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Nowadays, societies are concern on quality of life which is the standard of health, comfort and hapinness experienced by an individual or group. The quality of life, it can be mentioned that it is a mirror of good welfare. In order to provide good welfare, it can be only possible with compose perfect synthesis of educational, economic, individual and social sanctions.
The relative quality of life in Turkey and Cuba, can be evaluated in terms of health and education which are directly affected by different economic modals .

Firstly, both of countries have been using antithetic economic models. It is clear that most of differences stems for economic mentality. The daily life of societies are affected directly because of economic implements. In Turkey which is the capitalist country has been suffering general capitalist problems, such as unbalanced distrubation of income, poverty, expensive health service and education which do not give any chance to poor individuals. On the other hand, in Cuba, which is ruled by communist government, has decent and equalitarian free education system, totally free health services which increase quality of life.

From the perspective of health sector, it can be easy argued Cuba has advanced their medical researches and implemantations in international area.The first decent cure for cancer has invited by doctors of Cuba. Additionaly, the all medical sevices are totally free for citizens of Cuba. Beside the low salaries for doctors, poor facilities, poor provision of equipment, and the frequent absence of essential drugs. Cuba has the highest doctor-to-population ratio in the world and has sent thousands of doctors to more than 40 countries around the world. On the other hand, due to the capitalism, health sector can be defined as a huge market. So, beside the supports of Turkish government, Turkey has been suffering significant problems in health sector. The state hospitals are not adequete opportunuties and doctors do not persist any patient. By the way, private hospitals provide better ways with high costs. In result, Cuba has a higher rank in healthcare than Turkey. For example, life expactency in Cuba 78 years, while it is 74 years in Turkey. It is obvious that providing better healthcare services is one of the fundamentel indicator in order to provide high quality of life.
When it comes to education, 8 years of education is mandatorial and free for all citizens in Turkey. Turkey’s literacy rate is 95%. Additionaly, the government encoureges families to send their child private schools. Nevertheless, the private sector mostly gives non-seculer education. Turkey’s education system based on compatation like Indian’s. Thus, all private participants of this area, trying to promote their students. It can be clear that, some organisations had stole the questions, gave high marks their students. Nevertheless, it is obvious that, private sector gives better opportunuties to students. Hence, education system based on memorisation, not using knowledge or reaching knowledge. Students have to learn tons of lessons even if they do not need them. On the other hand in Cuba, education is totally free for all citizens. Cuba's literacy rate of 99.8 percent is the tenth-highest globally, due largely to the provision of free education at every level. Cuba's high school graduation rate is 94 percent. Moreover, government of Cuba gives significant opportunuties in terms of education. Cuba’s education based on critical-thinking, research, advancement and to have commitment to the goals of Cuba. Education is most important issue in order to sustain and provide life quality. Education shapes societies mind, directly affects economy and daily life.

All thinks considered at one point, Cuba and Turkey have different life quality and welfare. The main diversity beetwen Cuba and Turkey, stems from economic models. The capitalism is based on competation, while communism is based on cooperation and collectiveness. This difference cause different insights in education and healthcare, which affects quality of life directly.
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