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Name: Imperium
Capital: Aggropolis
Race(s): Men
Religion(s): The Church of the Way
Population: 40 000 000
Government: Imperial Absolute Monarchy
Enemies: Belisaria, Morne, Felize


Name: Augustus Sophos (Augustus the Wise)
Class: Potentate
Although yet to prove his mettle on the field of battle, Augustus is nonetheless one of the greatest Emperors the Imperium has ever had; he cooled down the fiery hostility with the Elves to a cold hatred, reformed the military from a lumbering atavistic beast to a capable and versatile fighting force and ended the reign of terror and ignorance of the Inquisitorial rule and civil wars.
Under his rule, sciences flourish, universities rise and the Imperial might grows.
Some, of course, regard him as an outlander; for he was born to a Belisarian mother, from whom no doubt much of his love for knowledge came.


Name: Pius V
Class: Inquisitor
Tier: Heroic
Although in theory the post of High Inquisitor is still subservient to that of the High Curator of the Church, many legal and practical intricacies render that argument invalid. The rule of Pius has been revolutionary; he has cleared up the corruption from the Inquisition and restored it to its former glory.
Many legends surround him and his blade Aetherian, including that of him single-handedly vanquishing a Greater Daemon in the Daartu Rebellion; and those who have met the man have little doubts.

Name: Duke Ratibor
Class: Shipwright
Tier: Heroic
Born to the ducal line of Halietum on the south coast of the Imperium, a place where Felizean raids are mundane, it is said Ratibor learned to sail before he could walk, and by the time he was twelve, he was assigned to command a pirate hunter.
After his father died, he inherited the position of the Imperial Fleet Admiral, and proved most apt in it. His exploits include defeating the overwhelming Belisarian navy in the Battle of Wulls and even one attack on Felize itself.

Name: Laconicus Maximus
Class: Guardian
Tier: Heroic
Head of the Imperial Guard, Laconicus was raised a warrior. Honour and duty are his cloak, his sword the his greatest ally. Known as a man of unbendable sense of duty, he would rather die than let his Emperor down, and he would expect nothing less of his men.


Basic Melee Unit Examples: Imperial Legionnaire, Imperial Halberdier
Basic Ranged Unit Examples: Imperial Crossbowman
Basic Cavalry Unit Examples: Chevalier, Imperial Outrider
Elite Unit Examples: Imperial Guard, Witch Hunter, Paladin
Special Unit Examples: Cannon
Spellcaster Unit Examples: Although Imperials disdain arcane magic, the Holy magic of clerics and healers is often used in their armies.


Economy: Powerful
Technology: Superb
Society: Orderly
Darkness has come and unleashed itself on our enemy Belisaria! Woe upon them, sure, but the undead are a fouler threat than all of the others combined... maybe we should drop the hatred and rush to the meeks' aid?
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