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It was a normal Saturday afternoon, Jason was sitting in his room, playing fortnight with keir and Kyle. They all had a victory so they were pretty excited. After a while of playing with eachother on the game, Jason got bored and decided to text his best friend, Abigail.
"Hey bestie" Jason texted hoping he would get a reply
"hey wats up?" Abigail replied making Jason very excited
"Nothing much just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out" Jason sweater incase she declined the offer.
"Off course! I'll come down to yours the now" Abigail replied as she threw her clothes on and skipped happily out her home.
Jason was excited as he loved his best friend and loved it when she came over.
-time skip-
Jason heard a knock on the door and bolted out his bedroom to greet the black haired girl at the door.
"hey" Jason said
"Hey" Abigail replied "sooo what do you wanna do?"
"Well it's pretty late so we can just watch a movie or something" Jason lead Abigail into his house and into his bedroom to watch a movie.
After a while they both decided on a movie to watch and put it on Jason's tv.
Jason and Abigail sat close together and as the minutes went by they got closer and closer until the we're sitting right next to eachother.
Abigail looked up and at Jason and Jason noticed. "You ok?" Jason asked
"I've never been better" Abigail replied as she seen Jason's lips get closer to hers so she leaned in, ready for what was going to happen.
Jason and Abigail kissed and eventually french kissing.
This the both of them aroused.
A few minutes later it became a full makeout session and they could both feel the tension getting stronger and stronger.
Jason decided it was time and started to make his way down Abigail neck, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck.
He made his way down to her neck and sucked on it.
This made Abigail moan softy, also earning small whimpers from the pleasure.
Jason was now kissing her collarbone and Abigail lost all control.
She pulled Jason off her and pulled his t-shirt over his head.
Jason knew where this was going and didn't want it to stop.
Abigail unzipped Jason's jeans and pulled them down, leaving him in his boxers.
She could see how much he wanted this and pulled his boxers down briefly.
Abigail ran her hand up and down Jason's dick before he even gave her permission.
Abigail let go of the small boys cock and began to suck it.
She started slowly but then gradually got faster and faster.
Jason moaned loudly and that made Abigail suck on it harder.
After a few more minutes jason came into her mouth.
Abigail loved the way Jason tasted.
Jason flipped Abigail onto the bed and pulled her t-shirt over her head.
He took her bra off, revealing what was underneath.
He pulled her shorts down her legs along with her pants.
The both were now fully naked and didn't want to waste anymore time.
Jason slid his cock inside Abigail and started to fuck her slowly.
Abigail moaned in pain and pleasure but eventually the pain melted into pleasure and made her moan loudly.
Jason knew he would cum again soon so he fucked her harder and faster.
Abigail and Jason were now screaming as waves of pleasure travelled through their bodies.
A few seconds later Jason came inside her and she came right after Jason.
Jason lay beside her on his bed, sweat dripping down his head.
Both were panting loudly but eventually they got their breath back.
"Well this was fun" Jason laughed
"Hope we can do it again" Abigail said as she put her clothes back on and headed home.
Jason sat on his bed and sighed happily.
It was only then that Jason realised her mic for his PS4 was still on.
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