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Lola's Birth Story
11.19 was my first day off of work. I decided to take PTO until my due date of 11.27. That morning when I woke up something felt not right. I looked at the clock and it was 11am. Since I didn't know what a contraction was supposed to feel like, I wasn't sure if I was in labor or not, but my body was telling me something was different. But I had a lot to do today, my first day off in forever.
I had to do bills for November so I wouldn't have to worry about it after Lola was born and had to go see the parents. I got ready and visited mom and dad. I remember telling them that I felt like I was going to have Lola today. I didn't want to call Billy because he was at work and I didn't want to freak him out. I then drove back home. I knew I was in labor when I left their home. I called Billy and told him I felt like I was in labor but wasn't sure (even though I knew I was). I told him not to worry and that I would call him the minute I felt like it was.
I went home and did bills. I remember chatting with J and downloading a contraction app. I knew I was in labor but it wasn't consistent enough for me to worry everybody with it. I kept counting but it was really inconsistent. I remember doing bills in between contractions. When Billy finally got home from work, we ordered pizza. Right when the pizza got delivered, I had a pretty hard contraction downstairs holding on to the bar. During this contraction I felt a GUSH of water. I knew my water broke. We called Mr. Paik and she told me to get to the hospital. She said that she knew I was trying to be calm, but could hear in my voice that I was in active labor.
The contractions came quick on the way to the hospital and was pretty intense on the walk over to Labor and Delivery.
When we were checking in, I was in so much pain. I was so scared, but also knew that I had to keep myself together. When all settled in, we found that I was already 8 cm dilated! By this time, I was asking for the epidural, but by the time it was administered, I was already 10 cm dilated and ready to go. I remember at this point when they were injecting me, I was in so much pain that all I could do was hold on to Billy. All I wanted was Billy. I needed him there and he was. It was comforting through the pain.
Once the epidural kicked in, I was so relieved. They wanted me to rest and monitor Lola's vitals. She was weak. But kicked up real quick also. Dr. Paik even found the need to call the NICU team, but at the end there was no need. I remember Dr. Paik saying it was time. I pushed and Dr. Paik used a vacuum. All I remember in the chaos was Dr. Paik's calming voice and Billy's reassuring face. It's all I needed. After 20 minutes of pushing Lola Narae Sigmon came screaming out into the world at 1:57am; 5 lbs 15 ozs. 18.5 inches long. I just remember tears falling down my face. It was the most amazing experience. And here she is... crying her awesome lungs out right now... @ just over 3 weeks.

How we love her.
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