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Plants Versus Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Big Beach Bash Update (Summer Update)

New Features/Goals:

4 new maps-2 TV,GB,SB,etc. the other 2 are Turf Takeover
1 new character for each class( exception is goat and torchwood)-2 new legendaries
1 new ability for each class( 3 for imps technically)


Team Vanquish,Gnome Bomb, Suburbination,etc.

Debilitated Port: Port Scallywag remake where the buildings are decaying, landscape is eroding, an the ship in middle has broken down.

Big Bad Beachfront: As the name implies it is a big beach. On one side is land where you can battle on the shore and the other with a tropical jungle

Herbal Assault:

Technological Shores: Like a reverse driftwood shores so instead of starting at zomboss mountain you start at the mega flower and you go through the cannon to get to the first base. The end game is on the first base in the first game and the zombies must use their last weapon to protect the solar polar from returning to the mega flower so they must take the battery from the plants and the plants must retrieve the battery and take it to the old first base area where crazy dave can use his "magic" to return the battery to the mega flower.

1st base: Mega Flower Outskirts - The remains of the area around the mega flower, the base is where the zombies would land in the first game from the cannons.

2nd Base: Dead Beard Port-The last non-tech base in this map it was pirate ship garden but y'know the zombies kinda took over so it's not a garden anymore, the base is on one of the ships.

3rd Base: Science Castle- The plants continue to move up from dead beard port the castle has been totally reworked and supports 2 big rocket bots at the entrance(exit in first game) the base is in the same spot as before in the first game.

4th Base: Docks- The docks have become a civilization of the zombies nothing to much changed just the environment and a couple new ways around the map like aqua center.

5th Base: Marina Defense- The zombies have been prepared for this sort of thing and they must protect the solar battery from returning to the mega flower so this area has more bot spawns and big rocket bots than usual the base is where the first base is in the first game.

End Game: Battery Battle(Tug of War)-Walking up and into the zomboss mountain the plants have magically hacked into zomboss mountain and have a teleporter to the mega flower and Zomboss has just finished the containment area somewhere deep in zomburbia but he needs the battery so the plants and zombies must play a game of tug of war between the battery(kinda like cactus canyon or seeds of time but between two teams) the team that gets the battery to their teleporter wins the game and it will go into a draw until then.

Gardens and Graveyards:

Volcano Isle: The zombies have recently discovered a rare toaster in the volcano isle and zomboss wants it to make a plethora of pop-smarts, but the plants have already occupied this island. The zombies must push the plants off the island and recover the rare toaster.

1st Base: Lighthouse-The zombie are emerging from the water and are on the shoreline. They must capture the nearby lighthouse to continue on their journey to the rare toaster.

2nd Base: Jungle Hideout-The zombies advance to the jungle and there is branching paths to get to the hideout/playground/base. They must capture this base to obtain the rare toaster.

3rd Base: The Temple of Sun: Once the zombies capture the hideout they will go over many bridges and branches to get to the temple of sun. The temple has traps kinda like the 3rd base in seeds of time. These traps include fire, rolling stones, arrow raid, ray beam, and moving walls to reveal hidden passageways or to crush you.

4th Base: Creepy Cove-After capturing the temple of sun, the zombies go through the back of the temple into the creepy cove. The creepy cove is dark and it's hard to navigate to the base.

5th Base: Lava Mountainside- Once the zombies get out of the creepy cove they go to this very light and hot place. The landscape is vast and anybody can easily see the capture point, but getting there may be treacherous.

Final Base: The Volcano Core: Basically a remake of the Main Street end-game. The zombies climb the mountain to get to the volcano core but there will be banana launchers attacking(cob cannon replacement).
Once the zombies get in the core they must place 4 bombs to make the volcano erupt. This will burn all plant life and make the toaster burst out the mouth of the volcano.


