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Madman: I don't feel comfortable anymore
Slocknog: you're never going to feel comfortable
Slocknog: dont get used to comfort
Slocknog: the only time you should feel comfortable is when you are sleeping in your bed
Slocknog: comfort stops progress
Slocknog: comfort makes you feel nice and safe while it hollows you out from the inside
Slocknog: when you remove me and astrid
Slocknog: what are you going to do
Slocknog: go to work
Slocknog: play with your normal friends
Slocknog: beat 800 mmr people
Slocknog: and
Slocknog: and you are going to
Slocknog: go to work
Slocknog: and you are going to go to work
Slocknog: and you're probably going to talk with people way less
Slocknog: i dont know most of your friends
Slocknog: but i really doubt anymore would talk with you about your crush and skip sleeping when he was an exam week
Slocknog: nor anyone would cry for your sake
Slocknog: for someone he never even saw in real life
Slocknog: you can just keep removing people from your life
Slocknog: just because it makes you uncomfortable
Slocknog: and eventually you wont even know who you are
Slocknog: what is the point of doing anything if you comfortable?
Slocknog: people who put you out of your comfort zone
Slocknog: who challenge your ideas
Slocknog: who trigger you
Madman: the problem isn't you it's the things you say
Slocknog: are people who change you
Slocknog: and if you dont change
Slocknog: you fall behind
Slocknog: and you become
Slocknog: a
Slocknog: dead
Slocknog: shell
Slocknog: you will become one of those americans who just go to work, come back from home, talk like a robot with his regular normal friends
Slocknog: then repeat
Slocknog: comeb ack from home
Slocknog: lmfao
Madman: that's the thing, I want to just be normal
Madman: I don't want to risk anything, I just want to be happy
Slocknog: theres just one thing i can tell you at this point
Slocknog: its 5 very important words
Slocknog: good luck with that LMFAO
Slocknog: I want to just be normal
Slocknog: I don't want to risk anything
Slocknog: I just want to be happy
Slocknog: week 1 "yeah work isnt that boring im getting money and i play hearthstone"
Slocknog: week 2 someone at work will give you trouble, you will have to make decisions
Slocknog: week 3 you will give up work because its too stressfull to confront people and you arent comfortable with the way people act
Slocknog: and you will give up everything
Slocknog: until you have nothing left
Slocknog: but sitting at home
Slocknog: playing games
Slocknog: and then you will realize
Slocknog: its not games that is enjoyable
Slocknog: its people
Slocknog: people make up life
Slocknog: and theres no point of free itme
Slocknog: if you dont have responsibilites
Slocknog: how can good exist if bad doesnt?
Slocknog: you will be so fucking normal you wont even realize how fast your days will pass
Slocknog: just sitting on your ass
Slocknog: and maybe one day
Slocknog: you will realize
Slocknog: it aint about how hard ya hit
Slocknog: its about how hard you can GET hit
Slocknog: and keep moving forward
Madman: stop
Slocknog: and that you should buy your butterfly now
Slocknog: and dodge like
Slocknog: 30 fucking attacks in a row
Slocknog: fucking lucky piece of shit
Madman: it's just you guys are so careless on the way you talk
Slocknog: can you elaborate
Slocknog: because i legit dont understand
Slocknog: i dont want to seem like im saying "you're the problem"
Slocknog: but you might have a case of taking words too seriously
Madman: I don't care what you're into but you guys keep telling me
Slocknog: ok? then say that you dont care
Slocknog: things like that are usually done for the reaction
Slocknog: and/or to get someone's attention from sheer shock
Slocknog: if i say "i like dicks"
Slocknog: im not trying to transmit the information that i like dicks
Slocknog: im just saying i like dicks wondering what you will say back
Madman: like that shad link, loli is fucking gross
Slocknog: lmao
Slocknog: ok
Slocknog: i can understand
Slocknog: but that was a great meme
Slocknog: was it the
Slocknog: number one
Slocknog: post
Madman: I don't like it and it's wrong
Slocknog: Madman: I don't like it
Slocknog: you have the right to not like something and that is perfectly alright
Slocknog: and it's wrong
Slocknog: is it wrong because you dont like it?
Madman: isn't it illegal too?
