìmz: i'd say mountain is good but not worth first tower
[12/12/2016 09:33:57 PM] Mìmz: also general tip as a jungler
[12/12/2016 09:34:06 PM] Mìmz: if the enemy top laner is getting 2v1'd
[12/12/2016 09:34:13 PM] Mìmz: you immedietly have to contest an objective
[12/12/2016 09:34:23 PM] Mìmz: thats what makes differenece between a normal jungler and a good jungler
[12/12/2016 09:34:36 PM] Mìmz: lets say theres no drake up and theres no baron up
[12/12/2016 09:34:40 PM] Mìmz: but your top has 2 top
[12/12/2016 09:34:51 PM] Mìmz: the best thing to do in this case is to take the enemy junglers entire bot lane
[12/12/2016 09:35:06 PM] Mìmz: that doesnt only work for bot, lets say your bot lane gets ganked and you're far away
[12/12/2016 09:35:12 PM] Mìmz: the counter play to that is do something
[12/12/2016 09:35:21 PM] Mìmz: either help mid or help top
[12/12/2016 09:35:28 PM] Mìmz: and if you cant at this specific moment help a lane
[12/12/2016 09:35:37 PM] Mìmz: then steal the enemy junglers entire top side
[12/12/2016 09:35:49 PM] Mìmz: so what iam saying is that each gank has a counterplay
[12/12/2016 09:35:52 PM] Mìmz: so lets say you're top lane
[12/12/2016 09:36:03 PM] Mìmz: and your the enemy bot lane gets ganked
[12/12/2016 09:36:23 PM] Mìmz: so your jungler is with your adc/supp in a 3v2 fight at bot lane
[12/12/2016 09:36:45 PM] Mìmz: the counterplay to that is top side jungle is either gonna be taken or you're gonna get dived top
[12/12/2016 09:36:57 PM] Mìmz: so in this case you'd ward the bush behind your tower and play passive
[12/12/2016 09:37:08 PM] Mìmz: if you see the enemy laner forcing trade you just stay back and leave farm
[12/12/2016 09:37:21 PM] Mìmz: sometimes you can drop a farm to win a trade
[12/12/2016 09:37:40 PM] Mìmz: so if you're jayce for example
[12/12/2016 09:37:57 PM] Mìmz: and you have 2 choice to either attack the enemy champion and lose 1 farm or ignore the enemy champion and get 1 farm
[12/12/2016 09:38:09 PM] Mìmz: you can choose the lose 1 farm and pressure on enemy top
[12/12/2016 09:38:19 PM] Mìmz: so most people that tell you "farm perfectly " are bullshit
[12/12/2016 09:38:25 PM] Mìmz: farming is like trading
[12/12/2016 09:38:31 PM] Mìmz: if you farm perfectly you die a lot
[12/12/2016 09:38:45 PM] Mìmz: if you miss farm and do trade you have more pressure and you're basically playing more smart
[12/12/2016 09:38:55 PM] Mìmz: because its basically so easy to punish someone for taking a creep
[12/12/2016 09:39:18 PM] Mìmz: next thing in top lane is basically how to manage a wave
[12/12/2016 09:39:24 PM] Mìmz: you know how this is done?
[12/12/2016 09:39:30 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: not really
[12/12/2016 09:39:39 PM] Mìmz: basically this is hard to explain
[12/12/2016 09:39:42 PM] Mìmz: wanna get a in a custom game?
[12/12/2016 09:39:45 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: sure
[12/12/2016 09:40:12 PM] Mìmz: Iam gonna freeze a wave and I'll tell you how to unbreak the freeze
[12/12/2016 09:40:30 PM] Mìmz: pick me a champ to play
[12/12/2016 09:40:40 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: kennen
[12/12/2016 09:41:02 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: who do i pick any?
[12/12/2016 09:41:07 PM] Mìmz: anything you like
[12/12/2016 09:43:05 PM] Mìmz: against kennen you should be getting warlords
[12/12/2016 09:43:07 PM] Mìmz: not fervor
[12/12/2016 09:43:13 PM] Mìmz: since you won't be able to get close to her
[12/12/2016 09:43:20 PM] Mìmz: and warlords give you sustain to kennens damage
[12/12/2016 09:51:03 PM] Mìmz: basically whoever has more minions
[12/12/2016 09:51:06 PM] Mìmz: has to shove the wave hard
[12/12/2016 09:51:08 PM] Mìmz: so it resets
[12/12/2016 09:51:16 PM] Mìmz: so if you have like 9 minions and i have 6
[12/12/2016 09:51:20 PM] Mìmz: you have to push these 6 asap
[12/12/2016 09:51:32 PM] Mìmz: else i can freeze for 1 min and punish you from taking around 5-8 farm
[12/12/2016 09:51:54 PM] Mìmz: over the long term these farm are gonna differ
[12/12/2016 09:52:04 PM] Mìmz: also in the early game you tried to go for a minion near me
[12/12/2016 09:52:14 PM] Mìmz: try as much as you can against hard matchups to not focus on farming
[12/12/2016 09:52:22 PM] Mìmz: focus on how to prevent damage from being taken
[12/12/2016 09:52:27 PM] @ICEBOYDANNY: tru
[12/12/2016 09:52:36 PM] Mìmz: and when you have the upperhand in a matchup
[12/12/2016 09:52:41 PM] Mìmz: you wanna focus on how to abuse that matchup
[12/12/2016 09:52:52 PM] Mìmz: lets say you have an upperhand in a matchup
[12/12/2016 09:52:58 PM] Mìmz: lets say kennen vs trundle
[12/12/2016 09:53:03 PM] Mìmz: if i leave the lane 0/0/0
[12/12/2016 09:53:06 PM] Mìmz: thats bad for kennen
[12/12/2016 09:53:11 PM] Mìmz: because shes suppose to bully trundle
[12/12/2016 09:53:25 PM] Mìmz: so i would actually be trying to kill you and not farming
[12/12/2016 09:53:31 PM] Mìmz: thats why its good to push vs kennen
[12/12/2016 09:53:45 PM] Mìmz: because then kennen has to try last hitting under tower
[12/12/2016 09:53:49 PM] Mìmz: which is bad for kennen
[12/12/2016 09:53:53 PM] Mìmz: so instead of attacking you
[12/12/2016 09:54:07 PM] Mìmz: i'd be busy trying to last hit under tower and using my abilities under tower
[12/12/2016 09:54:25 PM] Mìmz: pick a matchup you think is very hard to win and lets try 1v1 in this matchup (i'll be the weak one)
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