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Your confidence with fake id?

The single most important factor to accompany your fake id is your confidence. The first few times you show your fake you may be nervous, then just like showing your real id it will become routine.

It should go without saying, but memorize the information on your fake. The license number, if you get a fake from the same state as your current license, should not be the same license number. Unless your state uses a random system to assign your license number, and does not use the codex system, or similar, in which they use your name and or date of birth to create your license number.

As recommended on the Guide To Buying Fake ID page know the area, if you are using an out of state fake and never resided near the address on your fake, take the time to Google the area to know the schools you would have attended and a few local places you would have frequented like a mall or big attraction, such as a stadium, amusement park, etc. It would ring alarm bells if your license was from the state of California, with an address in Anaheim, and you did not know that is home to Disneyland. Bartenders and waitresses survive on tips, so if they have something in common with a patron, such as sharing a location they think you both have resided in, that is their "in" to make small talk and hopefully increase their tip.

Knowing the basics about the area your license shows you are from is important, and you can now see why you should know them.

Bouncer fun facts to give you comfort and know what you are up against:

Most bouncers are not well educated or would not be working the door for low level pay. To think they have memorized every state license security details is laughable. It is reasonable to assume they might not even know all the security features for the state license they are currently in. Most bouncers receive little to no training on detecting a fake id. They are provided, at best, a scanner or black light when hired, and off they go.
Happy drinking with id
Too much drinking on fake id
Mel drunk and too old to need fake id
No id card needed just rehab

Be cool with that fake id?

Remember you are using a fake id, the LAST thing you want is to find yourself in a situation where the police are summoned. While possession of a fake id is illegal, most of the time, if caught, the punishment is from nothing to a warning or minimal fine.

When you are using a low quality fake you run the chance of being caught. Most of the time a bar will confiscate the fake or just refuse service and not involve the police. It is worth noting many police departments now have a policy to not even charge those who are caught using a fake due to the overwhelming illegal immigration population all using fakes it would flood the court system.

Worst thing you can do is get yourself into a situation where the police are called while in a establishment under the use of your fake id card. For instance, when the situation is bad enough that it results in a criminal charge against you for assault in a bar fight. Without a doubt, if the police find your fake id card when they arrive, you will be charged for that too. Let us hope you never allow yourself to end up in a problem like this, but if you do, ditch the fake. When you know the police are coming for you, any chance you get, throw away your id card. Police will ask for your identification when they arrive. Say you lost it. When the police find out you are under 21, they will ask how you got in the bar, just say you showed your id and they let you in. Police know you are lying, but they cannot prove it as long as you do not admit guilt. No proof = no crime. Deny, deny, deny.

Just play it safe and have a good time, do not let the alcohol or some drunk fool get you into a problem. You will then enjoy many nights out with your fake id!
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