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Which Double Tandem Pushchair is Best For Your Family?

If you're preparing for twins or a second child, there are a variety of products available to make life with children moving around more comfortable. One of them is the double tandem pushchair.

The majority of brands offer a double buggy as part of their line, ranging from Phil and Teds to Baby Jogger. They are available as inline or side-by-side convertible models.


A double tandem pushchair is perfect for families with twins or children with similar age. It makes travelling with two children more comfortable and easy. However, there are numerous styles and configurations out there it can be difficult to know which one is best for your family. Some are better suited to jogging, while others can accommodate a third child by adding a buggyboard. Which ones are most sturdy?

The CYBEX Gazelle is an excellent option for children who are the same age. However they can be difficult to maneuver around narrow entrances and aisles for shopping. In this instance, you might be best off with a stadium-style model like the Bugaboo Donkey or Mountain Buggy Duet which allows children to either face either you or the other based on the arrangement.

Tandem models that place one behind the other are more manageable than side-by-side pushchairs, but they are still not as stable as single strollers or car seats. They can also be difficult to navigate around curbs and could have less storage space than a side-by-side pushchair.

It is recommended to test the double with both seats in place, as that is how you'll be using it most. Check how easy it is for you to navigate and steer the vehicle, especially in tight corners or with the front wheels that rotate. Also, you should test the brakes, since they can be difficult to operate when both child seats have been installed.

The Phil and Teds Sports Double is a great double stroller for people who want a durable stroller at a reasonable price that can perform all. This stylish compact stroller can be converted from a single to tandem in a couple of simple steps. The seat and carrycot can be used with the parent facing or facing one another. The air-filled tires and all-wheel suspension enable it to tackle a variety of terrains. The seat comes with an excellent storage basket beneath the seat, but it is partially blocked by the second child's seat.


There's a double stroller that is suitable for any family, regardless of whether you have twins, a toddler or a newborn. They can be used to transport two kids in tandem, but some can be converted into one pushchair (though this will usually require the removal of one seat). They tend to be larger than a single buggy but the majority offer ultra flexibility and a good value for price.

In our recent double pushchair reviews, we surveyed testers to rate each model based on a variety of aspects, including comfort, handling ease and how it folded. They also rated the ease of putting in and taking out the car seat, as well as whether or not it could be used along with the baby carrier.

The Stroller & Co City Tour 2 Double stroller is a great example for a lightweight and comfortable double stroller. Our reviewers praised the generous UPF 50+ canopy that provides real shade and includes a peekaboo window, while both seats recline into multiple positions at the touch of the button. One seat can be set to lie flat so that babies can sleep in the carrycot above it.

The reversible seat liner made of bamboo, which is naturally antibacterial on one hand and soft Jersey on the other is another excellent feature. Our testers also loved the fact that it is able to fold it in one hand and that's a major plus for parents with two small children to keep an eye on.

They are more expensive but can offer more flexibility as they can fit through narrow doors and aisles. They can be difficult to move up kerbs, and can be heavy to push however, they come with an front-loaded load that can help balance the overall weight.


A double tandem pushchair can be a great addition to any family, regardless of whether you have twins or a toddler and a newborn. It will assist you in avoiding the irritation of kids waking one another up or fighting out and about, thereby keeping them both content. This kind of buggy is also great if you're planning to use it on public transport because it will be more easily incorporated into the space available.

Some models are ultra flexible and allow you to change back to single mode once your child is old enough to use a stroller. This allows you to avoid buying an entirely new stroller. The UPPAbaby Vista Double, for example, can take two infant car seats as well as a riding board at the back which makes it perfect for three children. It can be used with a stroller and a suitcase that can roll for the parents which allows you to travel light while still bringing everything your family requires.

The Joovy Caboose Ultralight Graphite double stroller has a distinct design than the other strollers, but has many of the same features that we have outlined in our top selections. It's easy to fold and fits through most doorways. lightweight double buggy under the carriage is also a bit taller, making it easier to load groceries. The rear seat is protected, so your child will be warm during winter.

A side-by-side pram is wider than a tandem, making it harder to navigate crowded shopping aisles or narrow footpaths. However, it can be more maneuverable on rocky terrain than a standard dual pushchair. Some of these prams may be difficult to steer, particularly when your child is heavier.

A double-inline pushchair is a good option for families with multiple children. It can be used as a twin pram when your children are younger, but can also convert into a tandem once they're older. Some models, like the iCandy Peach 3+ can accommodate two iSize car seats. This allows you to have the most flexibility and value.


The biggest downside to double buggy is that it can take up more space on public transport and it can be more difficult to maneuver through narrow doors and lifts. They are also more expensive and are more expensive for side-by-side models, especially those with a second seat up in front.

Some models can be converted from single pushchairs to tandem - such as the Joolz Geo and the Uppababy Vista V2. This can be cost effective if you're planning on having another child in the near future and can extend the life of your buggy. It can be difficult to convert it back into only one seat after your older child is out of it.

lightweight double buggy is the perfect dual stroller for urban adventures. It's lightweight and compact. It features a one-click one-hand fold, an automatic lock for storage and is compatible with two SnugEssentials infant car seats or SnugRide SnugSize infant car seatfor a seamless transition. The stadium-style seating allows both children to enjoy the view. It is possible to connect your infant car seats to the rear or front of the stroller with just one click. You can also pack everything you need for your day out in the large basket for shopping and parent tray. The suspension and swivel wheel provide a smooth ride and ensure better manoeuvrability. lightweight double buggy -point safety belts that are fitted to both seats improve your child's safety.

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