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1.Printed material designed to influence public opinion is called (propaganda)
2.The President of the United States at the outbreak of World War I was (Woodrow Wilson)
3.When war broke out in Europe in 1914, the United States was determined to (be neutral and avoid any conflict)
4.Secret German agents entered the United States and disrupted American industry and labor through destructive acts and inciting labor disputes. Such activity is called (sabotage)
5.(Economic) interests also helped create sympathy for the Allies
6.Another name for weapons and ammunition is (munitions)
7.freedom of the seas-equal in importance to economics
contraband-itemsconsidered helpful to an enemy
war zone-violators are subject to attack
U-boat-underwater war machine
RMS Lusitania-caused many Americans to favor war
Germany-invented the submarine
8.Sussex-French liner sunk by German U-boat
Selective Service Act-allowed for drafting men to war
Zimmerman Note-encouraged Mexico to fight against the United States
Liberty Loans-bond purchases to support the war
thrift stamps-a child's investment
9.victory gardens-a spot for growing vegetables
War Industries Board-helped industry organize for wartime products
William McAdoo-Secretary of the Treasury
National War Labor Board-prevent labor strikes and disputes
"wheatless Mondays"-encouraged voluntary food conservation
10.William H. Taft-head of the National War Labor Board
Herbert Hoover-head of the Food Administration
daylight saving time-one way the United States conserved fuel
"heatless Mondays"-voluntary fuel rationing
Food Administration-avoided national food rationing
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