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With reference to the email sent on the 5/12/2016 see response details below:

1. First and foremost to make emphasis on the practice, opening remarks as a previous clinical coordinator, if a nurse is presented to me disgruntled from the onset one would asked for that nurse to be replaced effectively and not try to nick pick at the end of her working time.

2. With regards to the baby immunisation clinic this was discussed with a member of staff hence one was directed to the appropriate person in charge. As a result one’s concerns were made known to the individual. In response the member of staff that said it would be ratified for the following week. However, the practice has some teeing issues at the moment, that was another time for this discussion.
The clinic was fully booked which would not allow for any adjustment with appointment times. As a results the HCA was sent to one’s room to input the notes. One was taken back with the approach the surgery had in relation to record keeping and accountability. These records needed to be signed by the responsible clinician whom in turn administered the vaccines. Nevertheless, in no uncertain terms have one used the terminology and the practice would be in trouble with the NMC. One communicated that one would not be accountable to the MDU. However, one is accountable to the NMC.

3. As a Specialist Practitioner one’s training was accentuated deeply around record keeping in respect to one’s accountability. The Assistance Manager made it clear the MDU approved in regards to the HCA to do the written/ signing on one’s behalf. As a result contact was made to NMC to ensure this was in line with one’s record keeping code of practice.
It was clearly articulated that the accountability was solely one’s own responsibility. For example, if the HCA had a patient who needs wound care and came for advice re-the appropriate treatment/dressing. This would be appropriate for the HCA to input the information as he or she completed this task; subsequently the nurse seen at the notes.

4. To give some clarity on the sharps bin. It would appear that the sharp bins had been used by more than one member of staff, in one’s opinion for that reason it could be said it would be appropriate to have been replaced prior to any new clinician initial arrival. In one’s experience the bins were ready to be disposed of prior to one’s presence. Finally, from a Specialist Clinical background the nurses’ room was not fit for that purpose while one was on duty. Reason for one’s concerns as baby clinic is taken place hence the discussion. From the initially onset the room had offensive smell, the yellow bin was overflowing. Infected leg ulcers dressings were left in the bin from the weekend until the following week Wednesday on arrival. When one’s concerns was expressed it was said the yellow bins was only removed once per week hence the reason for the window to be left opened and the air freshener used to ensure the smell would be bearable. One has worked nationally covering both the provide sector and public sector such as the Military Defence Unit, the Police Academy training centre and more but have never had to deal with such offensive and inappropriate smell whilst on duty. While the practice appreciate feedback both ways, in retrospect and on reflection it could be said this is a flaw as it would seem clinicians who express their opinions from conversing with other members of the team, the practice do not appreciate this. In conclusion it would appear the practice would rather have a treatment room nurse, one that do not have a voice. In one’s opinion looking at the ramification of the email sent by the practice it could be accentuated that the practice has an intention to tarnish one’s character resulting to ruin one’s reputation. From this perspective and discussion with the NMC one is encourage to sort legal advice. As a result a copy of this response will be sent to one’s legal team.

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