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Security Officer Training
Welcome to the SCP Foundation. You have begun your journey to enter our Security Division. Read through this document and try to remember it because you will be given a quiz at the end. Answer each question to the best of your ability, and you will be whitelisted for Security Officer if you pass. If you fail the quiz, there is a 10 minute timer before another attempt.
Standard Knowledge:
The Golden Rule - Close doors behind you.
Do not let out or befriend SCPs under any circumstances.
Controlled Fire - Do not fire if there are fellow personnel in the way as it is likely you will shoot and/or kill them.
To enter the armory you must get permission from a Lieutenant or higher.
Do not shoot at SCPs unless told otherwise.
Do not leave the Light Containment Zone without permission.
NLR - Stands for the New Life Rule and it is a standard that prevents a person that has died in the past 3 minutes to go back to the same area that they died in. If you die in your spawn area you may not interact with anyone who is attacking for 3 minutes. It is a very commonly broken rule but it is still enforced.
Raid NLR - This is only called when the Chaos Insurgency is actively raiding the SCP Foundation. It is the same as NLR but with the timer of 30 minutes or until the raid is over. Flagging up after the Insurgency has cleared your spawn would automatically put you under ‘Raid NLR’ status. This rule is heavily enforced so abide by it at all times.
Metagame - Metagaming is when game information outside of what is available in-game is used to give a player an advantage in-game. An example of breaking this rule is seeing a CI Heavy flagged up and an SDU saying “/f Code Orange! CI Raid!”
Respect everyone above you in the Chain of Command.
Chaos Insurgency are a group of interest that directly go against the Foundation. If seen inside the Facility, shoot them on sight.
Some Insurgents have the ability to cloak. You can detect them using your thermals, and if detected inside, shoot them on sight as well.
Checkpoint Duty:
Make sure the checkpoint is locked at all times to prevent unauthorized personnel from passing through.
While on Checkpoint duty you must check the IDs of ALL who wish to pass. (Except in cases of emergency - such as officers being trapped from an SCP like 106). They can show their ID via the command, “/showid”.
MTF, Level 4’s, and Lieutenants and above do not need to give a reason to pass through the checkpoint, everyone else does. They still must present ID.
SCPs, D-class, Chaos Insurgency and people with an AoS aren’t allowed to pass through checkpoints for any reason (without an escort).
Make sure researchers have the proper personnel and equipment before passing through the checkpoint.
Use your judgement if something seems out of the ordinary.
If you are leaving the checkpoint and have nobody to replace you on checkpoint duty, or if you must leave in an emergency, make sure you unlock the checkpoint and don’t just leave it locked.
Codes and Procedures:
Code Green (No Threat): The facility is currently considered “safe” and general activity is to be continued. Testing typically occurs during this period, and as a Security Officer you may be asked to assist with a test.
Code Yellow (Low Threat): A low level SCP has breached containment. Security Teams are to handle the issue promptly. Testing may be halted by a level 3 if deemed necessary. This is considered high alert.
Code Orange (Raid): A facility raid is occurring. Authorized personnel are to report to the front gate and within the Entrance Zone. Any level 4 personnel are to be relocated to a Safe Zone with Administrative Security Guards by their sides. Security is to wait on the orders of their superiors and MTF and may be called to assist with counter-attacks. General Security should be prepared to defend, with some guarding researchers while others report to battle stations. All testing is to be halted at this time.
Code Red (High Threat): A high level SCP or multiple low level SCPs have breached within the Foundation. General Security are to guard researchers and evacuate them to a Safe Zone as well as work to re-contain SCPs. MTF will move into the facility to assist in re-containment efforts. All testing is to be halted at this time.
Code Black (Extreme Threat): The Facility is considered compromised. Security teams and MTF members will evacuate with all remaining staff. Escort researchers outside the facility. At this point the facility will be destroyed by on-site warheads to prevent additional breaches. All SCPs within the facility are considered terminated until proven otherwise. All testing must be halted at this time. Evac point is generally at MTF FOB.
Your Equipment and How to Use It:
As Security you will carry standard issue equipment. Security Officers come with:
A level 2 keycard.
A gas mask.
Thermal vision and night vision.
G36C Assault Rifle.
Five-seven sidearm.
A Foundation Security radio.
A headcam.
A stunstick.
Light armor.
To access your equipment, press F1. You may get permission to change your equipment at the armory from a Lieutenant. To change what you have equipped, drag the selected equipment to the applicable zone.
You can use your radio to communicate with fellow Foundation personnel via “/f (message)”. You may also use voice chat with your radio by pressing Shift+R and changing voice channels with Shift+LMB or Shift+RMB.
To use your keycard, press F1 or hold C, double click on it in your inventory, and then click on a keycard scanner.
To turn on your thermals or night vision, equip it and then open the console and type in “thermal_toggle” or “nightvision_toggle” respectively.
To use the headcam, equip it and then press R while facing a terminal, then turn on the terminal.
D-Block and D-Class:
D-Class are disposable personnel that are used for testing and other purposes. They should never be left alone while outside of D-Block.
If you see a D-Class outside of D-Block, either terminate or restrain, amnesticsize, and return them to D-Block.
Occasionally there will be a D-Block Lockdown. They made be called by a Level 3 if D-Class have contraband, weapons, info on an SCP or an SCP inside D-Block, a riot or a hostage situation. During a D-Block Lockdown, you will enter with your stunstick and force D-Class inside their cells. If a D-Class is being noncompliant, you may beat them with your stunstick. If the D-Class have a weapon, you may instead shoot them with your firearm. If an SCP was inside D-Block, you will take the SCP out of D-Block and administer Class-A Amnestics to each D-Class. Z-Units are usually tasked with D-Block Lockdowns, however there are times where Security Officers will be called in to assist. Only a Level 4 can grant permission to use your firearms during a D-Block lockdown, unless D-Class have a weapon. Before you enter D-Block, you must do a /me to drop all your firearms (you don’t have to actually drop them all).
Chain of Command:

