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Leaders and followers make each other advance to higher levels of motivation as well as morality.
Burns Transformational Leadership Theory appeals to the "High road" in developing social values and individual purpose.
The Theory set apart from the rest of the leadership theories and asks the most fundamental question of what the ultimate goal of leadership is and why one should be a leader.
Burns Transformational Leadership Theory may not work in emergency situations or situations in which tasks are enormously complex and beyond the skill level of the average group member.
A major issue with Burns Transformational Leadership Theory, is how a transformational leader is to deal with other leaders not so enlightened.
Overview Burns Transformational leadership Theory, in other words, Burns focuses upon motivations and values in assessing how a leader approaches power.
A transforming leadership is superseded by a transcendent leadership, where the whole leadership process completely changes the character of an individual from being a mere leader to one with a noble ethos, and that leader, accordingly brings the led up into the same atmosphere.
We have an evolution from the most primitive, transactional, or bargaining, leadership, to transformational leadership, and finally to transcendent leadership.

Behavioural Theory

Mcgregor -

Theory X In Theory X, Douglas McGregor summarizes the traditional view of management in a number of characteristic assumptions in which autocratic leadership style, close supervision and the hierarchical principle are the key elements.
The authoritarian leadership style is therefore the most appropriate leadership style in Theory X. According to this theory, pure work motivation consists of financial incentives.
Theory Y Unlike in Theory X, Douglas McGregor starts from the assumption in Theory Y that people have different needs.
Principle of theory Y The central principle of Theory Y is that of integration: individuals can achieve their own goals by also focusing their efforts on the objectives of the organization they work for.
Critical note on the McGregor Theory The McGregor Theory X and Theory Y are not based on a single truth.
Theory X managers and Theory Y managers often see their perceptions of people confirmed.
In addition to their preference for a certain leadership style and the work that has to be done, a manager will either opt for Theory X or Theory Y. Theory X will sooner be implemented in industrial organizations where activities revolve around a high degree of productivity.

The theory has simple scales that a leader can use to give a "Thumb in the wind" assessment of what leadership style to use.

A good leader will be able to adapt her or his leadership to the goals or objectives to be accomplished.
Leadership techniques fall out of the leader pairing her or his leadership style to the maturity level of the group.
In the "Selling" behavior, the leader attempts to convince the group of that the leader should lead by providing social and emotional support to the individual being convinced.
There is two-way communication, but it is clear that the leader is leading.
Blanchard overlays four permutations of competency-commitment, again, with a letter designation: D1 - Low competence and low commitment D2 - Low competence and high commitment D3 - High competence and low/variable commitment D4 - High competence and high commitment Critique Can one apply the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory to both leaders and managers? If managers are seen merely as those executing a leader's directives and with little authority, perhaps not.
Wartime, emergency situations, survival-type scenarios may need a leader, and that leader may have to do more than simply look at the willingness and competence.

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