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My Name is Josiah Smith, i'm 15 years old. i rap, and play quarterback for an unlimited football team, called the badgers. but i do other things too, some that i'm not always proud of. when i was 13 i met a guy Named Alan, he helped me a lot but in return I made a pact with him that we would be there for each other no matter what, turns out that when i made that pact i pretty much signed my life to the Bloods. once you join you can't leave. for two years straight i've seen my friends and others brutally beaten, shot, stabbed. All I want is a way out. the reason why i rap, or try to is because i want out and my family is stuck in a 22,000 dollar debt, I'm tired of dealing and gang-banging for chump change. it's a bad path but sometimes i have no alternative. i've never killed anyone, i've only fought and stole, i'm not proud of it. All because of one person i thought i was fine, But day after day i get calls and texts from various guys in the gang asking for favors, i have nightmares about my brother when he was stabbed to death when i was 7. Some random guy tried to rob him, and my brother played superman, long story short, he walked two miles back home and fell to the kitchen floor dead. then when i was 12 i saw a man get shot three times in the head, a crip did it i know this because all crips wear a famous color. BLUE. my gang color is red. read or watch tv about it. then look up blood set 13. my set. everyone has a 13 tattooed on them mine is inked on my chest to the left. We have it in red so people know our gang and set. i don't have a perfect record either. when i was 14 i got caught with two weed buds in my pocket. i did 3 months because it was my first time.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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