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12 Types and Examples of Distorted

Mind Reading - When you make
assumptions about what somebody
is thinking or feeling without them
telling you. In reality, you are
delusional or paranoid.

Catastrophize - when you over think
a problem and the effects that they
will actually have on you. For
example, when you think that losing
a relationship means the end of
your life when really you can find
someone new the next day or down
the line.

Filtering - when you only pay
attention to one side of things. For
example, you only remember the
bad times you had in school and not
the good ones.

Polarized thinking - when you think
of things as either black or white or
good or bad. For example, there can
only be good or bad people or
success or fails.

Personalization - when you take
everything too personally. For
example, when you think that
everything people do or say is some
kind of reaction to you.

Blaming - when you hold other
people accountable for your
problems. For example, you blame
someone else for causing you to
make a bad decision. In actuality,
you were the one who made the
wrong call based on your own

Being Right - You feel the need to
prove that your opinions or actions
are correct. For example, you
neglect other people’s perspective in
an argument.

Should’s - when you place sets of
rules on yourself. For example, you
think that you should go out
whenever your friend asks you to.

Emotional Reading - When you use
your emotions to make a decision
or judgement. For example, you buy
into a product because of how good
it was marketed when really the
product is not that good.

Fallacy of Change - when you think
others should change for you and
that your happiness depends on
them changing. For example, you
expect that person to stop being a
jerk because you are being nice to

Heaven’s Reward Fallacy - when you
expect that all your sacrifices or
hard work to pay off. For example,
you think that if you work hard
enough, you should get a reward.

Overgeneralization - when you carry
a problem over to other domains.
When you fail a math test, you think
that you are not good with anything
to do with numbers...
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Regards; Team

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