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Stranger: howdy :b.
You: 'Ello
Stranger: how're you
Stranger: How're you?***
You: good what about you
Stranger: Eh, been better. My head is killing me.
You: :( sucks
Stranger: Yeah. I'll get over it though.
You: guess thats okay
Stranger: So whatcha doin?
You: just boredom lol what about you
Stranger: Lol, blogging, Ed Sheeran and Mountain Dew. Other than the headache my life is pretty good right now.
You: uhmmmmm youre kinda perfect
Stranger: Awe, well that's very sweet of you.
You: No problem
You: (:
Stranger: Url?
Stranger: Followed<3.
You: followed(:
Stranger: Yays :D
You: haha yeppss
Stranger: God, I just wanna cut my head off lol.
You: D:
Stranger: Brb. This shirt is itchy.
You: lol okay
You: spiffy
Stranger: lol.
Stranger: its comfy :d
Stranger: You're gonna burn teh house down!
You: sorry kinda being a pyro over here
Stranger: I know what that's like lol.
Stranger: Except, I did burn the house down. Literally lol.
You: haha
You: oh my
Stranger: Yeah, when I was eleven I was a serious pyro and I accidentally burnt the house down.
You: woahh
Stranger: I'm not so much of a pyro anymore.
You: ohh well thats good. sad thing is i have to turn in this paper
Stranger: Lmfao.
You: haha yupp
Stranger: Fuck schoo doe.
Stranger: School*
You: rightttt
Stranger: I gave up on that shit.
Stranger: Sell drugs. More money and more fun.
You: what kind
Stranger: Mary Janeeeee.
You: ohhhhh i want to try
Stranger: To sell, or smoke it?
You: smoke it
Stranger: Ah, never had?
You: nopee i act like/look like i do but never have
Stranger: Lmfao. Well than maybe you don't need it.
Stranger: :b.
You: haha ik but its good to try everything once
Stranger: That's not true haha.
You: haha it is to meee
Stranger: There's some things that just shouldn't be done, ever lmfao.
You: well that is true
Stranger: I'm getting way too dizzy.
Stranger: I just realized something.
You: lol stop spinning and what
Stranger: You're sudden'y much more attractive than you were when I joined this.
Stranger: Suddenly**
You: haha is that good or bad
Stranger: I'm not sure yet.
You: okay well tell me when you find outt
Stranger: aLRIGHT i WILL.
Stranger: Omg caps.
You: ermahgerddddd
Stranger: My head doesn't hurt anymore. Sweet.
You: Gooodddd lol brb i hass to peeeee lol tmi ik but oh welll
Stranger: Lol alright.
Stranger: It's good, btw.
You: whats good
Stranger: Lol, shot term memory loss?
You: lol ohhh haha
Stranger: lmfao yah.
Stranger: Lmfao*
You: i have blonde moments lol
Stranger: Don't we all?
Stranger: Lol.
You: i feel like i have them too often
Stranger: Except me, cause I'm awesome. But doesn't everyone else?
You: haha conceited
You: ?
Stranger: No way.
You: sureee
Stranger: Not at all.
Stranger: But I like to act like I am.
You: everyone does i feel
Stranger: I actually have no self confidence at all.
You: me either...
Stranger: Why the hell not?
Stranger: You're fucking gorg.
You: thanks
Stranger: You're welcome c:
You: but im not the skinniest or all of the brains needed
Stranger: But you're so pretty. And you're really sweet.
You: my thoughts is what makes me feel like this and kinda my family
You: awwe thankss
Stranger: I don't see how you could not have confidence. You're like perf omg.
You: i have some but honestly not that much i act like it in front of people but yeah and thanks again haha
Stranger: Don't thank me :b.
You: but i did
Stranger: Well, you're welcome.
You: (: so why do you not have self confidence
Stranger: Idunno, really. I just think I'm so ugly. I feel like I'm not skinny enough.
Stranger: Its just awk. Idunno.
