NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

<% @ Language=VBScript CODEPAGE=65001 %>
<% Option Explicit
'** Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Consona Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Dim P_StrCurrentPage: P_StrCurrentPage = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
dim authuser : authuser = session("SAML_SSO_USER_NAME")


<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/db/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/db/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/db/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/lachat/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdcxuser/assistcommon/silite.js" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/db/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdcxuser/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/cts/inc/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/" -->

'Only a simple fix done by, It takes care of calling
'basic UTF-8 Directives. Fix it manually for advanced usage
call sdcSetUTF8Directives(false, false)
call sdcNoCache()

' login as admin resets cts integration related cache
if session(SDC_SESSION_USER)="admin" then
call sprtRQA_appcachedelete()
call sprtRQA_AppCacheDelete_68()
end if

' Cache must be updated after sprtRQA_AppCacheDelete_*
call UpdateAppCache()
dim skinfile : skinfile = application("SkinFile")

call CreateClassPropertyCache()

<title>New Request</title>
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/sdclib.js" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/inc/" -->
dim userAgent
userAgent = Lcase(request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))
dim CustomDefaultSIFile : CustomDefaultSiFile = sdcMacroReplace2("%SPRT_APPSERVER%%SPRT_APPNAME%") & "global/prefs/login.xml"

<%if rrnIsIE() then%>
<script language="javascript" SRC="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/smartissue.js"></script>
<%end if%>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/sdccommon/inc/jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" SRC="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/formcheck.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%=sdcHTMLEncode(DbChatGetCustomStyleSheet)%>">

<script language="javascript">
var longdesclen = <%=ISS_LONG_DISCRIPTION_SIZE%> ;
'if(instr(userAgent, "firefox")) then
' Version check to install/update the firefox version of SPRT_PLUGIN_SMARTISSUE
'dim sdOptions: set sdOptions = Server.CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'sdOptions("width") = "0"
'sdOptions("height") = "0"
'sdOptions("bInstallLinkInNewPage") = true
' this call populates the key, version
'call sprt_plugin_writeCustomInstallJavascript(SPRT_PLUGIN_SMARTISSUE,"siCtl", true, true, "", sdOptions)
'end if
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/" -->

<script language ="javascript" >
'Invoke function that builds up an array of objects that contain
'initialization information
dim str
str = "Kernel::Kernel::sik_short_desc;Kernel::Kernel::sik_long_desc;Kernel::Kernel::sik_user_name;Kernel::Kernel::sik_user_guid;Kernel::Kernel::sik_user_email_addr;Kernel::Kernel::sik_created_by;Kernel::Kernel::sik_creator_guid;Kernel::Kernel::sik_iss_type;Kernel::Kernel::sik_iss_guid;reg_email_addr;"
str = str & "Kernel::Kernel::sik_iss_origin;Kernel::Kernel::root;Kernel::Kernel::sik_connectivity;Kernel::Kernel::sik_client_guid"
dim sdHiddenFields
set sdHiddenFields = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
sdHiddenFields("Kernel::Kernel::sik_iss_origin") = "web"
sdHiddenFields("Kernel::Kernel::sik_connectivity") = ""
sdHiddenFields("Kernel::Kernel::root") = ""
sdHiddenFields("Kernel::Kernel::sik_client_guid") = ""

call sdcBuildClientSideNewformHiddenValueArray(sdHiddenFields)
call sdcBuildClientSideNewformInitValueArray(str)

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" name="style" href="/sdcxuser/inc/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" name="style" href="/sdccommon/inc/sprtui.css"></link>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" name="style" href='<%=sdcHTMLOk(application("Skin"))%>'></link>

<script language="javascript" src="/sdccommon/inc/cal.js"></script>


<script language="javascript">
var arrFieldNames = new Array();
var arrFieldValues = new Array();
var arrLen = 0;
dim formElement
for each formElement in Request.Form
if (sprtRequestForm(formElement, SIZE_UNDEFINED, TYPE_UNKNOWN, null) <> "" ) then
arrFieldNames[arrLen] = "<%=sdcHTMLOk(sprt_javascript_encode_force(formElement))%>";
arrFieldValues[arrLen++] = "<%=sdcHTMLOk(sprt_javascript_encode_force(trim(sprtRequestForm(formElement, SIZE_UNDEFINED, TYPE_UNKNOWN, null))))%>";
end if ' Request.Form...
next 'formElement

<div id="divwait" class="chatformloading">Please wait while we are fetching your details</div>
<div id="maindiv" style="display:none">
dim sd_props
set sd_props = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dim sd_TypeInfo : set sd_TypeInfo = sprt_getReqTypePermInfo()

'Download and instantiate SI control if request type (sd_TypeInfo(PERMITTED_REQ_TYPE)
'has at least one SI property
if sprtIsSIGatheringRequired(sd_TypeInfo(PERMITTED_REQ_TYPE)) then
<!-- #include virtual="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/" -->
<script language="javascript" SRC="/sdccommon/rrn/inc/smartissue.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
<%userAgent = Lcase(request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))
if(instr(userAgent, "firefox")) then%>
var cntr;
cntr = parent.frames["secureContainer"];
import cntr.createSI_FF, cntr.createIssue, cntr.setValues, cntr.getClassInstances,cntr.getSmartVal;

