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Once upon a time, there was a far, faraway kingdom; ruled by a very wise king who was loved by all of the commoners. He was short and fat, but he had a very beautiful wife as his queen. They also had a daughter, their only child, named Lucinda. She had a bad personality. She liked to boss around her personal servants; that soon would beg the king to change their job because they couldn't stand the princess' wickedness. This continued for some years until Lucinda had grown up and reached the age of 10. The king had gotten very mad at Lucinda, because she just couldn't control herself.

"Lucinda," said the king, "you are a princess. This kingdom's soon-to-be-a-queen. You should learn to control your attitude, to be a queen someday."

But, Lucinda only scoffed at her father's scolding. "Let I be, father. I'm still a kid, I'll start to learn to be a queen when I'm 15!"

That, the king gave up on trying to persuade her.

One day, it was raining. But Lucinda demanded to go to the mountain. "I want a rabbit, I want to go to the mountain!" And her words couldn't be opposed. So she went to the mountain with her personal servant at the moment; a girl about 8 years older than her, named Rin. They went under a big bright pink umbrella. On their way, Lucinda told Rin about her dream the night before.

"Rin, do you know? I dreamt about a pink rabbit. Right here. She said that, if I want to see her again, I have to come here in the rain with a bright pink umbrella, and she will come!"

"Princess, it was just a dream. Why're you so sure about this pink rabbit?" Asked Rin.

And the princess stomped her pink shoes on the wet grass. "I want her! At least we have to try to find her."

Rin gave up, and they continued on searching the pink rabbit. Suddenly, Lucinda caught a gaze of the pink rabbit around the bushes.

"There, there she is!"

But before they can catch the rabbit, it ran away. Didn't want to give up just yet, Lucinda and Rin chased after the pink rabbit.

Suddenly, when they were running, they heard a girl laughed. But they couldn't see where she was. Freaked out, Rin said to the princess, "I think we should go back."

"No! It's the rabbit's voice. I know it!"

They looked up. There, on a thick branch, a girl with beautiful pink flowing dress sat. "Hi, Lucinda! I'm the pink rabbit, you can just call me Pink."

Lucinda smiled and jumped happily. "Hello, Pink! Come here, let's go to the castle."

But Pink snapped at her. "No, Lucinda. I can't go to your castle."

The princess was very mad that someone said 'no' to her. She kicked the tree—and four other rabbits fell down from it. Each of them has an unusual color; yellow, blue, green, and purple.

"Hey, you! You shouldn't act as you like to us like that. You need to be kind and patient, you're going to be the queen after all." Said the yellow rabbit. "If you're like this, even if you're the king's daughter, you won't be a queen."

Lucinda scoffed and pointed at those rabbits. "And rabbits couldn't talk. Rin, catch them all! I want them!"

The rabbits grew mad at the princess' behaviour. So the blue rabbit changed herself to a girl, took a blue wand from behind her, "You said harsh things to us. Now we'd curse you; no one will obey you ever again. But they will tell you to do things. You have to obey them, and if we feel satisfied, we'll break your curse."

Hearing the curse, Lucinda started to worry. She turned to Rin. Before she could say anything, Rin had opened her mouth. "Princess, we should go home.
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