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So ok before Malregis became who he is now he was a different entity and had a different name. His name used to be Makalathair and he used to be a celestian and the husband of Angelica. Angelica and Makalathair were both made by the greater celestial being (God I guess) to create the world and add life to it. Along with them was also created Cosmixio and Grimmie and Cosmixio's job is to protect the universe while Grimmie's job is to do what a grim reaper does and also lead good souls to their rightful place and to get rid of rotten souls but I'll explain more of this later. So with Angelica and Makalathair they made the plants, oceans, animals, celestians and floofles, etc. They even had their own children; Ardor, Harmonia, Magnanimous, Vigor, Sophrosyne, Aedos, and Dignity.
But they both had different thoughts and aspects on how they wanted the world to be. Angelica favoured a beautiful that would be created to be admired and inspired by the people of the world so that they would be admired enough to create their own creations. Makalathair however, wanted a powerful world instead of a beautiful world that way his people would be strong enough to defend themselves and people wouldn't have to worry and also the world would be more powerful than other worlds within the galaxy itself and that their world could become the dominant world out of all. No one would want to mess around with a powerful world.(I should mention there are different worlds within my series all with different lifeforms living within them and I had a thought that if I ever make different series that all these different worlds and different characters would live within the same galaxy. Only exception is spin off series like the Intergalactic Knights because that'll be it's own universe by itself). Angelica didn't favour Makalathair's plan because, power could get out of hand and power would not inspire others to create more great creations for the world but instead problems of dominance and war.
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