Stranger: I wish I was different.
Stranger: I guess.
Stranger: I really just wish I wasn't who I am.
You: but youre not uglyy! like for serious youre not and
You: delete the "and"
Stranger: That's what everyone says. But I still feel so unattractive.
You: :( im kinda on the same page with what you are saying
Stranger: Yeah, well I understand.
You: Me too
You: it just sucks cause (this is kinda personal but im gonna tell you anyway lol)
Stranger: That's okay, I'm definitely here to listen.
You: fuck it deleted but i was gonna say i feel unwanted in my family cause we dont ever get along
Stranger: I'm really sorry. :c.
You: yeah :/
Stranger: Can I just like, hug you. Lsskdfgje ugh.
You: *hug*
Stranger: -hug- <3.
You: <3
Stranger: So...
Stranger: I'm not entirely sure what to talk about :b.
Stranger: You have really pretty hair omg.
You: me either but this has been about the best conversation ive had in awhile c:
You: lol thankss
Stranger: Awe, well I'm glad c:
Stranger: And you're more than welcome.
You: (: i cant stopp shivering lol
Stranger: Awe, well put another shirt on. Or get a blanket.
You: im gonna get my sweatshirtt
Stranger: Or I could cuddle, but you're not here :c.
You: we shouldd
Stranger: Definitely would make my night like 1000000000000x better.
You: awwe(:
Stranger: It hasn't exactly been a good day so far :c.
You: :/ im sorry my day was okay till my parents got home..
Stranger: Awe bby I'm sorry :c.
You: its okay it wasnt as bad like it has been just a fight about school :/
Stranger: I'm sorry. I feel bad and I wanna make it better but I don't know how :c.
You: Aw you shouldn't but thanks and you already did with this convo c:
Stranger: Where are you from?
Stranger: And awe well I'm glad I could help hehe c:
You: North Carolinaa
Stranger: I'm gonna come cuddle you. I'll be there in a couple hours.
You: awwwe (: where are you fromm
Stranger: New York lol.
You: thats 12 hours!
Stranger: Eh, whatevs,
Stranger: I'm omw.
You: lol youre so sweet
Stranger: I try sdlkf c:
You: (:
Stranger: How old are you..?
You: a baby
Stranger: Awe.
Stranger: Here let me guess.
Stranger: Uh.
Stranger: 14.
You: ding ding dinggggg
Stranger: Oh yay.,
Stranger: I don't usuaslly guess things right lol.
You: haha first person to ever guess my age. everyone thinks im 17.
Stranger: Well, when you said a baby, I assumed you were younger than me, and I knew you were in your teens at least. So yah lol.
You: lol how old are you
Stranger: Lol guess.
You: 16
Stranger: Well, aren't you just a smart one.
You: haha hooray
Stranger: You have a really cute smile.
Stranger: Just sayting.
You: thankss(:
Stranger: Saying*
Stranger: You're welcome.
You: Its kinda crooked now cause i dont wear a retainer but its still okay
Stranger: I like it.
Stranger: A lot.
Stranger: You should smile.
Stranger: A lot.
You: awwe thanks
You: i always smile
Stranger: Good, it looks amazing on you.
You: Youre making me blushh
Stranger: I know, that look cute on you too.
You: stopppp (:
Stranger: No, its fun c:
You: finee
Stranger: I'm running out of things to say though.
You: Soo you can improvise if you have to lol
Stranger: brb.
You: okayy
Stranger: I got a cookie :b.
You: haha share with meee
You: thanksss
Stranger: I have to pee omg.
Stranger: lol brb
You: goo
You: hello finger
Stranger: My brothers an ass lol.
You: haha
Stranger: This cookie is so good. I made them lol.
You: awwe mail me somee
Stranger: Haha, come get some c;
You: i will
Stranger: Well alright :D
You: :)
Stranger: I'm so hungry omg. I want real food -.-
Stranger: Come make me food? c:
You: i would say i can cook you something but idk what you want
Stranger: Anything, I'm just hungry lmfao.
