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Aiden started to see green when he turned eighteen. It was later than most of his friends, who had started to see their first color when they were 14-16. He doesn't know what it means exactly, but he knows that it's an important milestone in his society. All he knows is that his parents and older sister have the capacity to see all of the colors. Then he starts to see blue. What does this mean? He can't think of a single reason, but together, he and his best friend, Marissa, brainstorm to their heart's content to figure it out. Suddenly, more and more colors start rushing into Aiden's sight, and Marissa confesses the same thing. Her first color was brown, the same shade of brown as Aiden's eyes. At the end, after looking into Marissa's eyes, Aiden realizes what it all means. The green he was seeing wasn't some random shade. It was the color of Marissa's eyes. And the blue? They were the jets of cerulean that shot through her irises.

"I know what it all means." I stared into her deep emerald pools, and took in the look of confusion on her face. "What, Aiden? What does it mean?"
I smiled gently, and kissed her lips, my chapped ones colliding with her smooth ones. "It means I found you. It means I found love."
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