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One would think that it would really warm your heart-if sincere - to hear what ideal and self-image Muslims pursue. The insistence on the alleged backwardness of the Muslims seems to serve rather to increase one's self-esteem, rather than to improve the world.

How is it wrong to mention Martin Luther, the anti-Semite, and anti-revolutionist, who even took over many of the dogmas of the Catholic Church?

And indeed, your commentary does not dispense with a certain absurdity, given that the Renaissance and the early form of the European Enlightenment were inspired by Islamic philosophy and the Islamic educational institutions in Europe.

But one should perhaps recall how the Enlightenment began and resulted in the separation of state and church. The dictates of the Church on politics and society, to enforce church interests, to extort government, to suppress criticism and free thought, and even more, the belief in a natural order in which everyone is born into his role and state, which he neither changes Can still be. In the course of the Enlightenment, human rights were defined, which should be given to every human equally- no matter if
Poor or rich. The religious freedom to be able to believe what you want without having to be afraid to land on the next pyre or in the next gas chamber is one of these rights. With all this, it was by no means to ban religion into private life, but to protect other thinkers.

Muslims do not want to change the Basic Law, but rather accept the Basic Law with all its rights and obligations. It is only unpleasant that we also want to demand our rights to freedom of religion. On the other hand, it is a Dejavu to the western colonial policy.

The colonizers saw the natural superiority of the European population
Order. France saw themself called upon to spread the values ​​(equality and liberty) of the French Revolution and the associated rights into the world. This, however, implied that only the one who received the rights was equal. "To be equal, had to be "human", to be human, you had to be french. "
The actual colonial reality was in sharp contradiction to the French ideal of equality. The reason, however, was not seen in the failure of colonial policy, but in the nature of the (immature and incapable) Colonized population.

And it is precisely this attitude that dominates not only the image of the Islam debates, but also in our comments exchange. It is said a wise man once stated"yesterday I was young and wanted to change the world, today I am wise and want to change myself".
And yes, I would like to suggest you to reflect and capture yourself, and not to conclude on the basis of Facebook observations of Muslim teenagers the entire Muslim population.
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