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i am writing you today because of some deeply disturbing yhings i have been learning independently that in a of the years i relied on mainstream news organizations such as the CBC, were never reported - and if they were, certainly not meaningfully or consistently. Learning the truth and getting the facts of reality in Palestine, along with the truly outrageous, racist, criminal and completely unnacceptable to me as a Canadian and as a humab being, has been extremely a
shocking and i have to say i have felt completely deceived and fooled by all of the major news for their cowardly, dishonest and unethical reporting and enabling of suc'h grave injistices to be committed for years, months and decades while covering the situation in that region. People expect that the news they are getting from CBC and others to be accurate, fair, honest and complete. They do not think they need to suspect they are not getting the full story and trust they are given a full picture therefore they heavily rely on the reports to frame the conflict. While it obviously can never be perfect and some facts mat always be missing or some amount of bias may slip in, the extent of this as it concerns this conflict, are so enormous it is hard to understand or accept. By claiming to be neutral and to be journalists carries a duty and a moral and ethical responsibility to
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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