Slocknog: nope
Slocknog: shadman posts that shit on twitter
Slocknog: do you really think
Slocknog: if loli nsfw art
Slocknog: was illegal
Slocknog: he would do something like that
Madman: this is the shit that's causing it
Slocknog: child porn to put it bluntly is wrong because children cant decide for themselves, can be easily manupilated, easily get mentally scarred and are in general not developed enough to understand and give consent to sexual activities
Slocknog: theres nothing wrong about drawing porn with a child character
Slocknog: the entire point of child porn is that it hurts an individual
Slocknog: you can dislike it
Slocknog: thats completely fine
Slocknog: but its not "wrong"
Madman: yeah, it is wrong
Slocknog: just because you dislike it
Slocknog: see
Slocknog: thats where YOU are wrong
Slocknog: and its not because i dislike you
Slocknog: i like you
Slocknog: and thats why
Slocknog: you need to know that
Slocknog: your train of thought is wrong
Slocknog: and thats going to get you hurt
Slocknog: both emotionally and perhaps physically against the wrong people
Slocknog: disliking something is opinion
Slocknog: saying its wrong implies a fact
Slocknog: "apples taste good"
Slocknog: "apples have spikes"
Slocknog: do you see the difference here?
Slocknog: "pears taste disgusting"
Slocknog: "pears are terrible and no one should eat them"
Slocknog: of course when you see someone saying things like phrase two
Slocknog: its usually someone exaggerating
Slocknog: or just being salty
Slocknog: but when you
Slocknog: in your head
Slocknog: legitimately think
Slocknog: anyone who doesnt share you opinions
Slocknog: is wrong
Slocknog: you start becoming
Slocknog: well
Slocknog: a piece of shit
Slocknog: to put it accurately
Slocknog: theres a difference between "your speech is uncomfortable for me"
Slocknog: and "you are wrong. you shouldnt do that. thats not right."
Slocknog: brb piss real quick
Madman: I suppose you're right, but then why don't almost any place allow it?
Madman: go look at the rule34 subreddit rules
Slocknog: why does isis kill everyone? why do people in charge make things that hurt others? why are people dumb?
Slocknog: because there are opinions
Slocknog: some people
Slocknog: like you
Slocknog: believe loli is wrong and no one should view or make that sort of thing
Slocknog: and since they think
Slocknog: its wrong
Slocknog: even though it has no harm on anyone
Slocknog: they rule it out
Slocknog: if anything
Madman: go Che
Madman: ck
Madman: what I said
Slocknog: fucking loli porn prevents pedophiles from acting on their uges
Slocknog: urges
Slocknog: since its a source that may or may not satisfy them
Slocknog: and it doesnt hurt anyone in the making
Slocknog: unlike legitimate child porn
Slocknog: no one looks at loli porn and goes "im going to rape a child"
Slocknog: because no one is that fucking stupid
Slocknog: but stupid people always think there must be people that stupid
Slocknog: because if there arent, they wouldnt be smart
Slocknog: cant be smart if no one is dumber than you, right?
Madman: I don't even feel right talking about it now
Slocknog: when you
Slocknog: rule out people
Slocknog: who like something harmless
Slocknog: as wrong
Slocknog: and put yourself above them
Slocknog: you fall into the same box with the people i just desribed
Slocknog: the lowest of scum who believe they are the opposite
Madman: I'm still not changing my opinion
Slocknog: i dont want or expect you to suddenly go "i like loli porn now"
Slocknog: but you cant just say ITS WRONG. YOU ARE WRONG. YOU ARE NOT RIGHT. just because of something so absurdly miniscule
Slocknog: someone
Slocknog: drew something
Slocknog: and you are getting triggered
Slocknog: just
Slocknog: look at it
Slocknog: in that perspective
Slocknog: its a bunch of fucking lines
Slocknog: you know whats a really
Slocknog: really
Slocknog: good habit
Slocknog: for literally everything
Slocknog: finding humour
Slocknog: in anything
Slocknog: we all live shitty lives, no ones in a palace with 0 problems
Slocknog: if you cant laugh at shit you dont like, if you cant laugh at things that are just stupid
Slocknog: you will just
Slocknog: go insane
Slocknog: like
Slocknog: thats it
Slocknog: you will go fucking insane
Slocknog: you will lose your logic
Slocknog: same thing with music
Slocknog: and art
Slocknog: its not a workaround when people add things like
Slocknog: chess sets in games
Slocknog: to keep sanity levels high
Slocknog: its kinda absurd for someone to believe they are going to have problems just because they dont laugh and its just stupid
Slocknog: and that they can steel through it all like a cool badass
Slocknog: well no one fucking can
Slocknog: can you imagine
Slocknog: a world
Slocknog: theres no music
Slocknog: theres no art or design, nothing that looks "cool"
Slocknog: there are no games, no sport
Madman: you can't expect me to be okay with something when it specifically says it's illegal ( see rule34 subreddit rules)
Slocknog: i thought
Slocknog: i was really good at getting my point across
Slocknog: but im really doubting myself right now
Slocknog: im going to
Slocknog: trick a bunch of people
Slocknog: manipulate a bunch more
Slocknog: have power from my contacts and money
Slocknog: then i will write a rule saying "anyone named frank leschner should kill themselves with fire"
Slocknog: and you will be completely fine with that because rules mean everything
Slocknog: do you understand the purpose of rules?
