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First and foremost, I wish to be the mayor for you, our citizens. I've lived the lives in Silverlake, EMS, Law Enforcement, I won't lie I've even done some shady things in my lifetime. By far, the citizen life was the one left behind within Silverlake's image. I want to change that, I want to make Silverlake a place where our citizens can live legally, the ones that are left behind when the taxis don't answer, and the one who can't live off a paycheck without turning to a life of drugs and guns. It's a damn shame and I hope to fix it. The taxes collected during the first mayorship weren't even enough to pass a single bill. If I am the next mayor, I vow to put every penny I make from taxes, my paycheck, and even more of the money I make directly into Silverlake's coffers, I'd rather see our city utilise the money in a better way than I can.
To our EMS, I spent a fair amount of my time in Silverlake, In the department. I know the pay isn't the best, and I want to try working with the gods again to see if we can get it raised. I also saw some suggested improvements to the Ivywood Hospital: a gym, better parking, and a cafeteria. I'd like to take this one step further by personally pushing for these things, as well as a rehab center, so we can help some of our citizens who've fallen off the path. You also work hard, and have to live off soup and water; without even a microwave to make it edible. I'd like to work towards getting you a bag that at the very least, could allow you to hold groceries.
To our boys in blue, working on the streets is tough. On the daily we lose our officers in the line of duty from being outgeared, outgunned, and outnumbered. I hope to improve this by cracking down on class 2's, bringing a conspiracy charge in for all felonies, raising the max sentence, and seeing if we can order a new gun to be the standard issue to help keep our officers safe.
On the last note, I don't have as much experience with this as some of my fellow officers, but even I still know our relations with the public isn't great, this NEEDS to be improved if we're going to move forward as a community, and having been a part of both sides of the same coin, I believe I am our best chance at repairing the damage done.
Gods be willing I have a few other ideas for Silverlake, such as re-excavating Luton and having these loot crate pilots only drop their crate there from now on, saving our citizens from being gunned down for simply driving through silverlake when a crate is falling. I've also got a few ideas for renovations and new buildings, as well as a few new events if we're able to make them.
In closing, I believe together, we can mold Silverlake into something beautiful.
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