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易遊娛樂報道|運動足球【Dice Control Strategy: How to Roll the Dice in Craps Like a Pro4015】
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Dice Control Strategy: How to Roll the Dice in Craps Like a Pro4015

易遊娛樂報道|運動足球 2022卡塔爾世界盃已經落幕,這場覆蓋全球的冬季狂歡用數據證明:足球毫無疑問的是當今世界的第一運動。 。
身體條件的要求相對較低,無論你高矮強弱,在足球場上都能找到自己合適的位置。籃球是巨人的運動,需要絕對的身高,而馬勒當拿以168CM的身高依然在足球場上書寫了自己的傳奇一生。拳擊是要進行實戰肉搏的運動,需要運動員足夠強壯 ,電競選手對年齡有硬性要求,25歲就面臨退役,而很多足球運動員近40歲還能在綠茵場上馳騁,球王貝利37歲才退役,今年35歲的梅西在球場上仍然擁有絕對的統治力。
被譽為「足球詩人」的央視解説賀煒説「足球作為世界第一運動名不虛傳,易遊娛樂足球賽場上一共有11名隊員,11個位置,每個位置的隊員都要獨擋一面,面對着來自對手的壓力,同時還要和自己相鄰位置的隊友進行呼應,組成團隊,這樣的方式正是在後工業化革命之後,人類社會運轉的一個最佳的模型,是在綠茵場上一個活着的沙盤,這也是為什麼足球能夠吸引如此多人關注的重要原因, 因為它和我們的日常的生活息息相關。」

Dice Control Strategy: How to Roll the Dice in Craps Like a Pro4015 Avoid slamming the dice against the back wall, and try to reduce the chances of rolling sevens by placing sixes up with fives facing in.
When rolling, wash your hands and avoid drinking, as it can make them sticky.
Pinch grip your craps dice, placing four fingers on the front and the thumb on the back, effectively pinching the dice.
This keeps them together and ensures you』ll create a consistent throw.
As a pro craps player, let me tell you that there is a specific way to set, control and throw the craps dice to increase your chances of winning.
Certain mistakes beginners make when handling and throwing the dice can negatively affect their game. But don’t worry; I’m here to help you.
Random shaking will not help you win in the long run when throwing the dice. Casinos have mathematicians that calculate the odds to ensure they always have the upper hand.
As a craps player, you should know that the number seven is not your friend. It comes up more often than any other number and can work against you, especially if you place a pass line bet or a don’t pass wager.
Here are some tips for rolling the dice:
Understand craps dice control and choose a set that works for you. A good set for beginners is the Hard Ways set because it offers great visual feedback. Position the dice parallel to the back wall and facing it before rolling. Try to land the dice in a specific area a few inches before the back wall. Roll the dice gently, like throwing a basketball into a hoop. Release the dice at 3/4 of the throw and avoid twisting them in the air. The dice should touch the back wall upon landing, not slam into it. Pay attention to the numbers and see if you’re hitting a certain combination more often. In addition to rolling the dice properly, craps dice control is also important. It can help you improve your control over the dice and increase your chances of winning.
Many videos and tutorials available online can teach you how to control the dice when playing craps.
Remember, controlling the dice can make a big difference in your game and help you win.
As an expert in craps, my go-to strategy is early bet regression to pay for my bets and show a profit with my first two hits on inside bets.
This strategy involves making larger bets first and then reducing the bets by 50% after two hits, using the winnings to pay for the smaller bets.
For example, I bet $330 inside, $75 on 5 and 9, and $90 on six and eight. After two $105 inside hits, $210 total wins to that point, I regress by 66% to $25 and $30 bets for $110 ($25 on 5 & 9 and $30 on 6 & 8) at risk.
By taking all my risks up front, I can take advantage of the throws that roll my fewest sevens and most inside numbers.
This strategy is particularly effective for players who can track their throws and understand their tendencies well.
This marks the end of my craps strategy guide.
By now, you understand that craps is a versatile game that offers a wide range of strategies for players of all skill levels.
By researching the game’s rules, assessing your bankroll, and experimenting with different strategies, you can improve your chances of winning and have a great time at the craps table.

Stand closer to the dealer and practice soft rolling at home to get specific numbers.


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