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20 Things You Should Know About Compact Double Buggy
What to Look For in a Compact Double Buggy

Kerry says that the side-byside is small enough to pass through the majority of doors. It can accommodate two car seats or carrycots. It has a self-standing fold and a handy carry strap to make it easy to schlep.

It's also very easy to move up and down stairs. The canopies are spacious with windows as well as peekaboo openings.


A spacious shopping basket as well as front and rear suspensions are essential features to look out for in a double buggy. You may also want to consider whether it's a travel system or whether you can add a car seat or carrycot. These are important considerations when you need to take your children on public transport, or on long trips.

If click to find out more looking for a compact double buggy that can be used from birth take a look at the Leclerc Kooper X2. double pram and pushchair -by-side model features an innovative frame that can be expanded to allow it to accommodate two children. The seats come with a recline option and can be set up independently, which gives you the option of having one child leaning back taking a nap while the other looks out at the surrounding. The seat comes with a large UPF 50+ canopy with the option of a peekaboo window as well.

Another great option for infant twins is the Mountain Buggy Duet. It is the tiniest twin pushchair available on the market. It is just 63cm wide and should fit through the majority of doors. It can also accommodate two car seats or a carrycot, and comes with lying-flat seats that can be used from birth.

Tandem double buggies are popular among parents of twins, or parents who have a child and toddler. However, they do tend to have a larger space than single-seaters and may be difficult to maneuver on narrow pavements or through doors.

The iCandy Orange is a popular tandem buggy and has been designed to adapt to your family, with 30 different seating options. It can be used with twins, a baby and toddler or even three kids if you add iCandy's "PiggyBack" board (which you can buy separately). It is equipped with an easy suspension system that makes kerbs easy to navigate. It is able to be used in mono or double mode. You can even attach a single stroller on the top of it for additional storage space.


A good double buggy should be light and easy to push. It should also have nice-sized shopping baskets, front and rear suspensions to make it easier to maneuver over rough terrain and, ideally, be suitable for twins or siblings of various age.

Many double buggies are compact and have frames that can be used to store infant car seats. They also have branded adaptors that are compatible with the most popular models from Cybex BeSafe and Maxi-Cosi. These are great choices when you are looking to stay clear of separate strollers for younger children with medical conditions.

However, they do tend to have a wider footprint than side-by-side buggies, and may be more difficult to maneuver through doorways and on public transport. If this is important to you, make sure to check the product details to see what alternatives are available.

Mountain Buggy Duet is the most compact double stroller on the market. This is the thinnest side-byside available with a 63cm width. It can be used to carry twins or a baby and a toddler. It is built to last with a sturdy design and superior functionality and large air-filled tires that are suitable for all terrains but are also able to go about the city.

Another great choice is the UPPAbaby Vista 2, which can carry twins with one baby and one toddler or two kids using piggy back boards (which you must purchase separately). It has a self-standing carry strap and folds down to make it easy to transport. It also comes with front and back suspensions to make it easier to navigate rough terrain. It's a bit heavier than the Joie Evalite Duo but still lighter than the majority of tri-fold buggies. It's an excellent value for older kids.


The Baby Jogger City Select 2 is an excellent option for storing two strollers. This side-byside model has an extremely smooth fold and the clever frame expands widthways as you fold to make it smaller than an individual stroller. This makes it easy to navigate through doorways and public transport. It also means you don't need an additional car to push the buggy around.

It's a great choice for parents of twins as it can be used with two seats, and car seat adaptors. It can also hold another rider on the buggy's 'piggyback' board, and offers an array of configurations with an elevated stadium-style seating area that gives each child a view of their surroundings. There's even a brake on the handlebar that can be adjusted, making it easier to push it up and down hills.

Mountain Buggy Duet is another excellent alternative. It has the most compact footprint side-by-side on the market with a footprint of 63cm. It is ideal for parents who worry about fitting a double into the doorway or on public transport. However, it can still handle rough terrain and be an off-roader. It can be used for twins or a toddler with an infant, or two children who are the same age. Each seat reclines independently, which ensures that the kids are comfortable.

The iCandy Peach is a good option. It can be used in tandem or mono mode, and can accommodate two car seats, or a carrycot that has the option of a toddler seat. It's slightly longer than other doubles, but it offers excellent maneuverability particularly on smooth surfaces. This is a great choice for those looking for an attractive and practical buggy.

If you're on a tight budget, there are plenty of affordable double buggies to choose from like the UPPAbaby Vista 2. This small side-by-side can accommodate infants in a carrycot, even a toddler in the seat or even three children if you add the PiggyBack ride on board with pizazz. It features an auto-standing fold, a large canopy that protects children and a peekaboo feature. It's also quite light for a double stroller, and has a large undercarriage basket to store things like shopping.

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