Slocknog: and why they exist?
Slocknog: and do you understand that rules arent some godsent facts that are always right to follow?
Slocknog: by that logic you should have been burned alive for looking at porn period
Slocknog: and you also broke a shitton of bible books
Slocknog: and since you're christian you are going to burn a lot
Madman: is what I said correct?
Slocknog: no
Slocknog: i can expect you to be
Slocknog: okay with anything
Slocknog: because you are not
Slocknog: limited
Slocknog: by man-made rules
Slocknog: you are a person
Slocknog: with his own ideals
Slocknog: with his own life
Slocknog: and you can decide what you like AND YOU CAN GIVE YOUR OWN REASON FOR THAT
Slocknog: not "rules said so."
Madman: I don't give a shit about that I care about if I was right
Slocknog: about this?
Slocknog: Madman: you can't expect me to be okay with something when it specifically says it's illegal ( see rule34 subreddit rules)
Slocknog: i just said that you arent
Madman: does it say what I thought it said
Slocknog: it does say that in the rules, why?
Slocknog: you do know that a woman not covering herself is illegal somewhere else in the world, if you were born there would you be okay with women being opressed? or why dont you just follow every rule and not only the american ones? are you just living to fulfill other peoples expectations?
Slocknog: you are a person
Slocknog: not a tool
Slocknog: not a pawn
Slocknog: not avote
Slocknog: a vote
Slocknog: you are yourself
Slocknog: and you live for your own
Slocknog: if you dont like loli porn
Slocknog: alright
Slocknog: you dont need
Slocknog: rule34 subreddit
Slocknog: to make you feel right
Slocknog: i just heard today
Slocknog: that some muslims said
Slocknog: stephen hawking accepted allah
Slocknog: even though no such thing happened
Slocknog: just to make themselves feel better about their choice
Slocknog: dont go around collecting examples just to make yourself feel better about your choices
Slocknog: live for yourself
Madman: I'd rather follow the rules
Madman: all you're doing is trying to get me to break rules and i don't wanna
Slocknog: how exactly?
Slocknog: i told you that you can dislike loli
Slocknog: i did not tell you that you should break the rules
Slocknog: i told you that rules are not a way of shaping your ideas
Slocknog: have your own reasons for disliking something
Madman: I do, it's gross
Slocknog: im telling oyu that rules arent guidelines to a perfect life
Slocknog: forget about loli
Slocknog: its about
Slocknog: rules rightn ow
Slocknog: rules are there
Slocknog: to prevent
Slocknog: fucking retards
Slocknog: from hurting others
Slocknog: there is absolutely nothing you cant do
Slocknog: as long as you arent hurting someone else
Slocknog: ethically such action is completely fine
Madman: it's a way to not have your life ruined
Slocknog: did something happen recently
Slocknog: where you got into trouble
Slocknog: because of a rule
Slocknog: and now you are being extra wierd about it?
Slocknog: since you arent this simpleminded
Madman: not exactly
Slocknog: not exactly means there is something
Slocknog: what is it
Madman: account disable, pirating fo4 then buying it afterwards cuz of a notice
Madman: that's it
Madman: but I learned from my mistakes and am not going to make any more
Slocknog: do you just give up your freedom just because some cunt told you to buy a game?
Slocknog: this entire way of thought is a mistake
Madman: well I think it's quite nice
Slocknog: yeah
Slocknog: remove me and astrid first
Slocknog: and thne stop everything
Slocknog: one by one
Slocknog: until you are a perfect citizen
Slocknog: then what?
Slocknog: then you become happy
Slocknog: because you are safe, you are right and no one can hurt you because you always do the right thing
Slocknog: you will live a happy life, have a family and an income enough to support your family and afford a couple fluff here and there
Slocknog: and you will die happy in your bed with your family surrounding you
Slocknog: you will go to church every sunday
Slocknog: your son will grow up to never question anything
Slocknog: his friends will make fun of him for being gone on sundays
Madman: ok just stop
Slocknog: you will make your son into a perfect little kid that does nothing wrong and helps around the house
Slocknog: maybe you'll even move to texas and name your kid richard
Madman: I'm done arguing over nothing
Slocknog: and then you'll become a fucking nothing
Slocknog: and start a chain that ruins many lives
Slocknog: as your child repeats your same mistakes
Slocknog: living life like a bunch of checkboxes to tick
Madman: goodbye
Slocknog: goodbye
Slocknog: you'll regret it
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