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15 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore Mens Masturbation Toy
Mens Masturbation Toys

Men are involved in 155 masturbations per year on average. If you want to add more excitement to your single or partnered masturbation, check out our collection of male masturbators below.

This sleeve from TENGA provides multiple layers of pleasure with swirls, bumps and ridges that slip over your shaft. Add a lube that is water-based and the possibilities are endless.

Flip-Hole TenGA

The TENGA Flip Hole is a high-end masturbator made to be used on an penis that is erect. It features multi-dimensional textures and layering that will excite the head and shaft of the penis. The outside case is adorned with "buttons" that can be used to control the sleeve's movements and sensations. The inside sleeve consists of TPE with dense patterns and textures that stimulate the penis.

There are ridges running the length of each sleeve which provide intense stimulation to the glans and the frenulum. There is also an wing gate with big ribs midway in to hold the penis and an orb with 360 degrees that provides stimulation to the head. There are buttons on the front sleeve which create different sensations, including a vacuum effect and pressure points.

The toy is simple to clean. Simply take off the cap and then open the body. Then, grab a small amount of soap or sex cleaner and rub it on all the nooks and crannies until it is clean. Rinse and dry the toy. To avoid the growth of mildew and bacteria buildup it is recommended to wash the toy after every use.

The toy is accompanied by an black sheath that can be slid onto the body of the toy. It can be used three ways to cover the top entrance to keep the top opening covered when not in use; to keep it upright when cleaning (like drying stands) or to hold the toy while playing. It's slightly heavier than other Fleshlight toys however it's still comfortable to hold. The clip at one end can be removed to access the entry hole.

TENGA Air Tech Regular

This is the best of mens toys. It gives you an experience unlike any other. The sleeve, more robust than other TENGA cups, offers an incredibly tight, squeezing feel with two different inner texture. It's designed to be easy to insert and removal, but it will require some effort (and lubricant) to avoid getting stuck.

This male masturbation toy is a bit more expensive than some of the other options that are disposable from TENGA however it's worth every penny if enjoy the feeling of as if you're sucking some thing all the time! It comes with a small amount of lube to kick you off but you can also choose your own preferred water-based lube to have a more enjoyable masturbation experience.

The outer shell of this non-vibrating masturbator may appear a bit silly however the inside of the sleeves are smooth and intense. It massages the shaft using bumps, swirls, and a sensation like a tiny sucking creature on your cock. It can be used by itself or with a partner to increase the intensity.

After you've finished playing with this mens masturbation toy, it's easy to wash. It's easy to clean. Simply soak it in warm, soapy water and rinse it. Dry it off and put it away until the next time. It is crucial to take care of your masturbator equipment to ensure they stay clean and fresh as long as you can. This also increases your satisfaction, so do yourself a favor and take the time to thoroughly clean your sleeve or egg prior to you start!

TENGA Flip Zero EV

The TENGA Flip Zero EV is the newest toy in the Flip series that offers incredible sensations and a unique flip-open style. It can be used either by hand or electronically. It includes two vibrating cores that are encased in a comfortable elastomer jacket. You can adjust the sleeve to your comfort. The inner material comes in a variety of textures that are great for your skin and the rumbling vibrations will stimulate your stomach. It is available in white or black.

The packaging for the TENGA Flip Zero EV is gorgeous and it's almost as if you're unboxing an Apple product. It's beautiful and the masturbator is packaged in a bell jar-like plastic case with a clear lid. The masturbator itself is a stylish and beautiful TPE toy that feels good and comes with some cool features that will make it more than an attractive toy.

It is necessary to use a lubricant that is water-based first to get the best results from this product. It's not as simple to clean as silicone, and requires some attention and care to ensure that it stays in good shape and doesn't decrease in quality. If you're careful and follow the guidelines that come with your toy you will be able to enjoy it for a long time.

The TENGA flip zero EV features a motor that delivers vibrations on both sides. It's similar to the Fleshlight in that it also has an entry point with a texture. The difference is that the TENGA has a more distinctive texture and is much easier to open than Fleshlight. It's not as hard to clean as you would believe - just a little water and soap will suffice.

TENGA Egg Collection

These toys are made from thermoplastic elastomer, which makes them feel and look like silicon. They can be stretched to accommodate different sizes of penis. They're also soft and slipperier than they appear, and have a little bit of texture that stimulates nerve endings in the brain. They're a fun way to increase the hand jobs position, and are also a great option for those who wish to add texture to oral stimulation or the climax. Some people also use them as a soft sleeve to their magic wand, which is a great way to keep the wand tidy between partners and reduce the intense vibration.

The disposable masturbation sleeves are packaged in an egg-shaped case and include a lubricant sachet. The exterior design of the sleeve corresponds to the internal texture printed on it, and there are six different options to choose from. Try best male masturbator -boiled set for a firmer sensation, or the classic set for a more supple experience.

Each option features a different texture that's easy to work with. Tenga eggs can be used to stimulate vulvas, and are able to be turned inside out. The nodules also offer stimulation to your partner. You can clean them with warm soapy tap water and wipe them clean after each use to avoid irritation.

They're cheap disposable and come in a variety of textures. While some guys may be a bit uncomfortable using them, they're a good option for anyone looking to increase the intensity of their masturbation and discover new sensations. Plus, they're a lot less expensive than more advanced masturbation toys like the Fleshlight Flight Pilots or the Arcwave Ions, so you can try them without having to make a big investment.


The Satisfyer is one the most well-known clitoral vibrators available and has a fan base that is devoted to delivering an orgasm in record time. It's a discreet device that resembles an air puff. It's not uncomfortable at all. It's also reasonably priced considering that it's a dual-purpose device (clitoral suction as well as vibration) and comes with an extended warranty of 15 years.

The Pro 2 Next Generation builds on the patented Air Pulse technology that made the original toy famous and is also app compatible and has a new liquid air cap to give you more sensations. It also has 11 different intensity levels. It's easy to use: just hold the round power button for 2 seconds. Place it on top of your clitoris with the soft silicone covering the opening. Press the + and – buttons until you find the level that you prefer. The higher the intensity is, the more intense are the tingling and vibrations, but it's quiet enough that you can utilize it with a companion.

It's a little larger than other toys in this category, but this makes it more convenient to use from various positions and reaches deeper into the hood of the clitoral. Make sure to use lubricant to get more pleasure and relaxation. Press the button two times for two seconds after you're finished to turn it off. Cleaning is easy too take off the silicone head and vibrator and wash it with mild soap and water. After drying, let it completely dry before reconnecting it and charging it. To make it even more enjoyable you can also add a G-spot stimulator, or dildo to the experience.

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