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Name: Alpha Greyson [M/6'8/Werewolf/Black Hair/Green Eyes/Bi/Muscular/Literate Rp/+ For Starter].
Starter: Greyson chuckled surrounded by the group of men at the gate of the school, the occasionally pushed each other and shouted. The boys as big as he was with the same large height and steroid looking bodies. Despite the chill of fall they wore short sleeve shirts and jeans. Greyson stood in the middle, talking amongst themselves. Football players and wrestlers. All of them. He had arrived not even an hour ago, silently standing next to David, his beta and best friend. He spoke to him with his infamous snarky expression. Glancing over the crowd of teenagers.
Name: Miles Mendez [M/6'8/Brown Hair/Green Eyes/Professional Boxer/Spanish]-[+ For Extremely Lit Starter]
Starter: He paced across the room in even strides, his feet gently pounding on the floor. Miles was a strong man whose muscular definition had slightly worn off due to his lack of training, however despite his unbeaten streak he always got sweaty palms and the spark of worry whenever he entered the ring.Pushing his curl tipped, chocolate brown hair, from his face which was sticky from sweat. When Miles walked forward the white light blinded him, the screams deafened the voice in his head, and his expression turned into stone. 5 minutes later…
A sudden gush of pain jolted throughout Miles body. His stomach ached, his arms lost tension and his legs began to weaken. His tongue was soaked in the taste of blood. Bruised and winded, with a leg in agony, he grabbed the foot of his competitor and pulled him to the ground. His head was pounding. He brought a fist to the face of the man, snapping his nose. Again his agile movement was far too slow. He stumbled up, catching his breath, as did his opponent. There was stillness on both sides. If hatred was visible the air would have been scarlet. Then suddenly movement, so much force in every blow. Miles had his back to the ropes and raised his bruised arms to his face, blocking the attack. But the bell saved him. His body fell to the ground, tired, beaten. When the second bell rang, signaling the start of round two, it was hard to tell who threw the first punch, but suddenly his fist was slamming into his opponent's face while he sunk into his stomach. Blood dripped from his mouth. They stumbled apart for a brief second to catch our breaths before diving back at each other, eyes narrowed in determination. Miles dodged his fist and came up with his own; for a brief instant, his dark green eyes widened before his opponent managed to tilt his head back and slam it into Miles head. Stars burst into his vision but he shook it off, Miles threw his body weight behind the fist that edged closer to his face, it hit the man’s jaw with such force he fell backwards. Pain erupted from the point of impact. With his own two hands Miles grasped his head in his hands and brought his knee to his face there was a blunt crack and he released his dark haired head. Crimson leaked from both of their faces He drew his fist back again but paused, sighing and dropping it. Miles rolled off of the man, His chest gently rose and sank with each shallow breath he drew in. Again the bell rang, the match won.
Name: Jackson James [M/6’8/Gay/Dark Brown Hair/Blue Eyes/Light Stubble/Any Rp]-[+ For Starter]
Starter: He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. I guess he must get used to that, the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they looked his way followed by overcompensating with a nonchalant gaze and a weak smile. Of course the blush that accompanied it was a dead give-away. It didn't help that he was so modest with it, it made the girls fall for him all the more.He had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerising deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. His face was strong and defined, his features molded from granite. He had dark eyebrows, which sloped downwards in a serious expression. His usually playful smile had drawn into a hard line across his face. In his hand was the hand of the smaller males, leading him up to their apartment. Shifting every once and while, bothered by the ‘friend’ that he was sporting. Caused in what he did in the cab. (Leaving that to imagination) With an unreadable look he fumbled with his keys and unlocking the door, opening it for him.
Name: Scarlet Jones [F/5'8/Black Hair/Green Eyes/Literate Apocalypse RP]
Starter: The horde of zombies was coming closer and closer, their smell becoming even more unbearable. They had deformed bodies, and limbs sticking out at odd angles. Their bloodshot eyes darted over the land, looking for food. Reaching arms, flesh peeling, in short, they were terrifyingly grotesque. The woman crept along the edge of the roof, the air whipping her raven black hair around her face. Her concentration was evident in the crease of her lovely brow and the down-curve of her full lips. Her porcelain skin was ashen, a cold sweat glistened on her forehead and her recessed cheeks. Her eyes a piercing blue that could feed their way into anyone's soul. She had hair so black against skin so white and it made a contrast that only served to make the girl look all the more ghostly, all the more haunting. She slipped in through the window of an assumed-empty apartment. She paused, the zombie approaching her was detestable to look at. It's dirty yellow eyes staring into her looked so empty and void of life. The zombies skin was like old crinkled paper and his lips the color of rusted iron. It's jaw which was open too wide displayed a set of rotting yellow teeth.
