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Why should a bunny be kept indoors?

"If they are kept inside, you can interact with them more because they're right in your house with you; you can watch them grow and interact with your other rabbits (if you have any)."

"I would say it would be better to keep them inside so they could get more attention. Rabbits are fairly easy to litter train. And once they get used to you, you will have much more fun having them inside with easy access."

"Rabbits that are left in their cages or hutch outside are also at the mercy of the weather, predators and insects. All of these things can lead to unhappy and unhealthy rabbits. A feral cat or wild raccoon may find a way into your rabbit's hutch or cage during the night and kill or hurt your bunny, so you should always bring the cage or hutch inside the house where he will be safe at night."

"But don't rabbits smell bad?
No they don't! Rabbits themselves are very clean animals with odourless fur and they fastidiously groom themselves all day. Only their urine smells so as long as you keep their living area clean (Litter box train your bunny) you shouldn't have a problem. You shouldn't be able to smell their poo either; it is dry and well-formed in little balls - this doesn't smell."

"Bunnies like company, so if they live with you indoors it's easier for them to avoid them getting bored as they are able to constantly interact with the family. They will also love the freedom and hiding places (such as under the sofa!) In your rabbits' own area you should provide a litter tray, toys and materials they can chew, and access to hay and water.

My Rabbit Tom is nine years old we got him when i was ten and he lived at the bottom of the garden in a hutch where we didnt really bother with him that much. Last winter it got really cold so we decided to move him into the house and he has now stayed living inside but we put him in the garden on sunny days. I think he is now better off living in the house as he gets alot more attention from everyone and will come running up to you for cuddles he also now has alot more room to run around."

Should they be kept inside or outside? INDOORS! Domestic rabbits are not fit to endure the harsh elements of the outdoors. The rain, heat, cold, storms, noise, bugs and hungry animals can really cause harm. Your bunny will get more attention and love living indoors with you. plus living indoors and protected from the elements will prolong its life. I would NEVER ever put my babies outside, i love them to much to put them through that.

Keep Your Bunny Indoors this Winter!
Published for the Upcoming Winter 2013 – 2014

Do Not Put Your Bunnies Outside!

HRC is adamant in its belief that companion rabbits should be kept indoors. The fact of the matter is this: Indoor rabbits live longer because they are safer and happier. Nothing else really needs to be said. However, if you know someone who needs convincing, here are a few things that you can tell them:

Cold, wind, snow and freezing rain

All are common parts of an average Washington winter and all pose health risks, whether from low temperatures or weather-related diseases, for hutch rabbits. Wild rabbits use shallow depressions in the ground or heavy thickets in an attempt to keep warm, options that are not available to hutch rabbits. Chances are, if you don’t want to be outdoors because of the weather on a particular day, neither does your rabbit. Most people would not leave their other companion animals — cats and dogs — outdoors in the winter, so why their rabbits?


Hutch rabbits are more likely to be attacked by predators. Because rabbits have acute vision, hearing and smell, the predator does not even need to be nearby to induce anxiety. In fact, a rabbit can die of fear — heart attacks are not uncommon — without being touched by a predator. A rabbit that runs madly about its hutch in response to the presence of a predator can injure itself, even break its own back. In the case of a hutch rabbit, maybe this fatal panic happens because they know they cannot run or hide. In this sense, an outdoor hutch, instead of providing safety, acts as a trap. Dogs, feral cats, raccoons, coyotes, owls, hawks, snakes, opossums and weasels are among the animals that pose a danger to outdoor rabbits. A determined attacker can bend or break the wire on a hutch, or perhaps, as in the case of raccoons, open the hutch, to get access to a terrified and cornered rabbit.

Rabbits are very good at hiding an illness

As every rabbit person knows, it’s vital to act quickly when you suspect a rabbit is sick. You’re going to be more familiar with a rabbit that shares your home, making it easier to identify the first signs of trouble. An outdoor rabbit, because he or she is getting less attention, could mask an illness until it is too late.

Outdoor rabbits are at greater risk of illness

Insects pose a problem. Fleas can cause flea anemia. Myxomatosis, a deadly virus, can be transmitted to rabbits by mosquitoes. The disease is often fatal and no vaccination is available. Fly strike is one of the uglier dangers. A fly lays eggs in stool stuck on a rabbit. The eggs hatch a day later into hungry maggots that eat the stool, then begin feasting on the rabbit. Fly strike takes only hours from infestation to possible death for a rabbit.

And another thing (or two)

In a similar vein, outdoor rabbits are more likely to be exposed to poisonous plants, toxic pesticides and fertilizers and bacteria in dirt. All can be fatal to a rabbit. Their water bowls can freeze in winter weather.

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