// Pass global values to smartissue_ff.js as the variables are not available to the isolated signed script.
setValues(gTemplateFn, sRegKey, sVersiontgctlsi);
createIssue("RequestAsist Harvest Issue");
<%else if gSIPluginExists then%>
// create a smart issue
createIssue("RequestAssist Harvest Issue");
<% end if
end if%>
end if
'Collect the values passed in
dim strHiddenFieldStr
strHiddenFieldStr = ""

strHiddenFieldStr = strHiddenFieldStr & RenderHiddenFieldWithoutId("Action", "add")
strHiddenFieldStr = strHiddenFieldStr & RenderHiddenFieldWithoutId("showProps",RRNSprtReqAssert("showProps", 7, TYPE_UNKNOWN))
strHiddenFieldStr = strHiddenFieldStr & RenderHiddenFieldWithoutId("Kernel::Kernel::sik_iss_origin","web")
strHiddenFieldStr = strHiddenFieldStr & RenderHiddenFieldWithoutId("Kernel::Kernel::sik_connectivity","")
strHiddenFieldStr = strHiddenFieldStr & RenderHiddenFieldWithoutId("Kernel::Kernel::sik_client_guid","")
strHiddenFieldStr = strHiddenFieldStr & RenderHiddenFieldWithoutId("Kernel::Kernel::root","")

call sprtRenderNewReqPage(strHiddenFieldStr,sd_props,sd_TypeInfo)


if sd_TypeInfo(HAS_PERMISSION) then
<script language="javascript">
if sd_props("savedHTMLFilePresent") = "true()" then
if (typeof(clearChoicesInTypeSelctBox) == "function") clearChoicesInTypeSelctBox();
if (typeof(sdcRenderSdAsSelectBox) == "function") sdcRenderSdAsSelectBox();
if (typeof(buildHarvestPropArray) == "function") buildHarvestPropArray();
if (typeof(setHarvestFieldValues) == "function") setHarvestFieldValues();
if (typeof(buildHarvestObjectArray) == "function") buildHarvestObjectArray();
if (typeof(setHarvestObjects) == "function") setHarvestObjects();
end if

if sd_TypeInfo(ENFORCE_REQ_TYPE) = "yes" then
end if

end if

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
if (typeof (hideClassLabelWithAllHiddenProps) == "function") hideClassLabelWithAllHiddenProps();


<script language="javascript">
//Localization for all labels, buttons, select options and headings
$(document).ready(function () {

try {

// Auto populate first name, last name, AD ID (UPI), email, phone number, and location in chat form
var userid = unescape("<%=authuser%>");

if (userid != null && userid != "") {

var form_511 = "99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::47ceafda-cf26-4175-b4e8-5a1075f39fed";
var form_FN_ID = "99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::a09235eb-db69-45c6-a9fc-b47b6c707298";
var form_LN_ID = "99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::671A31FA-B083-48B4-9239-100AFF5D7189";
var form_Email_ID = "99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::478A2CB2-621C-4C9E-8F00-DACE35E430F4";
var form_Phone_ID = "99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::A5D188D9-2F8F-481A-8263-1814CA960763";
var form_location = "99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::67911FA6-D7A1-4031-ACFB-C1F46688E30A";
var form_emp = "99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::d3d64c43-5d74-4620-90a1-05b117c5da77";
var serverURL = unescape("<%=sdcEscape(SDC_WEB_BASE) %>");
serverURL = serverURL + "sdccustom/getuserdetails.asp?username=" + userid;

async: false

$.getJSON(serverURL, function (jouser) {

jQuery('[name="' + form_FN_ID + '"]')[0].value = getValue(jouser.firstname);
jQuery('[name="' + form_emp + '"]')[0].value = getValue(jouser.empNo);
jQuery('[name="' + form_LN_ID + '"]')[0].value = getValue(jouser.lastname);
jQuery('[name="' + form_Email_ID + '"]')[0].value = getValue(;
jQuery('[name="' + form_Phone_ID + '"]')[0].value = getValue(;
jQuery('[name="' + form_location + '"]')[0].value = getValue(jouser.location);

if (getValue(jouser.empNo) != "") {
jQuery('[name="' + form_emp + '"]')[0].disabled = true;


if (getValue(jouser.firstname) != "") {
jQuery('[name="' + form_FN_ID + '"]')[0].disabled = true;

if (getValue(jouser.lastname) != "") {
jQuery('[name="' + form_LN_ID + '"]')[0].disabled = true;

if (getValue( != "") {
jQuery('[name="' + form_Email_ID + '"]')[0].disabled = true;

if (getValue( != "") {
jQuery('[name="' + form_Phone_ID + '"]')[0].disabled = true;

if (getValue(jouser.location) != "") {
jQuery('[name="' + form_location + '"]')[0].disabled = true;



jQuery('[name="' + form_511 + '"]')[0].value = getValue(userid);
if (getValue(userid) != "") {
jQuery('[name="' + form_511 + '"]')[0].disabled = true;


else {

catch (ex) {


function getValue(val) {
if (val != null && val != 'null')
return val;
return "";

//document.all.item("99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::99e6d1e1-28cb-456b-a17f-30890e7a8c0b::67911FA6-D7A1-4031-ACFB-C1F46688E30A").value = "<%=Session("LanguageContext") %>";

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

Shortened Note Link
Looding Image
Long File

For written notes was greater than 18KB Unable to shorten.

To be smaller than 18KB, please organize your notes, or sign in.