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BTEC Level 3 Nationals in IT
Game Design: What is in the Game?
Unit 40 - Assignment 1

Assignment 1 Guide
Carry out research into the principles of game design by analysing the visual style and gameplay elements of a particular game.

2. Write an Introduction which briefly tells the reader:
• What is this detailed guide going to be about?
• What areas is this guide going to include?
• What is the terminology that will be covered?
• Resulting in an evaluation of a game

3. For a PASS (P1 – describe visual style and elements of gameplay used in game design with some appropriate use of subject terminology.)
Include screen shots of the game as illustration for each of the following visual and game play styles that you describe:
• Terrain e.g. mountains, grass, concrete, water
• Architecture e.g. buildings and bridges
• Objects e.g. cars, helicopters and weapons
• Characters e.g. people that can be controlled
• Non-Playing Characters (NPC) e.g. controlled by the computer
• Feedback e.g. their health
• Interface e.g. to see the status of their character, a map, buttons
• Perspectives e.g. overhead, 2D or 3D
• Full-Motion Video (FMV) e.g. video sequence
• Goals and rewards e.g. completion of a mission, the collection of currency

4. For a MERIT (M1 – explain visual style and elements of gameplay used in game design with reference to detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology)

• Refer to a particular game example
• Has the particular visual style or gameplay element been used in all parts of the game?
• Has it been used in just one area?
• Why has it been used in this way?
• Has it been used effectively? e.g. good or bad

5. For a DISTINCTION (D1 – critically evaluate visual style and elements of gameplay used in game design with supporting arguments and elucidated examples, and consistently using subject terminology correctly)

• Provide a brief narrative as to what the game is about
• What is the Game structure - beginning, game loop, end
• How are the players rewarded in the game?
• How do they get feedback?
• Is it single or multiplayer?
• Is the game difficult to play?
• Who is the audience for the game?
• How has the game designer attempted to make the game appeal to this target audience?
• Compare to similar games where the elements have been used and worked better or not as well.
• Is the game addictive? If not why? What makes it addictive?
• How can the game be improved?
Conclusion - a summary of your final judgement of the game

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