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Portfolio Ideas
- Idea Phase of Kranthi & Daniel

Home (Page)
File Name: index.html / index.php

Main Idea: A perfect and unique front-page to make possible customers trust us more and make them believe we are professionals.
Carousel / Slider (Top of the main page “important!”)
The main idea here is to place a Carousel at the very top of the page, there should be no margin between the Carousel or the navigation menu, which also should be placed at the very top.

Text box (a Well, where we will be able to place some “about us” text, Right under Carousel)
The main idea is to put a bootstrap “Well” right under the Carousel for us to edit and create some “About Us” text inside. This will usually be read by a lot of customers that will potentially help gaining their trust in us and our ability to handle the job they have in mind for us to execute.

Price Tables (Under the “Well”)
There should be placed 3-5 Pricing Tables right under the text-box/well from where I will code a function so that we will be able to later on control these boxes from the administration panel.
WikiPedia (Page)
File Name: wiki.html / wiki.php

Main Idea: A page where useful information can be typed into. Examples of tutorials etc.
Ideas & Design Phase
Take a good look at WikiPedia main website. The idea is to make this a “free place”, as easy accessible as possible for users. I am thinking 2, maybe three “3” divs. A Div box to the left of the page and all the wiki information to the right. Just remember my idea (for later use) is that we somehow can add multiple categories and sub-categories, so the menu need to be able to handle this for later use. In other words, put 80% focus of the work into the menu, being able to handle these feature for later purpose. More information to come soon.
To give an example for the categories part. If I were to have a main category called (Denmark / Danmark), my country, and to use this for school etc, I would need many sub-categories for this part. Like years, deaths, states, and so forth. The idea is that we keep focus on all the categories and sub categories not having overflow to one another if there are too many on a later point. Another example for a later point is that when we are logged in to the website, we will be able to have access to 2 different wiki’s. One for public use, one we both can edit, and one for personal use, where we can have our very own tutorials, notes, school stuff and so forth. But this is only for future use thinking, for now let us keep it simple and once we have a first version, let us continue to the next version of the wiki page and expand it by then. For now only make one for public usage.
Reference (Page -> Admins/You and me only!)

File Name: reference.html / reference.php

Main Idea: A page where you and me, mainly me, will be putting tutorials, references, etc for coding and design purposes. This page will for later use have a lot of coding details on it and such things, so for now we will not do this page for until further notice.

Ideas & Design Phase
The main idea, as described above here, is a page that will help us in future coding and designs for customers. I will post tutorials, useful code snippets, and much more for us to just copy and paste!
The page will also be used for reference in a sense of me making up other words for my/our work! This means for example, I have a new custom PHP Template coded by me, I will put this code online also for later use, it will allow us to go deep into details with a customers code and give them exactly what they need. If you say carousel for BootStrap, I simple “csel” in the reference. You will if you have read the reference by then in the future know that I ment the word “Carousel”, I will try to make new words and definitivies to define our work and for us to be able to complete a job as quick as possible.
And no, I will no use “csel” as a word, that part was just an example to show what I ment.
But bottom line is to keep in mind when you/I design the page, we should always have focus on availability, details and easy accessibility.
Global Design (design notes for all pages!)

File Name: All of the files!

Main Idea: All Design notes for all pages are coming in this area, I figured I would be placing them all into one part of the document for easier reading.

Footer (Global on all files! Same design on all files!)
As usual, the footer should be placed at the very bottom of the page on all the files pages. This should be a global design for easier use and later version purposes.
Navigation Menu (Global on all files! Same design on all files!)
As usual, we should keep in mind an easy navigation menu is a good website! However the menu should look smooth and cool while doing so. My suggestion is that we use a simple menu for now, and on a later version we can edit it to be better and more advanced. Remember the menu to be at the top of every page and there should be no margin between the carousel on the main front page (Home), but on all other pages a small margin for people to be able to tell the difference between each page.
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Regards; Team

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