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1. Massachusetts Bay was called City on a Hill, because it "looked down" to everyone else.

2. Anne Hutchinson, a Puritan, claimed she was in direct communication with God, and taught about antinomianism (don't have to follow Moses' rules).

3. Tobacco had a market, so rather than growing local food, Virginia mass produced tobacco.

4. The Indians had nothing the settlers wanted (except land), so the settlers killed them off. Also, the Indians weren't strong, either.

5. Indentured servants were not happy, so rebellions took place to change that. Later, slaves start to replace indentured servants.

6. Bacon was unhappy with Berkley's Indian Policy, Monopoly of the Virginia Government, and life in general. He died during the rebellion, which was unsuccessful.


8. England wants to enforce mercantilism. Therefore, Navigation Acts: colonists can only use English ships, must ship products through England, valuable products can only be sold to England.

9. See Triangle Trade Map:

10. Slave owners must get maximum output for minimum input. Slaves resist passively, and through rebellions. Slaves keep families.

11. See Flowcharts:

12. Mercantilism is successful for England, so they allow the Colonists to govern and tax themselves (salutary neglect).

13. By 1641, immigrants from Spain, Portugal, Britain, France, and the Netherlands skyrocketed. Pennsylvania was the most diverse and accepting.

14. Old Light Preachers: Stayed in established churches, preached to the head. New Light Preachers: New churches, preached to the heart, accepted all.

15. Jonathan Edwards preached to the heart, not the head. This type of preaching lead to the 1st Great Awakening.

16. Proclamation of 1763 makes colonists unhappy because they need more space for the growing population.

17. After the French and Indian war: Britain gets in a HUGE debt, Indians lose hope.

18. Proclamation of 1763 prevents colonists from settling in Ohio.

19. Stamp Act is first direct tax on colonies by British, which failed.

20. Virtual Representation was Britain's response to the colonists' pleas for representation, and the colonists didn't want it.

21. Colonists used mob violence and other methods, causing Britain to repeal the Stamp Act (which came with the Townshend act).

22. During mob violence, British soldiers (who were there to enforce the acts) killed 5 civilians.

23. Common Sense calls for America to declare independence, and to establish a Republican government (power coming from people to government). It's very successful.

56. Hudson River School paintings reflect the thoughts at that time, which involved the power of nature and how humans should be in communion with it.

57. Transcendentalists believed that being in communion with nature was being in communion with God.

58. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the leading voice in transcendentalism. He rejected all organized religion, and taught that people could only experience Him if they strengthened their relations with nature.

59. Rather than reforming society, many people started their own, such as the Mormons, the Shakers, and the Oneidas.

60. Abolitionists oppose slavery based on moral reasons. They demand immediate abolition of slavery, no colonization, and immediate right-giving to the freedmen. Garrison founded the Anti-Slavery Society, and was very negative and quarrelsome.

61. Seneca Falls was a convention for women's rights. Organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott in 1848, it was unsuccessful.

62. In 1808, the U.S. stopped the import of slaves. Slave owners in the west and south made money from cotton, and slave owners at the coast bred slaves. Called the Inland System.

63. Slavery allowed uneducated whites to live well, at the expense of the genetically inferior slaves.

65. Slaves resisted passively (breaking tools, doing minimum work, acting dumb, etc.) and actively (through unsuccessful revolts).

66. Free blacks in the North weren't full citizens, and free blacks in the South could be re-enslaved and had to live in southern cities.

76. Reconstructors face the South, which has many freedmen becoming "almost slaves." Lincoln argued about the fate of the South when he was assassinated, and the new President wasn't helping.

77. After reconstruction, freedmen have no place to go except sharecropping. Comfort for this is found in the Black family, church, and education. Later, they become victims of political intimidation (KKK preventing black voting) and economic intimidation (sharecropping land owner can kick a voting freedman off their land). Only protection comes from the army.

78. Black codes force freedmen to go into an "almost slave" state, which involves things like share cropping.

79. Female abolitionists break off, because they believe that blacks and women should get the right to vote. Frederick Douglas argues that the focus should be on blacks, which is what happens.

80. Reconstruction ended because the North was tired of resistance from ex-Confederates. Also, the Republicans (concentrated in the North) could have the election of they ended Reconstruction.
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