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I was watching Tv in my mothers living room when suddenly I heard a soft knock on the main door. I slowly turned my head towards the main door with a slight concerned look. It was quite odd that an unknown someone is knocking on my mothers door. My mother isn't home right now due to a meeting she had to attend to. She made up household rules for when she's not home.

1. Don't answer the door. you'll never know who your going to meet

2. ask permission to use the oven and stove. I didn't get why I had o ask permission. I thought kids/Teens use and get things for free.

3. Don't go in the basement unless there's an emergency. Who would what to be in a horrifying play such as that?

4. Don't stay up past 3 AM or bad things will happen.

I start to think about the rules my mother spoke to me about until here was another knock on the main door. But this time it was way more aggressive. I jump out of my seat on the sofa, feeling a swift of air on my neck and shoulders. I went up to the door and attached the safety chain first before I open the door. Once I opened it, My eyes widen with horror. It was a tall skinny man with dirty ragged clothing. His face terrifies me the most. The man smiled from ear to ear with bags under his eyes like he had no sleep for months. I stared at the stranger with a look of horror, Before I spoke with a shaky trembling tone ,"W-who are you! and what do you want!!" I shouted. The man stood there smiling for a few 10-20 second just staring at me like he had one a lottery ticket. After a few seconds of dead silents but us two staring at each other like a staring contest, I scoffed under my breath before closing the door and locking it back. I then peeked though the window beside the main door to see if he gave up trying to lure me out of the house. But I was wrong. The man is still there as if he knew I was watching him from the window. I quickly closed the curtains and rushed upstairs, stumbling on a few steps but still managed not to fall down the stairs. Once I'm in my room, I pick up my cellphone to call my mother and tell her the situation that's going on. As I'm Dialing the number, a loud 'BANG' can be heard from downstairs, The same door the man was standing at for a few minutes. I flinched and jerked each time the bang noise happened. I hated loud noises, especially when I'm alone at home. I put the phone down to look out my room window to see what was all that noise is about. Turns out, the same man I seen earlier is trying to get inside to kidnap me. But something familiar was in his hands. I wasn't able to see it properly due to him hiding it in his pocket when he saw me. I look back at him with fear, hatred and disgust. I remove myself from the window and changed the number to 911. After dialing the police, I felt my back ease a bit when I heard the director's smoothing and calm tone ,"911, what your emergency?" It sounded like a young women speaking to me as if I were a child. I responded back with the same shaky voice I had when I was talking to the stranger before, I explained the situation and what actions the man was playing. The young women spoke as if she's stouthearted ,"Ma'am stay calm, I'm going to send the authorities to get this situation straight. What's your address?" the women asked. "100" I responded with a more confident tone now the cops are goanna help me. I hear the women typing something before sending 2 officers to my address.
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