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Write a note in1: 100 years ago

2: , child labor was very common in the U.S. It became popular around 1800, when companies built factories to take advantage of industrialization

3: With these new factories going at full steam, there were so many open jobs that companies began to hire children.

4: companies found that children were "ideal" employees for them. Why? Child workers were smaller than adults, so companies could justify paying them a lot less. In addition, child workers were less likely to complain

5: 19th century, children ages 7 to 12

6: Children's occupations included cloth spinning, glassmaking, cigar making, coal mining, selling newspapers on the street, and working in farm fields. It was not uncommon for a child to work for 12 to 14 hours in a single day. This schedule left no time for school, and some children never learned to

7: read.

8: Families allowed their children to work for a number of reasons, but poverty was the main motivator. Children's small wages were important to the family budget.

9: 1904

10: these reformers started the National Labor Committee. Slowly, the organization got states to make laws to protect children from having to work. Its main goal, though, was to get a federal law against child labor.

11: 1

12: 938, the federal government finally passed laws that set a minimum age and working-hour guidelines. Today, with some exceptions, children ages 16 and up can work in non-hazardous jobs. Some say, however, that child labor laws are sometimes broken in the U.S.

13: Although many nations have child labor laws, child labor is still very much a reality around the world. Even where laws exist, they are difficult to enforce. Why? It is easy to hide small workers in factories or on remote farms

14: In nations worldwide, about 120 million children ages 5 to 14 work full-time

15: Some families participate in bonded labor. This means that they accept money to hand a child over for a job. The family cannot get the child back until the child works off the debt or the family is able to pay it back. Often, the debt is impossible to pay off because no one in the family makes enough money.

16: n El Salvador, millions of children ages 5 to 14 work in the sugar-cane fields. The children plant the cane and then use machetes to chop it down when it is ready to be harvested. In India, millions of children under age 14 make carpets. The children work for about 12 hours a day in unsanitary conditions. Some of them work so far from their homes that they live in the factories. There, they sleep alongside their looms and are given very little food. In the Ivory Coast, children work long days on cocoa-bean farms. Many of them have lost their parents to illness and take the jobs because they are promised an education.

17: wealthy countries hire children because of the lower wages that the companies can pay. Reformers are working hard to get companies to change their ways.

18: Some reformers say that as long as poverty exists, child labor will exist, which means that millions of children will not have the opportunity to go to school or be able to escape poverty.

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