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Muriel Waukazoo
December 7, 2012
Rough Draft
Rodney King and the LA Riots
The Rodney King beating changed America for the good because it made King a symbol of police brutality and exposed the racism of the LA police department. On the night of March 3, 1991 Rodney King a black man, made a frightful decision to make a run from the LA police department. Rodney King was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. When the police got Rodney King to a stop, the four White Police Officers then proceeded to beat him. Without the evidence of a video, that was recorded by man living in the apartments near the incident of the beating the world may have never known what really happen that night.
The Los Angeles Police Department has a history of brutally and misconduct that goes back to the 1980s. The black community that is supposed to be protected by the Los Angeles Police Department had filed many complaints about the police officers. The number of verdicts and settlements against the LAPD has risen over time. There are many cases that show the type of excessive use of force that is used. One of the officers charged in the beating of Rodney King, Theodore J. Briseno was suspended for 66 days in 1987 after beating a man whom was handcuffed.
The Rodney King case wasn’t the only case that cause problems for the black community throughout Los Angeles, the Dalton Avenue case in 1988 was another. Two black families’ homes were invaded by the Los Angeles Police Department, because they had got a tip that both houses were “crack houses”. The police officers that were a part of the invasion were told to use full force. They cause much damage to both families homes. Toilets, walls, and clothing were some of the items that were damaged. The officers then wrote on the walls of the houses “LAPD Rules” then beat the residents of the homes and arrested them. There were a total of 77 officers, and only 4 had been charged in the case.
Another case of brutality in Los Angeles took place in 1984 when a black woman did not want to allow a utility man to cut service to her home. The police were then called to the black women’s home. She walked out of her house holding in her hand a two-inch blade when police fired killing her. In 1987 an elderly white man named Stuart Vigil, was arrested for being high on drugs. Stuart Vigil gave the police officers trouble, in which 14 officers Taser him and kicked him in the head. The arrest was recorded on video but was not seen by much of the public.
During the early 1980s, immigrants soon began to move to Los Angeles and the crack Epidemic had an effect on the area. The Crack Epidemic started in Los Angeles, and spread throughout the entire country. The number of police increased during the Crack Epidemic and worked harder to suppress anyone connected to the dealing of crack, they became more strict and violent. The crime rates and drug rates shot up in the 1980s and early 1990s. The public became scared of the Los Angeles Police Department, fearing their safety.
The Date was March 3, 1991; Rodney King and two friends, Bryant Allen and Freddie Helms were driving fast down the freeway near San Fernando. Rodney King was an unemployed construction worker at the time and had two children. Rodney King has a history of crime. Rodney King had been charged with second-degree robbery months earlier and was still on probation. Rodney king and his two friends were coming back from a friend’s house. All three men were drinking, but did not drink that much, very close to the legal limit.
As Rodney King was speeding down the freeway, the Los Angeles Police Department and Highway Patrol had got a tip from a wife and husband who both work for highway patrol that a white car was speeding fast. The Los Angeles Police Department and highway patrol were soon behind King; a helicopter was called and was following the car. Rodney King came to a stop and parked not far from a complex of apartments, thinking if anything happened he would hope someone would see. Rodney King described the use of the language the police officers were using as being racist. The police officers order all three men to get out of the car.
All the officers that were there on the scene were white, the force at time was 14 percent black. Bryant Allen and Freddie Helms were the first to get out of the car. Rodney King said he has exited the car and turned his black from the police officers, and put his hand on the car. Rodney king was then told to lie down on the ground by the police officers. Rodney King got on his knees and laid face down on his stomach. Four officers surrounded Rodney King had he lay down on the ground. It was not sure what had happen next, according to one of the police officers Richard Tarkington, said Rodney King tried to stand and make a run. Richard Tarkington also said it looked as if Rodney King was pulling some type of weapon out of his pocket.
Rodney King said that after he had lay down on the ground he felt some type of electrical shock and was confused. “After they shocked me the first time, they paused for a minute and then they struck me across the face real hard with a Billy club,” Rodney King also said. “I was lying face down with my hands tied, and they shocked me again on the other side of my shoulder.” Little did the police officers a white man names George Holliday was recorded from his balcony. George Holliday was a manager for a plumbing supply business.
George Holliday had got a new Sony video camera and had it in hand and started recording a minute or two after Rodney King had exited his car. The beginning of the video starts with Rodney King lying face down on the ground and shows Rodney king spinning to his right and trying to take a step or two. Rodney King was not handcuffed at the time. Soon after the quick movement Rodney King made, the beating had begun. The video was seen by the jury, unedited and was about seven minutes long. The beating had lasted about two minutes. The video becomes blurry at times, but refocuses.
The video taken by George Holliday played a huge part in the court case. Rodney King filed a suit against the Los Angeles Police Department.
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