Sunburn Citron:
Health: 200
Primary Weapon: Burn Beam
Ammo: No ammo
Overheat: 6->8
Speed: Average Citron Speed
Damage: 2-3 damage from afar, 5 point blank
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Zoom, Health Regeneration, Overheat Delay, Speed, Overheat, Fire, Health
Special:Fire Damage

Hula Rose:
Health: 100
Primary Weapon: Hula Thistles
Ammo: 25
Reload: 2 seconds-> 1.5 seconds
Speed: Average Rose Speed
Damage: 7
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Zoom, Health Regeneration, Speed, Ammo, Reload, Aura, Health
Special: Heals allies around it at a slow rate and regenerates faster than other roses. Range of the effect increases with the aura upgrade.
Rarity: Rare

Frozen Corn:
Health: 150
Primary Weapon: Frozen Cob Busters
Ammo: 30->35
Reload: 2 seconds->1.5 seconds
Speed: Average Corn Speed
Damage: 3 per body, 5 per critical
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Zoom, Health Regeneration, Speed, Ammo, Reload, Ice, Health
Special: Ice
Rarity: Super Rare

Coconut Pea:
Health: 125
Primary Weapon: Coconut Launcher
Ammo: 8->9
Reload: 2->1.5
Speed: Average Pea Speed
Damage: 10 splash, 30 direct
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Zoom, Health Regeneration, Speed, Ammo, Reload, Legendary Meter, Health
Special: Bigger Splash Damage, Like Berryshooter
Rarity: Legendary
Legendary Meter: When you get 6 kills( 5 kills with legendary upgrade) the Coconut Pea will get into his legendary mode. His legendary meter is called Coconut Craze and in it the splash damage it does increases in size and damage (up to 15 splash) and the regular damage goes up to 36. Unlike other legendary meter's though this one restores all of your health and makes you invulnerable for 2 seconds.

Shark Chomper:
Health: 175
Chomp: Shark Snapper
Digestion: Chomper
Speed: Average Chomper Speed
Damage: 1st charge is 25 ,2nd charge is 100, 3rd is 150.(28, 112, 168) The shock wave that forms when he bites does 30->36, final wave is 50->56
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Speed, Health Regeneration, Digestion, Speed, Digestion, Damage, Health
Special: It's a charge variant of the chomper class and when it does chomps it's 2nd or final charge it creates a shock wave that deals damage around itself.
Rarity: Super Rare

Frost Flower: Frost Flower has spent her entire life growing up in the frozen tundra. Since she is so used to being in the climate, any zombie who gets close may have an ICE surprise!
Health: 100
Primary: Frost Pulse
Ammo: 30 (35 with upgrade)
Reload: 2 seconds (1.5 with upgrade)
Speed: Average Sunflower Speed
Damage: 7-8 for body, 10-12 point blank
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Zoom, Health Regeneration, Speed, Ammo, Reload, Ice, Health
Special: Ice
Rarity: Legendary
Legendary Mode: Sub Zero While in Sub Zero, any zombie that goes near Frost Flower will get the freeze effect and start to move slower. However, this icy aura is like the same as getting hit once by any ice character. The legendary mode will last for 15 seconds. You need to vanquish 5 heroes/players or 10 AI zombies/bots to achieve the legendary mode. Vanquishing a zombie boss counts as 3 points towards the Sub Zero meter. Damage while in Sub Zero from Primary: 12-14 for body, 15 for critical, 16-17 point blank

Crabby Cactus:
Health: 125
Primary Weapon: Crabby Needle
Ammo: 25->30
Reload: 1.5->1.3 seconds
Speed: Average Cactus Speed
Damage: 18 per body, 27 per critical (20->29)
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Zoom, Health Regeneration, Speed, Ammo, Reload, Damage, Health
Special: Like the Moto-X-Star and Pre-Patch Roadie-Z
Rarity: Rare

