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Science Test
30 Multiple Choice (Chpt 4,5,6)
11 Multiple Choice (Physics Chp.11)
Graph --> 2 questions
Do we know :
1. Order of elements
2. Elements in A group (Vertical)
How are the placed? Properties. All Elements in a group have the same valence.
3. Group 1 --> Alkali Metals, Names of groups Group 2 --> Alkali Earth Metals, Group 3-12 --> Transition Metals 13-17 --> Non-metals 17 --> Halogens 18 --> Noble gasses
4. Conductive properties, Semiconductors Properties
5. whether columns have the same properties
6. Trends -> From left to right - Increases number- increases atomic mass, top to bottom
7. column = group, rows =periods
8. From left to right, top to bottom is the metallic property increases- or decreases. It increases top to bottom. It becomes more non-metallic from left to right.
9. who loses electrons, metals or non-metals. Metals lose, nonmetals gain electrons
metals lose to become positive ions, nonmetals become negative ions
10. Physics, definitions for speed, velocity, distance, displacement, acceleration
11. Scalar and vector quantities. Scalar -> magnitude, no direction Vector -> magnitude direction
12. Reading Graph -> d&t graph, velocity&t graph
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