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Mariana Lopez

    Mr. Obi (Michael Obi) got his job at Ndume Central School which is a very low classified school. Both him and his wife were enthusiastic about it, especially wife Nancy as she imagined she would be envied  and admired by the wives of the other teachers for being the headmaster's wife and basically the queen of the school. After thinking about the subject she got worried and asked Michael if the teachers had wives, to his response that all the colleagues are young and unmarried; which they have no wives. She was downhearted for a bit until she realized her setback would not let her disturb her husbands happiness. As Mr.Obi was planning on the development of the school a villager walked through the path crossing the school and into the burial site. He felt amazed and was unhappy because the inspector could show up anytime  and it was allowed in previous years for villagers to walk through the school. He then set up a barrier so no villagers would pass. Three days passed and the village priest paid a visit to to Mr.Obi. They conversated about the path and the cultural values and impact it had on the people of the village. The village priest discussed how the path was way older than the headmaster and how it is the path of children coming in to be born. The headmaster disagreed and explained that it's against the school regulations and its their duty to “ teach children to laugh at such ideas.”  A couple days later a young woman died and the school was trashed and some parts destroyed, so when the inspector arrived he rated the school and headmaster horribly.
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