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Justification for Pet Store Plan
Amy Kingshott 28 January 2018
For my pet store plan, I have linked it to the Pet Animals Act 1951 amended in 1983. This piece of legislation has many conditions that ensure appropriate welfare of animals within a retail premises and ensure the health and safety of staff and public using that facility. I’m aware of these conditions and I have ensured my plan covers all aspects of the legislation.
I have placed a copy of the license in a safe place near the animal enclosures however the licence holders home address isn’t on this copy. I have done this as It is a relevant condition of the pet animals act that the license or copy of the license is displayed in a prominent position.
As for the animal’s accommodation I have made it certain they are away from any draughts placing them at the back of the store. The enclosures meet relevant specifications of the act including correct size, temperature, lighting and ventilation suitable to the species as well as conditions of construction and cleanliness. This is important as it will ensure the safety and welfare of the animal. The Act states that ‘’Animals must be kept in an environment suitable to the species. They must not be exposed to draughts and wide temperature fluctuations. If animals are displayed outdoors, they shall have protection appropriate to their species’’. I have ensured this has been met in my pet store plan. All accommodation will be kept in good working order and repaired when needed. The accommodation will be made from appropriate materials suitable to the species and making sure all accommodation is made with non-porous and treated materials as this will control the spread of disease and prevent any injury to the animals. I have also ensured the animals can’t be disturbed by the public and other animals as they will not be able to touch one another.
I have also ensured an appropriate amount of space surrounding the enclosures as it is a requirement that all livestock for sale is accessible and easy to inspect. The enclosures won’t be too high making the bottom of the enclosure visible always thus meaning the animals can be inspected regularly and any sign of illness can be spotted immediately. I have placed a store cupboard close to the animal enclosure as this will contain appropriate cleaning equipment as it is necessary to maintain good hygiene standards and the animals are cleaned out regularly. The layered accommodation will have sealed flooring as it is a requirement that, water, food or other droppings must not be allowed to enter the lower housing. All accessories provided in the accommodation must be suitable for the species. A tap is located near by to allow access to water without walking through the store. When dangerous animals are kept, the cages must be of a secure construction appropriate to the species. A fine wire mesh, glass or plastic safety barrier must be incorporated into the cage system; however, my pet store will not be storing any animals listed on the DWA
Within my pet store design, I have also included a room for offices and important paper work. Within this room the register of all livestock as well as risk assessments will be kept. I have done this as it states within the act ‘’A livestock purchase register must be maintained to determine the source of livestock’’. It is a requirement that all livestock purchases must be entered, and the entry must include the name and address of the person or organisation who supplied the livestock, details of the type and numbers of livestock and the date of delivery to the shop. Entries may be cross referenced to a general invoice file for the premises, if the invoice contains the above information to make it simpler. A sales register must be maintained for the parrots and parakeets with my store as well as any species contained in the Schedule to the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 (as modified) although my store will most likely sell common domestic pets therefore it may not apply. The sales register is to contact the place of purchase in an emergency such as a diseased animal. Thus, meaning the name and address and telephone number of the purchaser should be recorded.
Within my plan I have met the size specification of the Pet Animals Act 1951(1983) this included the stocking density. The maximum stocking density will be determined by the accommodation available. I have measured the accommodation sizes and estimated how many animals would be suitable within the premises. I used the measurements to draw my plan that is stated at the bottom of the license conditions. No other animals other than those specified in the licence, may be stocked without prior written approval from the licensing authority.
All stock for sale must be in good health and free from obvious parasitic infestation as far as can be reasonably determined without veterinary inspection. I have included within my plan an isolation bay/ animal infirmary. This will ensure any animal that may become sick or is new can be isolated from the others to prevent cross contamination. The animals will only be cared for by trained staff unless under supervision of a Specially Qualified Person (SQP). Vet treatment must be sourced as there isn’t a vet on the premises. As the Act states ‘The facility to isolate sick animals must be provided. A procedure to deal with sick animals is required’

All animals must receive appropriate vaccinations where required for the species as advised by the veterinary surgeon. Veterinary advice must be sought whenever necessary.
If an animal has obvious, significant abnormality which would materially affect its quality of life it must not be offered for sale. When in doubt, veterinary advice should be sought.
I have placed the isolation room away from the animals in the warehouse as it is important that all reasonable precautions must be taken to prevent the outbreak and spread of disease.
I have also included a store cupboard a tap near the enclosures. Within this cupboard the animal’s food will be provided. It is necessary that animals must be supplied with adequate amounts of food and drink, appropriate to their needs, and at suitable intervals. The food will be stored in air tight containers and dated to keep freshness and improve cleanliness and hygiene management.
Leaflets will be free to take on the end of the relevant isles in addition customers will be able to purchase pet care books within the allocated isles. Customers can also gain advice from staff however the staff must be suitably trained. Animals should not be stocked or sold unless the staff are familiar with the care and welfare of that animal and have a recognised qualification or suitable experience.
Within my pet shop I have also made sure my shop contains fire exits and fire extinguishers to meet relevant fire safety regulations. Within the offices suitable emergency precautions and written procedures shall exist and be made known to all staff, including arrangements for evacuation of livestock. I have made sure my fire exits are visible and won’t be obstructed in the event of a fire. I have also ensured all fire exits have disability access. The fire extinguishers will be maintained and serviced a competent person and sited as advised by the local Fire Protection/Prevention Officer and in consultation with the local authority.
Although not visible on my plan the floors and walls will be made from a non-absorbent surface, so they are easily cleaned this will prevent the spread of diseases not only from the animals but between humans too. Toilets are near by to ensure hands can be washed with hot water and soap.
Overall, I believe my pet store plan meets the specifications and legislation requirements of the Pet Animals Act 1951. If I were to change anything about my design I would put the offices towards the back of the building and make the animal section slightly bigger. However, I am happy with how my design came out.

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