Name: Pandora Nerezza [F/5'9/Raven Hair/Crusader Warrior/Yes for 'Battle/Fantasy Rp & Starter]
Starter: She weighed the sword in her right hand, slashing it roughly through the air, and as she did so the reflection of the orange torch flame danced warmly within the cool steel. The handle of the sword was bound with black leather, the hilt decorated yet understated, and the blade was bulky. Another one strapped to her back. She stood at the foot of her tent. But here, at dawn, the sun seemed to spit yellow venom on the tenebrific land where a broody mist and an atrabilious semblance always hung. The spinney that hugged the camp drooped and had a dreary look like it was in an eternal slumber. The stock of the trees seeped with sap like the beads of sweat that the sun sucked from under our skins. The glittering morning deity, that was once temporary assuagement for the winds that were to come as it emerged from its night of hiding, now reminded us of another day we survived. Of another man dead. Of another mother lost. Of another son fighting. Of another house destroyed. Of another life amount to nothing.The very air we breath is pungent with the odour of the recently deceased and no-one can figure out how we earned this ticket to hell. Glancing around at the war camp, her men preparing for the battle they would soon. If King Midas wished it, it was done.
Name: Princess Aurora [F/5'1/Brown Hair/Jade Eyes/Kind & Quiet/Fantasy-Medieval RP]-[+ For Starter]
Starter: A young girl from every village was chosen to attend the elite and very upperclass "Princess" Academy. It had a long and fancy name, but everyone here calls it the Princess Academy, for was it was a contest of sorts. The girl with the best grades and discipline from each village would attend the Academy, and one would eventually marry the young Prince. The Prince's older brother's wife was selected the same way. Aurora was certainly beautiful. Perhaps, it was her kind voice and soft humor, or maybe because she had a kind of understated beauty, perhaps it was because she was so disarmingly unaware of her prettiness. Her pale skin was completely flawless. She was all about simplicity, making things easy, helping those around her to relax and be happy with what they have. Perhaps that is why her skin glowed so, it was her inner beauty that lit her eyes and softened her features. When she smiled and laughed you couldn't help but smile along too, even if it was just on the inside. To be in her company was to feel that you too were someone, that you had been warmed in summer rays regardless of the season. She was the kind of girl that women loved to hate. She was an adult I suppose, but so young that she still had the exuberance of youth. However she sat there, her eyes on her cup. Bringing it to her lips the ceremony started, she had a smile on her face one of content. The Prince would pick one of these beautiful woman to be his bride, and she would return home. Setting her cup down, her gaze wandered to the window. The Prince and her had, as children, been friends. However, once he grew more and more busy, she grew distant. They haven’t spoken to each other since.

Name: Captain Absinthe [M/6’8/Pirate/Black Dreadlocks/Blue Eyes/Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag RP]
Starter: The pirate's hair hung in thick black dreadlocks about his face. His skin was warm and sun-kissed from long days out on the deck, watching over the crew. His loose cotton shirt was tucked into baggy black pants, hiding his muscular features. At his side was a fine sword, and the hilt gleamed in the low light of the tavern. There was no better swordsman in the west seas than he and if he felt you had disrespect in your tone you would pay with your life or a limb. He was beholden to no man nor woman. He was the captain. But even the other pirates feared him. His reputation preceded him. He would make his men richer than their wildest dreams, but if they questioned an order they would die a painful and public death. His men would describe him as sadistic and ruthless, but in the pirate world these were compliments. The man wore a loose black silk shirt with leather cuffs and black trousers. A multitude of leather straps held two of his flintlock pistols in place along his chest and two swords at his sides. His face was strong and defined, his features molded from granite. He had dark eye brows, which sloped downwards in a serious expression. Knocking back a few drinks with his Quartermaster and Anchormen. In the corner as he watched the tavern with a bored look.

Name: Aurora White [F|5’0|Brown Hair|Brown Eyes|Freckles & Glasses|College RP|Starter]
Starter: Covering a yawn with the back of her hand she jumped slightly as there was a knock on the window, staring at it there was another followed by a small rock hitting the glass. Snickering she slid off the bed, opening it. "Hey watch it! I'm not paying if your break the window!" The group of guys laughed, "Aye, Aury! You comin' to the party tonight!" Jackson cupped his hand around his mouth, a couple rocks in his other. The guys behind him pushed at each other, laughing and talking among themselves. "What do you think! It's Michael Millers party, it's bound to get crazy!" Jackson grinned, "You better be coming, it'll be boring with out you there!" Aurora smiled, "Just get off to one of your buddies, like you always do!" Harrison who was behind him held up his middle finger with a grin, "Yeah, fuck you too Aury!" She held one back, laughing before shutting her window. Stretching her arms out she made her way out of her bedroom into the dorm, glancing over at you as you sat on the couch. "Hey, you going to Millers party?" Turning she grabbed a bottled water from the counter. Aurora was certainly beautiful. Perhaps, it was her kind voice and soft humor, or maybe because she had a kind of understated beauty, perhaps it was because she was so disarmingly unaware of her prettiness. Her pale skin was completely flawless. She was all about simplicity, making things easy, helping those around her to relax and be happy with what they have. Perhaps that is why her skin glowed so, it was her inner beauty that lit her eyes and softened her features. When she smiled and laughed you couldn't help but smile along too, even if it was just on the inside. To be in her company was to feel that you too were someone, that you had been warmed in summer rays regardless of the season. She was the kind of girl that women loved to hate. She was an adult I suppose, but so young that she still had the exuberance of youth
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