Notes - |
dm "clear log; clear output;";
options nofmterr symbolgen mprint mlogic validvarname=UPCASE;
%macro graph_max(mytable=,var=,flag=,paramcd=,t1=,t2=,t4=,f1=,f2=,f3=,f4=,text1=,out=,pt=,tx=);
**keep the required variables and calculate the proprotion for ALT and BILI;
proc datasets lib = work kill nolist ;
data lb;
set adam.adlb;
if saffl = 'Y';
if aval ne .;
if &flag. = "Y" ;
if avisit = "WORST POST BASELINE" ;
if dtype = 'HIGHEST';
if not missing(aval) and not missing(anrhi) then fold = AVAL/ANRHI;
keep usubjid paramcd aval anrhi TRT01A TRT01AN fold avisit dtype ;
**Calculate maximum fold for each subject for each testcd;
proc sql;
create table mlb as select distinct usubjid, paramcd, max(fold) as mval, TRT01AN from lb
group by usubjid, paramcd
order by usubjid, paramcd;
proc sort data = mlb;
by usubjid TRT01AN;
proc transpose data = mlb out = tmlb;
by usubjid TRT01AN;
var mval;
id paramcd;
data tmlb1;
set tmlb;
if TRT01AN = 1 then trt = 'Omadacycline';
if TRT01AN = 2 then trt = 'Linezolid';
if TRT01AN = 3 then trt = 'Moxifloxacin';
if trt ne ' ';
proc sort data = tmlb1 out=graphs.&out;
by trt;
data annotate_dat;
length function color $8 text $50;
retain xsys ysys '2' hsys '3';
function='label'; color='black'; size=2.75; x=30; y=50; text='Hy''s Law range';output;
function='label'; color='black'; size=2.75; x=0.3; y=0.125; text='normal range';output;
function='label'; color='black'; size=2.75; x=30; y=0.125; text='Temple''s Corollary range';output;
function='label'; color='black'; size=2.75; x=0.3; y=50; text='hyperbilirubinemia';output;
function='move'; x=1; y=0.1; output;
function='draw'; color='grey'; line=1; size=.25; x=1; y=1;output;
function='move'; x=0.1; y=1; output;
function='draw'; color='grey'; line=1; size=.25; x=1; y=1;output;
/* Define options, output location for the pdf and the size of the pdf output */
options orientation=landscape;
goptions reset=global;
ods listing close;
ods pdf file="&study_patho.GraphssourceOutput&pt..pdf" style=pearl ;
ods escapechar = '!';
goptions reset=all device=png cback=white htext=8pt htitle=10pt ftext='Simplex' ftitle='Simplex'
colors=(black) noborder xmax=15 in ymax=11 in hsize=9.0in vsize=6.5in horigin=1.0in vorigin=0.5in;
legend1 across=1 frame position=(top left inside) offset=(5 pct, -10 pct) order=('Omadacycline' 'Linezolid') label = ("") mode=protect;
legend2 across=1 frame position=(top left inside) offset=(5 pct, -10 pct) order=('Omadacycline' 'Moxifloxacin') label = ("") mode=protect;
/* Define symbols for the graph, sizes, axis labels. Graph plot. */
title1 h=1.3 j=center font=courier " ";
title2 j=left font='courier' h=9pt 'Paratek Pharmaceuticals,Inc.' ;
title3 j=left font='courier' h=9pt 'Omadacycline/PTK0796-ISS' j=right "Version: Draft";
title4 h=1.3 j=center font=courier " ";
title5 j=c h=10pt &T1.;
title6 j=c h=10pt &T2.;
title7 j=c h=10pt 'Safety Population';
title8 j=c h=10pt &T4.;
footnote1 j=l h=10pt &f1.;
footnote2 j=l h=10pt &f2.;
footnote3 j=l h=10pt &f3.;
footnote4 j=l h=10pt &f4.;
footnote5 j=l h=10pt ' ';
footnote6 h=10pt j=l "Generated from Figure on &sysdate9. Date of data extraction:30JUN2017" j=r 'Page 1 of 1';
symbol1 color=black value=triangle width=1 line=1;
symbol2 color=black value=circle width=1 line=1;
axis1 value=(f=arial h=10pt)
label=(f='arial/bo' h=10pt "&TEXT1.") major=(h=10pt) minor=(h=7pt)
