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[hanbin kim](10:08:30 PM): *finally enters the dorm with a cheesy ass grin on his face and his hands reaching up to cover Bobby's face, walking awkwardly behind him as he shouts out to the other members excitedly* GUYS! THE PRE-BIRTHDAY BOY IS HERE~~~ IS THE SURPRISE READY??

[김진환] (10:09:40 PM): *sitting on the floor by the couch with a grin he just yelled back* it iiiiis!!

[Kim Donghyuk] (10:11:42 PM): *he was still fussing about even though everything had been ready for a while. there were butterflies in his stomach like it was his own surprise, but at Hanbin's shout he hurries over to stand next to the couch, hands clasped together* Ready!

[Kim Jiwon] (10:11:59 PM): *bumps into random objects on his way into the dorm, due to Hanbin's fail guiding* OU. Ou. Are you trying to kill me? *ocassionaly whining and rubbing his leg when he hits furniture again* I'm gonna get bruises

[Koo Junhwe] (10:12:27 PM): Yeah! -is in his spot and all, grinning stupidly-

[Kim Jiwon] (10:13:39 PM): It better be a huge cake with a stripper in it. *pauses when all the yelling quiets down* it a huge cake with a stripper in it?

[Kim Donghyuk] (10:14:50 PM): *they can hear Jiwon now and his eyes widen, pressing his lips together tightly to keep from snorting a nervous laugh, eyes flicking to what his most definitely not a cake with a stripper in it*

[김진환] (10:15:10 PM): .... *tries Not To crack up at thar cause that was kinda... Embarrassing* come get your surprise!

[hanbin kim](10:16:45 PM): .......... Yah shut up idiot... *he murmurs and kicks the boy himself lightly before walking into the main room and stops, feeling like his face is about to fall off anyway and makes sure Yunhyung has the camera rolling before stopping them in the middle of the room and leaning in to whisper in Bobby's ear just loud enough for the room to hear him* Merry Christmas, hyung. *and he slowly pulls off his hand, biting down on his lip nervously to reveal Bobby's parents sitting on the couch, blinking back itchy eyes already at his mom's reaction*

[Kim Jiwon] (10:19:34 PM): I don't have enough won bills for think they accept coins? *he naturally knows that there is no huge cake, neither a stripper, but cracking jokes is his way of dealing with the butterflies in his stomach. When Hanbin pulls away and Bobby's eyes open they stay open for quite some time, just staring at the image before him like it is some sort of a dream squeezed into the frame of reality*

[Koo Junhwe] (10:20:35 PM): -feels his ears turn red at what Jiwon's calling out about strippers and glances at the older boys parents, grinning and shouting Merry Christmas, hyung along with Hanbin, smiling when Bobby sees his parents, heart touched-

[Kim Donghyuk] (10:22:05 PM): *it's stupid, because it's not like they're his own parents but he always worries when they get to go home and Bobby never does. He can feel his throat tightening up, eyes burning slightly as he twists his hands and manages to add his own 'merry christmas, hyung,' albeit somehow quietly as the woman on the couch quickly stands up to hurry over to wrap a stunned bobby into a tight hug*

[김진환] (10:23:02 PM): -jinhwan being Jinhwan he just looked at jiwon's face as he stared at his family being right there, not all across the ocean, and so his eyes naturally watered a bit- merry early Christmas and a early happy birthday, jiwonnie.

[hanbin kim](10:23:55 PM): *steps aside quietly as soon as his hands are pulled away from the boy's face and clears his throat, his arm wrapping around Junhwe's shoulders lightly as he watched the scene and clearing his throat subtly trying to reign in his emotions as one of his best friends is enveloped by his mom's arms for the first time in years*

[김진환] (10:25:51 PM): *seeing donghyuk look so tense with emotion, Jinhwan quietly hugged the younger one, as he watched bobby's mom squeeze and,kiss him, his dad getting up too... While Jinhwan could only wipe at his own eyes-

[Koo Junhwe] (10:27:25 PM): -hooks his arm around Hanbin's waist to give him a side hug, tight before patting his side, fighting back the sting behind his eyes as he watches Jiwon's family gather together in the middle of the room- Should we give them their privacy now? -whispers to Hanbin-

[Kim Jiwon] (10:33:21 PM): *it's not until his mom's arms wrap around him that realization hits him and along with it a chaos of emotions that has him cling to his mom instantly and cry like he is 5 again. Despite various efforts to hold back and act all grown up it takes quite some time for the sobbing to quiet down and for Jiwon to look a little less like Jiwon and a little more like Bobby. The act repeats when he gets to hug his dad and it's until half a hour has passed and things have calmed down that he finally gets to tackle his bandmates, Junhwe first then Jinhwan, Donghyuk and Hanbin and Yunhyung, completely ignoring the camera between them.-
[Kim Jiwon] (10:34:31 PM): *it isn't )

[hanbin kim](10:38:38 PM): *as much as Hanbin wants to walk away and leave his member to it something in him wants him to keep the boys there for support, not able to hold back his own tears back after Bobby's tears take full effect and he looks away for a while trying to get a hold of himself, holding on a little tighter to their youngest until he feels their hyung practically jumping them one by one, the big grin on his face again despite the red puffy eyes that have taken over* Some dinner, huh?

[Kim Donghyuk] (10:38:54 PM): *donghyuk has always been good at holding back his tears until he's in private, but seeing Jiwon so happy he's falling part tugs at his heart strings. he finds himself blinking back tears, like Junhwe feeling like they should give them privacy and at the same time feeling his heart swell from seeing someone he cares about so much have a happiness he hasn't had in too long. he gives a shaky laugh when arms wrap around him and he winds them around Jiwon just as tightly, lifting him off his feet briefly before setting him back down and patting his back, watching him finish the round of hugs with a trembling smile on his lips and watery eyes before he finds himself wrapped up in another hug, the warmth that only a mother gives surrounding him as Bobby's mother hugs him just as tightly as her son had*

[김진환] (10:39:10 PM): -jinhwan gently ushered the others away to give the family some room to talk, reunite... Just to watch the same sparkle his mom's eyes had, when bobby's mom looked at him. It was nice to watch them tell his friend, who was like a brother for him be told how he grew up so handsomely and tall, how they're proud of him and believe in him. Just the sole gesture of caressing his face was so beautiful. Jinhwan was mesmerized as he watched from afar... Before it hit him like a trainwreck: tackle hug from bobby. Jinhwan smiled, his eyes disappearing as he hugged the taller back.- you needed to see them. Happy birthday.
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