Sand Imp:
Health: 75
Primary Weapon: Shovel Shooter
Ammo: 25->30
Reload: 2 seconds->1.5 seconds
Speed: Average Imp Speed
Damage: 8->9 per body shot, 10->12 per critical shot
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Speed, Health Regeneration, Zoom, Ammo, Reload, Damage, Health
Special: The sand imp has splash damage and when the ammo hits a target or wall it leaves sand plots that if plants step on they get slowed down.
Rarity: Super Rare
Mech: Sand Castle Mech
Health: 375
Mech Weapon: Super Sand Blaster
Mech Ammo: Infinite(Normal Overheat)
Speed: Less than drake mech
Damage: 10->12 per body, 12->14 per critical
LB: Sand Wave-Close range attack that does 50 all around the mech and has no knockback
RB: Compaction Guard- Similar to Torchwood's leaf shield but it doesn't move at all in this mode
Special: This mech is a tank, so it's extremely slow but can dish out tons of damage. The mech can shoot and move at the same time but at a slow pace. The mech doesn't get 400 HP like the drake mech because the drake mech can only use close-range attacks where as the Sand Mech has an equipped gatling gun on it's head

Blazin’ Brainz: Blazin’ Brainz heard that the strongest of heroes train by volcanoes. He soon found out the hard way that this tip was proven false, but he managed to get some cool fire powers instead out of it!
Health: 200
Punches: Flaming Fists
Beam: Blazing Beam
Time before Overheat: 6 seconds (8 seconds with upgrade)
Overheat Penalty: 3 seconds (2 seconds with upgrade)
Speed: Average Super Brainz speed
Punching Damage: 11 first punch, 25 second punch, 34 final punch (+1 with Fire Upgrade)
Beam Damage: 2-3 with beam from afar, 6 point blank (+1 with Fire Upgrade)
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Zoom, Health Regeneration, Speed, Overheat Delay, Overheat, Fire, Health
Special: Fire Damage
Rarity: Rare

Captain Curse: The Zombies have heard of Captain Curse, but none of them ever believed in his existence. Many years later, Captain Curse emerged from his sunken ship on the ocean. After finally figuring out how to read his map, he arrived in time for the battle for Zomburbia.
Health: 125
Scattershot: Cannon Blast
Scope Shot: Cursed Cannon
Ammo: 14 (2 consumed per Scattershot) (16 with upgrade)
Reload: 2 seconds (1.5 with upgrade)
Speed: Average Captain Deadbeard Speed
Damage: 25 per scope shot, 20 per scattercannon (+2 for Damage Upgrade)
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Zoom, Health Regeneration, Speed, Ammo, Reload, Damage, Health
Special: If a plant is hit by a charged shot from the Cursed Cannon (scope shot), the plant has their defense lowered (Counterpart to Nec’Rose) This does not last as long as Nec’Rose’s defense lowering ability due to long range. Charge time is 1.5 seconds.
Rarity: Super Rare

Thunder Soldier:
Health: 125
Primary Weapon: Thunder Blaster
Ammo: 25->30
Reload: 2 seconds->1.5 seconds
Speed: Average Foot Soldier Speed
Damage: 8 per body, 9 per critical, 7 per arc
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Zoom, Health Regeneration, Speed, Ammo, Reload, Legendary Meter, Health
Special: Power
Rarity: Legendary
Legendary Meter: This legendary meter is called thunder overdrive. To achieve this the player must deal 400 arc damage( 350 with upgrade). Once in this mode the player gains a speed boost and damage boost. (10 per body, 10 per arc, 13 per critical)

Health: 125
Primary Weapon: Film Launcher
Ammo: 10->12
Reload: 2 seconds-> 1.5 seconds
Speed: Average Engineer Speed
Damage: 15 direct
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Speed, Health Regeneration, Zoom, Ammo, Reload, Legendary Meter, Health
Special: Rapid Fire
Rarity: Legendary
Legendary Meter: This legendary mode is called Lights, Camera, Action. In this legendary mode the rapid fire and damage change depending on the scene. If the vanquish to achieve this mode was on an AI then you get a horror movie that slows down the rate of fire but increases the damage aand you gain splash damage(15 splash, 40 direct). If a player or champion, then you get a spy movie that raises the rate of fire and damage increase also(20 damage), If the a boss or a nemesis is vanquished, then you get a dinosaur movie that really increases the rate of fire and damage slightly. (18 damage)

