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The Benefits of a Fall Detector Alarm
Are You Concerned about Falling or Do You Know Someone Who is? A fall detector alarm provides peace of mind and extra security. tracker for dementia patients These medical alert devices use advanced sensors to automatically sense when someone has fallen, calling for help immediately if necessary. They're especially beneficial for individuals living with chronic conditions like Parkinson's, Congestive Heart Failure or Diabetes who may experience dizziness or balance issues which makes falls more likely; some medical alert companies offer fall detection as a standard feature within their packages or as an add-on service at additional fees - many offer it both ways!

Medical alert systems were specifically created to detect falls, unlike smartphone apps and smart watches that may feature some fall detection features. personal alarms for elderly Their sensors include accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers and two-way communication so users can contact an emergency response agent directly when assistance is required. Furthermore, most waterproof fall detector devices allow wearers to remain safe even during bathing or showering where falls are likely to happen.

How Does a Fall Detect Alarm Work? Modern medical alert systems have become adept at striking an ideal balance between detecting true falls and not alarming users with false alarms due to routine movements, and inundating users with unnecessary alarms due to routine movements. This is accomplished using cutting-edge technologies like complex algorithms and sensors which recognise the difference between falling and other activities and can send out alerts accordingly - either to monitoring centers, family or friends nominated as contacts, or both.

Medical alert systems linked to a monitoring center often employ trained staff members who can quickly respond to alerts 24/7 and offer more tailored assistance in case of falls, helping users avoid "long lies", where individuals stay on the floor for over an hour without getting up - an outcome which can cause pressure sores, dehydration and an increased chance of death.

Fall detection alarms are essential pieces of equipment for anyone at risk for falling, but are especially essential for people living alone or who suffer from other health conditions that increase the chance of falling such as dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or balance or vertigo issues. falling alarm Daily medication reminders may also prove useful if multiple different medicines must be taken at different times during the day.

All SureSafe fall detector alarms are connected to a monitoring center. When an alarm triggers, an emergency response agent will reach out through either their pendant two-way speaker or base station speaker and communicate directly with them to ascertain that they need assistance and assess how best to get them help quickly - whether that means communicating simple needs like using the bathroom, or more urgent situations like being injured and struggling to move.

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