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[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): hey so
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): why did you lie
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I'm not lying.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): grave admitted your in discord and you said you werent
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I said we were.
Arkon has connected to the server.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Look in logs I said we use discord but don't meta.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): [PM] Layla Bite (kenkade4): No, but I know the CPS use a TS to callout in s2k. And I heard they metagame with it too, idk. We talk together but don't metagame.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): We talk together in discord.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): IS what I meant.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): And grave told us the cps metagame.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): And use TS.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): i asked are you positive and you ensured you were. I asked Grave whom is in discord with you and he said you both were
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): both were in a discord, yes.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I said we talk together IN A DISCORD.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Is what I meant.
Dispatch broadcasts "Citizen Notice, the Ration Distribution Terminal is now closed."
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): you still lied. I asked if you were positive and it feels like your changing it as you got caught
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): fml rations ;-;.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Not at all, I am positive we don't metagame, it's just I had to change my wording because I let out we talk (in discord)
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): And you're putting words in my mouth a bit man.
DeStroy has connected to the server.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I can bring all 3 of my fucking friends into this admin sit.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): That are in discord with me.
Legatus Vitallion has connected to the server.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): sure, bring grave, harrison and Fendi
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Yup.
Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz has teleported Davon Winters to their target location.
Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz has teleported Roni Meland to their target location.
John has disconnected from the server.
Fendi says "Ok so what are you accusing us of?"
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): oops
] stopsound
lokachop has connected to the server.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): Davon. So I asked Kenkade if you guys are using discord and he said no and he was positive. I asked grave and he admitted it
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I SAID YES WTF
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I SAID YES.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): if you are honest with me, your not gonna be in trouble
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): Yes.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I SAID YES WTF DUDE.
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): The honest answer is we are in discord, but were not abusing it.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): Have you ever used it to cordinate at all? Remember honesty wins you points here
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): We're not using metagame, figuring hes not even on a character related to us now<<kenkade
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): If you're talking about the u nits.
Layla Bite says "Not at all bro."
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): looc that
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): That was definatley not cordinated, we didn't know half of the people.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Not at all bro.
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): And no, I wasn't on when that happened
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): I was in the discord though
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): Grave, have you? Again, honesty wins points
[LOOC] 5'8" | Pale Skin Dark Brown Eye... (McGraveDigger): Metagame?
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): moreso using it to cordinate like
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): "shoot this guy"
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): a means of ic communication
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): I mean if your going indepth into that,
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): Its easy to distinguish a enemy whos shooting at you lmao
MPF.C18-UNION.01.920 set Giovanni Bello's model to models/suits/male_07_open_waistcoat.mdl.
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): units<<shooting at<<red bandanas
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): obvious<<<
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): i mean moreso calling shots out and stuff like that.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): or cordinating plans via voice
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): wym, locations?
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): that can be included
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): Were talking about the 10 unit mpf situation again right
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): or ingeneral
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): both. if you have used voice chat for cordinating anything at all i need to know. if your honest all thats gonna happen is your gonnsa be warned
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): I mean
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): I dont have a mic
[LOOC] 5'8" | Pale Skin Dark Brown Eye... (McGraveDigger): I do have a mic
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): Nothing was cordinated to say.
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): At most someone said, "oh loot spawn" which is easy to see ic because shit appears infront of you
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Like while next to eachother mind you.
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): Even with that he said
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): IF we did say anything, it was near eachother and said in ic for that
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): We never cordinated attacks
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): Why would we die so much if we cordinated it
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): very well, thank you both
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): were you both in d2?
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Was about to enter D1.
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): wym rn?
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): And why both?
[LOOC] Fendi (Dohezy): my character needs setback to d2 if thats what your saying
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): talking to davon and grave
[LOOC] 5'8" | Pale Skin Dark Brown Eye... (McGraveDigger): Oh yeah, we were in D2
[HTML] Uncaught TypeError: Property 'group' of object #<error> is not a function
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Uhm...
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Anything else?
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): so
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): why couldnt you tell me all of that
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I am only in the discord SOMETIMES, different timezones.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): They're in the UK and I'm in the US./
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): And I am only 13 and legitimatley have autism dude.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I think different under pressure.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): What my mom says atleast man.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): 25k hours on gmod
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): and 13
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Yeah.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I played at 7.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): It was released on my birth-date.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): when was that
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): 2004.
Potato has connected to the server.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): funny thats my birthday too
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): And how old are you?
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I was born in may 4 2004.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): doesnt matt-
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): gmod was released in december 24th 2004
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Yeah.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): ??????????
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Welp on the same year.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): If I am not being punished or if you don't have any evidence, please put me back into rp? I am being more annoyed and accused than fucking having bloody fun.
[OOC] taco: i paid my taxes
[OOC] taco: a week aog
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): ok, im done being lied to
[OOC] taco: and i just got mailed
[OOC] taco: forms AGAIN
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Me too.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I am also done being accused of bullshit.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): alright then
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): /I/ know I didn't metame, /I/ know my own damn age, /I/ know myself more than you do bro. So stop seriously.
[UG] AngelicPenguin has connected to the server.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I don't metagame, and I am honestly tired of this.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Fuck, it it takes removing my friends to play in this damned server, maybe it's that.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): whatcha mean
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I mean if I am going to be in danger of being banned for false shit then I am going to be dis-associating myself.
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): you did lie to me though
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): When?
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): and your making a lie up to excuse yourself
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Not at all.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): My friend told me you're trying to take advantage of my mental disabillity to pressure me.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): And that could be brought up on the forums, I am glad my friend brought that up.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I shouldn't of told you that, but I kinda' had to. So bring me down or this bullshit is going on the forums to get you banned from your position.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): Got it?
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): LOL
[LOOC] Dr. Ianiyla 'Ian' Martz (Jupiter): [LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): I shouldn't of told you that, but I kinda' had to. So bring me down or this bullshit is going on the forums to get you banned from your position.
[LOOC] Layla Bite (kenkade4): That I have autism so that you didn't try to peer-pressure me more.
MPF.C18-UNION.02.542 has banned 'kenkade4' permanently (Lying to Administration | Unwanted Persona | Manipulation Attepts | Various Other Offenses | ~Taco & Jupiter | Appeal at
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