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Valid IP No Browse
1. Check ONS for Outages
2. Check the Uptime of the modem
3. Probe if customer is on a Digital phone (TWC phone or might be a third party phone connected to our modem, ex. Vonage)

a. If customer is on a digital phone, this would be the last step after doing the basic steps, reboot the modem (router if any) and educate customer
to call back if issue persists.

4. Check is customer has a router connected>Reboot the all devices (Sequence powercycle)
5. Check the status of the connection (LAN/WLAN)
6. Bypass all third party equipment (router, switch, hub)
7. Check the IP address (ipconfig/all, or LAN Status, )
8. Check TCP/IP, make sure IP address and DNS are set to automatic
9. Disable Firewall
10. Ping URL and IP
a. Scenario 1: If getting 100% packet loss for both, perform ipconfig/release and renew first (This is to renew the stale IP with an expired DHCP lease time)
before calling MOD for DHCP escalation

b. Scenario 2: If getting 0% packet loss for both, check for proxy settings,

Perform WINSOCK Vault Art # 349, SUPPORTED BY ART# 305- Customer obtains a valid IP address and can ping by both IP and URL but cannot surf.
Refer to OEM if no go.

c. Scenario 3: If can ping IP but not URL and cannot browse both perform WINSOCK (Vault Art #349), SUPPORTED BY ART# 305
Refer to OEM if no go.

d. Scenario 4: If can ping by IP not with URL and can browse by IP:
a. Flush/Register DNS
b. Reboot PC
c. If no go make sure to Get the Primary and Secondary DNS
d. Call MOD for T3 DNS Escalation

Unable to browse single website / all sites

·         Uptime on Modem (Should be less than 1 hour)

Required Agent Documentation:
• URL of the site that isn’t working
• Ping results of the site (IP and URL)
• Able/unable to browse via IP?
• 3rd party router bypassed?
• Secured site checked?
• Check if customer can access the site on a wired connection
• Primary and secondary DNS servers (from the customer’s computer)
• Flush and register dns

If customer is able to PING for the URL ‘alone’, we refer to OEM for computer or browser issue.
If customer is able to PING IP ‘alone’, and not able to BROWSE by IP, this is considered as a WINSOCK issue, refer to vault article number 349 for winsock TS.

Valid IP DHCP issue

Unified/AAD Diagnostic info:
·         Uptime on Modem (Should be less than 1 hour)
·         CPE bridged? (CPE should be bridged except for DOCSIS 3 modems)

Required Agent Documentation:
·         Power Cycled Devices (modem, router)
·         Modem Standby feature Off? (for modems with standby-DCM425, etc)
·         Hits Results
·         ASV
·         Router? (3rd party Bypassed?)
·         IP address (obtained through IPCONFIG)
·         Ping IP and URL (explanation below)
·         TCP/IP configuration set to automatic
·         Firewall? (Disabled?)
·         Rebooted PC
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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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