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What Is The 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney Term And How To Utilize It
How Long Does It Take to Settle an 18 Wheeler Lawsuit?

The amount of time required to settle a trucking crash case can vary from case to case. The length of time for settlement may be affected by several factors.

For example, it can take a while to determine who is responsible for the accident. 18 wheeler accident law firm elk grove can assist in identifying the responsible parties and maximize the settlement.

What to Expect

The time frame for settlement in a case involving an 18-wheeler is contingent on a variety of factors, including the amount of liability and damages. The case could be delayed if the parties in the accident cannot agree on fault. If there is disagreement over the evidence or testimony of witnesses, this could delay the case.

Based on the severity of the injuries, the size of the insurance policy of the trucking company and the existing state or federal regulations that govern commercial vehicles, settlement amounts can be wildly different. Keep in mind that plaintiff attorneys are paid on the basis of contingency. This means that they do not get paid until they are successful in a case or agree to an agreement.

Due to the serious and often catastrophic injuries that result from accidents involving semi-trucks, it's no surprise that these types of cases are big business for the lawyers who handle them. Therefore, it's not unusual to see settlements in these cases to reach millions of dollars or more. This is especially true if the trucking company has been found to be negligent.


Every year, there are more than 100,000 accidents involving 18 wheelers in the United States. A lot of these truck accidents cause severe injuries and even death. Insurance companies often undervalue the injuries and damages suffered by victims in these accidents. A reputable 18 wheeler accident lawyer can negotiate with big insurance companies to secure the most favorable settlement for their clients.

The defendants in a case involving an 18 wheeler could be held accountable for various damages, including economic and non-economic damages. The economic damages can be medical bills, lost wages, and future earnings. Non-economic damages can include suffering and pain and emotional distress, disfigurement and diminished quality of living.

Attorneys who represent plaintiffs in 18 wheeler cases are paid on a contingency basis. This means that they won't receive compensation until their case is settled and they reach a settlement with their client. In the meantime, they have to cover court costs, take depositions, hire experts and other specialists, travel, and pay for other costs required to win a case.


18-wheeler accidents can lead to serious injuries, especially when they occur at high speed. Due to the weight and size of these trucks, the impact of an accident can be even more severe than a normal motor vehicle crash. This means that the damages could be higher as well.

In addition to the physical and medical damages that can be caused by the crash of an 18 wheeler victims can also claim compensation for lost income and the grief caused by the loss of loved ones. A personal injury lawyer can help determine the amount of compensation you are entitled to when you have suffered losses as a result of an accident involving a semi-truck.

It's no secret that litigation is expensive. Plaintiff attorneys must pay for depositions, travel, expert witnesses, and court costs. They must receive the money of their clients as quick as possible. There are many ways that plaintiffs can receive their money quicker after a settlement. These are referred to as post-settlement advances, lawsuit loans or settlement cash advances. These are an excellent option for those who have suffered injuries and need to cover their expenses while waiting for their settlement.


There are a myriad of elements that determine the time it takes to settle a truck crash case. One of the major factors is the severity of your injuries. It is best to wait until your condition has improved to the maximum before you settle. This is because you might be able to claim future losses, such as lost wages and a decreased quality of life, and your attorney will need evidence to prove these claims.

Another reason that could delay the settlement process is a dispute between parties about liability or damages. This is often the case when multiple insurance companies are involved or the parties are not able to agree on who was at fault.

An experienced truck accident lawyer can assist you in determining whether the insurance company offers you an adequate amount and whether it will cover your current and future damages. If the insurance company refuses to compromise, it could be required to file a lawsuit which could prolong time for the case. In some instances it could take more than a year for the resolution.


There are a few elements that can make it take an extended time to settle an 18-wheeler lawsuit. This includes the severity of injuries and the insurance implications. It could take time for your doctor to document of permanent impairments that could impact your future losses. Do not settle a claim for an accident too quickly as it may leave you with no money to cover all damage.

Plaintiff attorneys who handle 18 wheeler crashes work on contingency fees. They aren't paid until they win their case or reach an agreement. They have to pay for court costs as well as travel expenses and expert witness fees during the course of the case.

As you can imagine this can add up to a large amount. Many 18 wheeler plaintiff attorneys utilize post settlement advances (also called settlement cash advances) to pay for the legal costs they incur out of pocket to be able to collect the money they owe sooner.

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