reflabel= (h=8pt f=arial'3X' position=bottom j=left)logbase=10 order=(.1 1 10 100);
axis2 value=(h=10pt)
label=(f='arial/bo' h=10pt a=90 justify=center "Maximum TBL (multiples of ULN)") major=(h=8pt) minor=(h=7pt)
reflabel= (h=8pt f=arial '2X' j=left) logbase=10 order=(.1 1 10 100);
%if &tx = lin %then %do;
proc gplot data= graphs.&out.;
plot bili*&var.=trt/legend=legend1 vaxis=axis2 haxis=axis1 vref=2 href=3 whref=2 WVREF=2 annotate=annotate_dat;
%if &tx = max %then %do;
proc gplot data= graphs.&out.;
plot bili*&var.=trt/legend=legend2 vaxis=axis2 haxis=axis1 vref=2 href=3 whref=2 WVREF=2 annotate=annotate_dat;
ods pdf close;
ods listing;
dm log 'log; file "&study_patho.GraphssourceLogs&mytable.&loglabel..log" replace' log;
%mend graph_max;
%graph_max(mytable=Figure_14_3_3_1_1_1,var=alt,flag=A3PLFL,paramcd=%nrstr(where paramcd in('ALT','BILI')),
t2='Maximum ALT versus Maximum TBL Assessed at Any Time Post-baseline, Expressed as Multiples of ULN',
t4='A3 ABSSSI Pooling Group (ABSSSI Phase 3 Studies)',
f1='Pooling group A3 includes: ABSI-1108, ABSI-16301.',
f2='ALT = Alanine aminotransferase, TBL = Total bilirubin, ULN = Upper Limit of Normal.',
f3='The maximal values for Bilirubin and ALT may not occur at the same timepoint.',
f4='Solid lines represent reference lines at 3xULN of ALT and 2xULN of TBL.',
text1=Maximum post-baseline ALT (multiples of ULN),out=F_14_3_3_1_1_1,pt = Figure,tx=lin);
%graph_max(mytable=Figure_14_3_3_1_1_2,var=ast,flag=A3PLFL,paramcd=%nrstr(where paramcd in('AST','BILI')),
t2='Maximum AST versus Maximum TBL Assessed at Any Time Post-baseline, Expressed as Multiples of ULN',
t4='A3 ABSSSI Pooling Group (ABSSSI Phase 3 Studies)',
f1='Pooling group A3 includes: ABSI-1108, ABSI-16301.',
f2='AST = Aspartate Aminotransferase, TBL = Total bilirubin, ULN = Upper Limit of Normal.',
f3='The maximal values for Bilirubin and AST may not occur at the same timepoint.',
f4='Solid lines represent reference lines at 3xULN of AST and 2xULN of TBL.',
text1=Maximum post-baseline AST (multiples of ULN),out=F_14_3_3_1_1_2,pt = Figure,tx=lin);
%graph_max(mytable=Figure_14_3_3_3_1_1,var=alt,flag=C3PLFL,paramcd=%nrstr(where paramcd in('ALT','BILI')),
t2='Maximum ALT versus Maximum TBL Assessed at Any Time Post-baseline, Expressed as Multiples of ULN',
t4='C3 CABP (Phase 3 study)',
f1='Pooling group C3 CABP includes: CABP-1200.',
f2='ALT = Alanine aminotransferase, TBL = Total bilirubin, ULN = Upper Limit of Normal.',
f3='The maximal values for Bilirubin and ALT may not occur at the same timepoint.',
f4='Solid lines represent reference lines at 3xULN of ALT and 2xULN of TBL.',
text1=Maximum post-baseline ALT (multiples of ULN),out=F_14_3_3_3_1_1,pt = Figure,tx=max);
%graph_max(mytable=Figure_14_3_3_3_1_2,var=ast,flag=C3PLFL,paramcd=%nrstr(where paramcd in('AST','BILI')),
t2='Maximum AsT versus Maximum TBL Assessed at Any Time Post-baseline, Expressed as Multiples of ULN',
t4='C3 CABP (Phase 3 study)',
f1='Pooling group C3 CABP includes: CABP-1200.',
f2='AST = Aspartate Aminotransferase, TBL = Total bilirubin, ULN = Upper Limit of Normal.',
f3='The maximal values for Bilirubin and AST may not occur at the same timepoint.',
f4='Solid lines represent reference lines at 3xULN of AST and 2xULN of TBL.',
text1=Maximum post-baseline AST (multiples of ULN),out=F_14_3_3_3_1_2,pt = Figure,tx=max);
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