Rocket Scientist:
Health: 100
Primary Weapon: Rocket Blast
Ammo: 8->9
Reload: 2 seconds-> 1.5 seconds
Speed: Average Scientist speed
Damage: 10->12,40->48,100->110.
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Zoom, Health Regeneration, Speed, Ammo, Reload, Damage, Health
Special: Charge and Splash Damage
Rarity: Rare

Surfin’ Star:
Health: 200
Primary Weapon: Board Launcher
Primary Weapon 2: Surf Striker
Ammo:Infinite for Board Launcher and 1 for Surf Striker
Overheat: 7->9
Reload: 1.5 seconds
Speed: Faster than all-star but slower than moto-x-star
Damage: Board Launcher-4,8,16,32,64,250...Surf Striker-35...Wave-25
Upgrades: Health Regeneration Delay, Zoom, Health Regeneration, Speed, Overheat Penalty Delay, Speed, Overheat, Health
Special: For the board launcher it's like breakfast brainz except that instead of increasing dps the dps actually lowers once it hits 16 and going to 32 and it's like tank commander for 64 and the final shot is 250 right before it overheats. The surf striker on the other hand is a knock back zoom in weapon. When a you hit a plant with this they take extreme knock back and any other plants that didn't get hit by the knock back will be hit with a tidal wave that emerges when the surf striker collides with a target.
Rarity: Rare

New Abilities:


Citron Bubble: Like the peel shield but a bubble that reduces damage that plants take if plants are inside of it. The bubble must be placed down where the citron is standing and is immobile.The bubble will start to decay the moment it is placed. The citron must stay inside the bubble or it will start to decay quicker. Zombies can't damage the bubble but they can vanquish the citron to take it down.( Reload: 40 seconds)


Infecti-Goat: Like goatify but much more precise and can only hit one target. However zombies that get near that goat will start turning into more infecti-goats. Infecti-goats are pinker than normal goats. Infecti-goat doesn't effect hover goat. (Reload 25 seconds)

Kernel Corn:

Husk Boom: Like a rocket jump for corn and like husk hop it deals damage too. Husk boom has 1 ammo that does 250 for a direct hit and 100 for splash.


Gas Bean Bomb: Like a chili bean bomb except instead of doing tons of damage it doesn't allow the zombies to self-reload or use their abilities for 5 seconds.


Magnifying Grass: Use any heal beam to charge this up. When a zombie gets near it shoots a shot that deals 50
damage. If fully charged up it uses a rainbow beam (plant food in pvz 2) that deals 10 damage per second. 20 second to fully charge, 7 for a normal shot.


Spikerock: A stronger spikeweed that deals 40 damage twice and it cannot be destroyed by being shot at however there is only 1 in the ability and 2 can be on the field at a time.


Beehive Drone: Rocket Drone for plants, but the Y ability is a single giant honeycomb bomb that slows the enemy team


Commando Mech (Normal Z-Mech): More Damage, Less Overheat. Missile Madness is now 3 ammo but deals huge damage and has huge splash.

Caution Mech (Pylon-Mech): More Speed, Less Damage. Mines have a huge explosion radius.

Sharktronic Mech (SHRimp-Mech): More Damage, has a single shot instead of a beam. The charge is now forward then up instead of up then forward.

Super Brainz:

Cape Flip: Shreds incoming projectiles and reflects beams

Captain Deadbeard:

Captain Parrot: Rocket Drone but the design is a parrot with a captain hat on (parrot looks older and wiser)

Foot Soldier:

Rocket Boost: Hot Rod Chomper...enough said


Explod-o-hammer: A jackhammer that will deal damage when ability runs out or player gets out of the mode. Jackhammer is lobbed in front of the player


Golden Heal Station: Chester Heal Station


Charge Tackle: A charge up tackle that deals 20->45->67->84->120

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