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once there was a beautiful princess and her name was Diana. she was not the prettiest princess in all of the land but she did not care and neither did any of the princes ,but Diana dn't just want any prince, she wanted no princes not one . she felt she was to good for any prince . but her parent were forcing her to marry . they argued and argued until they could argue no more. her parents said you are marrying a prince end of discussion ! "UGH I'M GOING TO MY ROOM ! SLAM her door slamed shut as she trotted over to her bed sat down and sobbed . when her mom came up to tell her that it was family game night. she said I'll come down and play when you treat me like part of this family. her mother was absolutely furious she could barly speak but she was about to before Diana blurted out "I know that you don't know this but most parents don' force there kids to marry. the mom was so embaresed so she walked down stairs and ate dinner . Diana didn't care a bit about what she did the day she did it but now she is so upset and embaressed about her behavior she ran down stairs and said she was sorry for what has brought her to the horribale expireience. Dians's mother and father were pleased with there daughters actions, but they still were going to force there daughter to marry a handsome prince. The king and queen told there precious," honey why don't you sit down and relax", the princess did as she was told and sat down at the dinner table."sweety you haven't touched your food and I made your favorite ." said her mother. Diana wanted to eat but she could not there was this lump in her throat she assured them that it was a very unplesent feeling . she said she was full and she asked if she could be excused. Her mother and father told her she was excused. Diana sprinted up to her room slammed the door quicker than you could say the word exalent She ran to her bed and grabbed the first pillow she saw and shoved it in her face because she felt she was not needed in this world. All of a sudden little pebbles were throne at the window and Diana sat up with make up running down her face. Diana looked out of the window and saw something that shocked her! it was her best friend, james she screamed with delight her parents ran upn to see what all of the yelling was about. but when she heard her parents coming up the stairs she told him to hide and he did . no one knew this but princess Diana was secretly dating james and she could not tell anyone because she was only supposed to date a prince and trust me james was no prince. In fact James was the complete opposite of a prince. He loved burping contests and loved to be goofy and silly to his fair maden. Back to the story, James quickly jumped into a bush and waited until Diana could make up a silly excuse so he could get out of the prickly patch of thorns. Diana told her parents she was yelling at a bird that was causing a nucence. Her parents replied," sweaty we have made up our minds. they saisd sweety pie you know wqe love you and we want you to be happy. and if not marrying a prince is what makes you happyb than ok .". "also tell james to get out oif our bushes he will get pricked with thorns. tell him he can come inside for awhile por you can go out to dinner or something but be back be for curfue. " Diana screamed once again hugged her parents and ran to the window. she told james to come out and that they were going out to dinner but suddenly sumthing happened he said so you told them we are dating . her parents were very upset with there daughter but they were fine with it because they realized that they were being unfair with her and thet they would hafe done the same when they were dating.but befor they sprinded out the door and down the stairs Diana's parents stoped her and said "I know that tonight we have been really soft with you but we are chooseing the restrant for you ." and Diana said" MOOOM!" then her parents said fine and james &Diana ran down stairs and left before they stoped them again.when they got back from the date her parents were furius because she missed curfue. Right when she walked into her palace her face turned so pail it looked like she was going to DIE! Her parents knew she would have consiquensis for there actions but they let it slide because they were luckily in a good mood. Diana walked into her bedroom and sat down next to her beloved and they shared some strawberries and cream. james looked up at Diana and asked her about there future. Diana look at James and didn't answer, but she did give James a kiss and they instantly knew there was going to be a very important conection between them.when Diana offered to walk him home he said no thankyou because she knew he was not the richest man but what she did not know was that he lives with his family at the bus stop. when the next day began Diana spang out of bed and asked permission to use the carrage, when they replied yes she went out to find james in the small town that was outside of the palace she was looking for a small brown house. It took awlile but eventually Diana found his very very small home. she knoked on the door and James answerd with surprise. James emidietly took her hand and took her to a very magical place. James covered her eyes and reveled the masterpiece. Diana grabbed her true love and kissed him right above beautiful flowing waterfall. butback at home her parents began to be very worried. so they set out to look for her .but you no parents they took one step into town and began to think and feel that they where the most spontaneous adalts in all of specalton . when they finally found her they took her arm and yanked her away and they said "how dare you take my daughter out here in the wild so help me you are bamed from ever seeing my preshous daughter ever again . Diana said i'm 18 I should be able to live on my own and make my own choices .fine than you betrae our family you will not be part of this family anymore . than Diana's father said to her mother don't you think your going too far . the mother said come on LETS GO! Diana's mother&father left and james took her hand and they left. but later that day james realized Diana was feeling down . when he asked her what was wrong she told him she did not have her money she had nowhere to go and nowhere to live. he offered for her to stay with him until she could get back on her feet but she said thanks for the offer but she said she was going to go home and work things out. Diana took what could be her last carrage ride back to her house. She knocked on the door because she couldn't just go in because she was not living there anymore. Her father answered the door and hugged Diana. The king whispered to Diana, " honey I missed you so much but you know your mother is upset and she said you were fore bidden to come back to what your home once was". Diana was so upset with her mother her face turned red as a tomado. She bravly said no mor to her father and walked fast right into the castle.when Diana got into the castel her mother did not no it was her so she said baby can you grab me theb cheese grader. then Diana handed her the cheese grader . but then she said mom with a tear running down her cheak😢 . her mom turned around and said sweaty I missed you so much but you are still not welcome hear . than Diana cry again but then Diana said im just getting my stuff and going to the bank to get my money. then her mo said you better be out of hear in 30 mineuts. Diana wiped the tears from her cheacks and walked into her old room and started packing up her bags. Diana seemed not sad anymore because she knew her parents would never forget her. But the most important thing was James and Diana will be together for as long as she could imagine. Her mother called her and told her that the time was up. Diana took her bags that were filld with all of her personal bellonings and walked out of the palace . james was waiting outside for her and when she came out , she was balling.😓😢😢😣 but she would not talk she would only cry . but don't think it ends there!!!!!!!
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