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A _____ is a formal division of lines in a poem. Many poems are divided into these by spaces. They often function just like paragraphs in prose.

Correct answer: STANZA..................................

Question 2
_____ is an exaggerated statement used to heighten the effect. (for example: “I am so hungry I could eat an elephant.”)

Correct answer: hyperbole.......................

Question 3
_____ is a type of figurative language in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics. (for example: “The angry sun glared at the sunbathers.”)

Correct answer: personification........................................

Question 4
The _____ of a piece of writing is the feeling it creates in the reader.

Correct answer: mood...........................

Question 5
_____ is the author’s attitude toward a subject, like serious, sarcastic, solemn, objective, enthusiastic, humorous, hostile, disapproving, personal, or impersonal.

Correct answer: tone........................................

Question 6
The _____ of a poem is its central message about life.

Correct answer: theme..................................

Question 7
A _____ is a person, place, event, or object that stands for or represents something else.

Correct answer: symbol...................................

Question 8
The _____ of a word is the feeling associated with the word--emotional, cultural, or traditional associations surrounding it aside from its literal meaning. For example, thrifty and penny-pinching have the same basic meaning, but thrifty is more positive.

Correct answer: connotation.................................

Question 9
Writers use _____ to appeal to the reader's senses, like sight, sound, touch.

Correct answer: imagery................................

Question 10
_____ is poetry not written in a regular rhythmical pattern, or meter. There's no fixed structure.

Correct answer: free verse..........................................

Question 11
_____ is the use of words that imitate sounds. Crash, buzz, hiss, slither, cluck, and zing are all examples.

Correct answer: Onomatopoeia.................................

Question 12
A _____ is a figure of speech in which something is described as though it were something else. It points out a similarity between two, unlike things. (for example: “Life is a bowl of cherries.”)

Correct answer: metaphor..............................

Question 13
A _____ is a figure of speech that uses like or as to make a direct comparison between two, unlike things. (for example: “My heart was like a yo-yo.”)

Correct answer: simile...................................

Question 14
_____ is any language that goes beyond the literal meaning of words in order to state ideas in new and imaginative ways.

Correct answer: figurative language...............................

Question 15
_____ is the use, more than once, of any element of language—a sound, word, phrase, clause, or sentence.

Correct answer: REPETITION........................

Question 16
_____ is the repetition of consonant sounds, especially at the beginning of words. For example, the buzzing bees fly behind the barn. Writers use this to draw attention to certain words, point out similarities and contrasts, create mood, and create musical effects in their writing. Tongue twisters are great examples of this.

Correct answer: alliteration...............................

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