Articles of Conduct:
All Foundation personnel are expected to follow the Articles of Conduct. Breaking an Article will result in being detained and possibly demoted. Here is a link to the Articles of Conduct:
There are two main formations that a Security Officer should know:
Firing Line - Officers should stand shoulder-to-shoulder with weapons drawn.
Advanced Firing Line - Officers should stand shoulder-to-shoulder with weapons drawn and Senior Officers crouched in front of them with their weapons drawn.
Light Containment Zone (LCZ): This is where you will spend most of your time as a Security Officer. This is also where most of the Safe and Euclid SCPs are kept. It also contains D-Block and the Research Wing.
Heavy Containment Zone (HCZ): You will need permission from a Level 3 to enter the HCZ without an escort. The HCZ contains many Euclid and Keter SCPs. It also has the elevators leading to the LHCZ.
Lower Heavy Containment Zone (LHCZ): The LHCZ contains many of the more dangerous SCPs, storing Euclid and Keter SCPs. It also houses the SID Headquarters. You will need permission from a Level 3 to enter the LHCZ.
Entrance Zone (EZ): The EZ contains no SCPs. It is where the power room is, Gate A, the cafeteria, and offices are. It connects to the Exit Zone. Authorized personnel may be granted permission to enter the EZ either in an emergency or on break.
Designated Safe Zones: Designated Safe Zones are where to take researchers and Level 4 personnel in the case of an emergency. Some examples of a Designated Safe Zone are Lower R-Wing, the SID HQ, D-Block Overwatch, SDU HQ, and the Killhouse.
Types of SCPs:
Safe Class: Despite their names, Safe class SCPs can still pose a risk to personnel. They are relatively easy to contain.
Euclid Class: Euclid SCPs are either sentient or not fully understood. They pose some risk to breaching and some active containment may be necessary.
Keter Class: Keter SCPs are dangerous and pose an active threat to society. Significant active containment is necessary. Avoid them at all costs and allow SID to contain.

