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"No, they wouldn't or it would be too suspicious..."*I'm cool outside, but on the inside I'm afraid of what you may do to me*

"You better not be lying to me ! You're a wanted fugitive just like we are now. I've told the guys to get lost and find someplace to hide in."
"I'm going back to the hideout, at least I know people in the neighborhood and they can warn if cops start asking questions"

*I look sad that you are shouting at me, and I let you go, then attracting the cops to me*

*Later, when I'm home and the adrenaline has washed away, I feel remorse for leaving you behind and wonder if you managed to escape the cops
*Realising that they may be listening to my phone, I take a chance anyway and call you
...*phone ringing*

*I'm receiving a huge shout out at me, they are planning on arresting me,or give me a second chance, I feel my phone virbating, look at it, and it is you, calling, I can't answer now*

"Damn", I think to myself "she's not picking up, I'd better leave her alone now"

"May I go to the toilette guys?*They let me leave, and I quickly rush out of the police department, they come behind me, they are in 3, I call you while running* They are behind me!

"You've got to shake them off your tail, kid ! Come to the safehouse, you can hide with me here"

"They are shooting me!"*You prepare a smmall barricade to shoot them, as I go to the safehouse, they manage to shoot my back, my right shoulder and left quuad*

*I run in their line of fire, gunning down cops to the left and right
*Bullets are flying all over the place, the scene turning to a bloodbath as my thugs fire machine guns at the police cars that have arrived
*I throw a smoke grenade to distract them, while I lift you in my arms and carry you away, feeling the blood from your wounds start to stain my shirt
"You're gonna make it out of this, kid ! Just hang in there !"

*Hours later, your gang retaliated the cops, and the reeinforcements weren't called, lucky you, your thugs quickly got the cars and the corpses*

*I lay by your bedside and watch you slip in and out of consciousness, praying that my poor stitching skills have managed to stop the bleeding in time

*In the morning, you called the gangs medic, thankfully, I'm alive, but very weak and unstable, he takes care of me*

*After a sleepless night, my face is a mess, but I instantly light up when I see you open your eyes
*I brush the hair from your face and caress you fondly
"I'm sure glad to see your beautiful eyes again, thought I'd lost you there"

*Looking at you, weak smile* "Guess I'm a criminal now...

*Kissing your dry lips
"I'm glad you're on our side, kid. You'd better rest now, doc says you'll need a week or two to recover from your wounds"

"I'm not a kid...*Grins, then yawns and falls asleep*

*Over the next few days I come and check on you, seeing you get stronger day by day

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