You: haha
Stranger: My brother talking to his imaginary friends is awkward lol.
You: haha thats coool
Stranger: Not really. He's on his xbox. He's so awkward when he talks to his friends on there. Sometimes I wonder if that's what I'm like when I talk to tumblr friends
Stranger: Then I'm just like. No that can't be, I'm too fab.
You: haha that kinda makes sense
Stranger: You alright over there love?
You: i was about to sneeze
Stranger: Omg lol.
Stranger: You looked like you were having a heart attack.
You: haha oh nooo
Stranger: I got really scared for a minute there. I didn't know wut to do D:
You: that would be soo scary if that actually happened
Stranger: Omg I know right?
You: yess D:
Stranger: Like what are you supposed to do if the person you're on cam with just starts having a heart attack?
You: i would start to ball like omg
Stranger: I'd probably just sit there and watch. Like idunno what to do so I'm gonna sit here and act like I don't know what's happening lmfao...
Stranger: Well, like what is there that I can do lmfao?
You: awwwww thats mean but reasonable
Stranger: Its not like I can call the police. By the time I explain the situation the person liable to be dead lmfao.
You: yeah thats true
Stranger: I'm cold now "c.
Stranger: "c.*
Stranger: Omg.
Stranger: :c.*
You: we can cuddleee c:
Stranger: Stop teasing me like that. I would love that so much omg.
Stranger: Like you don't even know how happy that would make me...
You: I would be soo happy too
Stranger: So come here omg.
You: i would if i couldddd :c
Stranger: I have a big ass bed. We can cuddle and roll around and wrestle omg it would be so perfect.
You: omg now im sad that i cant be there
Stranger: Awe don't be sad baby! :c.
You: but i am cause it would be the most perfect thing ever
Stranger: Omg I know right? But that's not a reason to be sad though!
You: yess it isssss
Stranger: Why bby?
You: its a reason to be sadd
Stranger: Why is it a reason to be sad though. I don't know why that would make you sad because if it would be so perfect that should be a good thing.
You: lol i thought that said what but im sad cause i wish it would happen :/
Stranger: Awe, well maybe someday<3.
You: i hope soo <3
Stranger: Awe me too.
You: Awwe
Stranger: I wanna go lay down. Can I like text you, or kik?
You: text me?
Stranger: Number?
You: 336-880-0837
Stranger: I just texted you. :b.
You: :) what do you want your name in my phone to be?
Stranger: jk I typed the wrong number. hold on lol.
You: lol
Stranger: Okay now I texted you lol.
Stranger: Yah that one lol.
You: yayc:
Stranger: I'm so tired. I literally don't even wanna get up to go in my room and lay down :c.
You: Awwe bby
Stranger: Meh. Lol.
You: lol you look soo tiredd
Stranger: Always.
You: me too
Stranger: You know what's awkward?
You: what
Stranger: I haven't had my first kiss yet lol.
You: awwwwwwwwwweee bbyyy (:
Stranger: Its so awkward.
You: no its nott its cuteee
Stranger: Nuh uh. I'm so awkward. I've never been in a relationship and I just think I'm never going to be at this point. No one wants me :c.
You: No
Stranger: Yah. :c.
You: No this just means the perfect somebody is waiting to meet you<3
Stranger: Lsd;flkjeksf. Awe.
You: Its true
Stranger: Well, what's taking them so long?
You: i dont know. But im kinda in your same situation
Stranger: Oh?
You: yeah. Like i have been in a relationship but when i kissed them it wasnt the sparks and fireworks like i want and now im single and forever alone
Stranger: No forever.
Stranger: I is here. You're not alone :D.
You: Awwe c:
Stranger: Text me babygirl. I'm gonna go lay down.
You: okayy(:
Stranger: c;
Stranger: c: *
You: i textedd you
Stranger: Okay bye baby.
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