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Hello hi, I have been trying to get a hold of mom I’ve been causing her all morning but I can’t get in touch with her. I am thinking that she left her phone in the next room. No I am just at the pharmacy trying to pick up her prescription, but the pharmacy technician sales she needs her doctor to call in and renew it since it’s out of refill oh wait, hold on, it looks like I got text from her. She’s going to call her physician and text me back afterward I guess I just reminder about. Hey, how is your cat handling the transition? That’s so sweet and so adorable, does she still bring you stuff like that a lot and when she does, do you praise her when she does it or do you just kind of overlook it. Well she probably thinks you are incapable as a hunter when I first brought hamster to the new apartment, I could tell he was getting a little stir crazy because he suddenly had to become an indoor cat, oh definitely, he would bring me grasshoppers jill bugs and even once a half eaten dead mouse, oh man, yeah, it was disgusting, but he seems to real proud of himself. I never have the heart to throw them away immediately so I usually place them in a paper towel, say thank you and then pretend to put them somewhere special. I know he is a cat and I am stupid but it’s fine, I don’t want him to feel badly, he was just trying to help either that or he knows exactly what he is doing and he is a jerk. Sorry I’m just keeping you on the phone. Discussing cats while I’m waiting for the prescription not super duper sorry though, because it either that or looking at greeting cards, oh wait, I think they are calling me over for the prescription. Oh wait, never mind, no they were calling out for a different Michelle also mom’s name is Michelle. I don’t know why they would call my name I just hope they I don’t want to get stuck in rush-hour traffic getting home later I suppose it become too late I can just visit with mom for a bit. Oh yeah, that would be nice if you could come over we can take her out for dinner or something and get her out of the house for a bit. Yeah, she would love that I should get there in probably the next half hour or so I would just head over and with you there perfect timing too looks like the prescription is ready I’ll see you at mom bye.
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