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First, Nikki went to English where her teacher brings out a big book of fairy tales. Then, she goes to gym where she gets knocked in the head by a dodgeball. Next, she falls into a hole and ends up in Fairy Tale Land where she meets Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty. Then, she goes to the palace to find the Wizard of ODD and meets the prince. Then, she finds out that he was not there he was at the Queen of Hearts castle! Next, she rushes over there and meets him but then they all think she is a bad magic user just because she fell on a which when she got there and she didn't even know it! Then, she is about to get her head chopped off when her prince and friends arrive! Next, they all defeat them and realizes nobody has the power to send her back home. :( Next, her fairy godmother is tapping her wand against the ground and the star popped off in Nikki's face and when she woke up she was back home! :)

In the setting it has the setting of each fairy tale story. The time is from 11 to 11:30. The supporting characters from the story is Prince Brandon, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Rapunzel, Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, and Brianna.
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