SCP-079 “Old A.I.” cannot directly breach containment, but may cause breaches of SCPs whenever Remote Door Control is on. To keep it contained, keep RDC off at all times.

SCP-131 “The Eye Pods” are allowed to roam the facility. If 131-A or 131-B get in the way you may contain them by doing a /me to pick them up and carry them back to their cell.

SCP-173 “The Sculpture” can be contained by having 3 or more people staring at it at all times and one person stunstick it back to its cell. Certain personnel may also use a cage to bring it back to its cell. If you encounter 173 alone, keep eye contact with it at all times and attempt to lock it in a hallway until reinforcements can arrive.

SCP-208 “Bes” is allowed to roam the facility. If you need 208 to exit the area for the time being, simply ask him to leave the area or return to his cell.

SCP-263 “Cash or Ash” cannot breach directly. Never enter SCP-263’s cell, especially alone. If 263 does manage to breach, you may pick it up and carry it to its cell.

SCP-294 “The Coffee Machine” cannot breach directly. If 294 is ever out of position, two or more people can pick it up and carry it back to its cell. Do not use 294 without permission from a Level 3 or higher.

SCP-397 “A Hominidae” can be a dangerous SCP to take on alone. To contain 397, you may have certain personnel tranquilize her, you may point three or more guns at her to FearRP her, or you can attempt to detain her with combatRP via /mes. Once subdued with either of these ways, search her for any weapons or items she has and confiscate them.

SCP-426 “I am a Toaster” must be referred to in the first person. In order to contain me, you must have a D-Class pick me up and carry me to my cell. Then terminate the Class D.

SCP-735 “The Insult Box” cannot breach containment directly. If 735 is breached, put on earmuffs and carry it back to its cell. If exposed to 735 for more than 5 minutes, personnel will attempt to destroy the box. If exposed for more than 10 minutes, they will resort to attempting to kill themselves in RP.

SCP-912 “Autonomous SWAT Armor” can be used by having a Level 3 either grant permission or put on the Police Department uniform by /adverting “PD Suit on” while next to 912. If 912 has no handler, alert personnel and keep your weapons away as 912 will try to detain those brandishing their weapons. To contain it, have someone become the handler and order back.

SCP-914 “The Clockworks” are not to be used without Level 4 permission. Anyone caught entering without permission is subject to demotion.

SCP-999 “The Tickle Monster” is allowed to free roam the facility and is used to contain SCP-682. If 999 is getting in the way, you can lure it away with a /me to show it candy.

SCP-1370 “Pesterbot” can pose a serious risk due to it breaching other SCPs. To contain it, simply do a /me to pick it up and carry it to its cell. Set it on its side and close the door.

SCP-2337 “Dr. Spanko” if 2337 is breached, feed it gummy worms and take it back to its cell. It may request ‘stranglefruit’ every 10 minutes, so make sure he gets fed gummy worms otherwise it will be difficult to communicate.

SCP-035 “Possessive Mask” avoid it at all costs and wait for a BCU certified SID to contain. Keep others clear from its location. If it has a host, terminate and keep a sizable distance from it.

SCP-106 “The Old Man” avoid at all costs. If breached, keep your distance and prep D-Class for the femur breaker. You may be asked to assist in containment. Take a D-Class into 106’s cell and place them in the femur breaker and activate it, /adverting “Femur Breaker.” Once 106 enters his cell, raise it.

SCP-682 “Hard to Destroy Reptile” do not shoot at it unless it’s already attacking you. If enraged, try to lure 999 to tickle it to contain it.

SCP-939 “With Many Voices” attempt to keep your distance to the best of your ability. Do not shoot if they are tranquilized. If actively hunting you, you may terminate.

SCP-2292 “Gorilla beringei necromantiae” do not shoot under any circumstances. If enraged, keep your distance. Terminate zombies produced by it.
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Regards; Team

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