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Abhilash walks through the bustling downtown streets, his shirt soaked in blood. He breathes heavily and reaches Aira's office, where he knocks on the door.

Aira opens the door, surprised.

(looking at Abhilash)
Hi, what on earth made you come to me with a shirt full of blood? Could you please explain, or will you keep sitting silently and stare at me the whole day?

Abhilash sits in front of Aira.

I know you're the best advocate in town who can cover up any cruel murder. I need your help to cover me up from the recent incident.

Seems like you don't need my introduction, so proceed with the details now.

Abhilash takes a deep breath.

ABHILASH (Voiceover)
A guy (Suhail) parked in a parking lot to grab his coffee in front of a coffee shop. While he left the car open, I got into the back seat. When he returned with his coffee, I pointed a knife at Suhail's throat and stabbed him cruelly.

Aira, visibly nervous, reaches for a glass of water and takes a sip.

(while sipping water)
Okay, now let's get into more details. Why did you kill this man so brutally?

Abhilash takes a deep breath and begins to unravel the story.

Note: While Abhilash narrates the story, on-screen the story will play with a voiceover of Abhilash.

ABHILASH (Voiceover)
My brother and I have been incredibly close since childhood, ma'am. Despite my struggles with bipolar disorder, he selflessly took care of me throughout our lives, sacrificing his own comforts. When we moved to Canada, he worked tirelessly to provide for us.

Eventually, he met a guy who admired my brother's ideas, and they decided to start a company together. While we weren't wealthy, my brother had a heart of gold, helping those in need and focusing on doing good for people.

One fine day on my birthday, as I eagerly awaited my brother's return, I received a call from the police informing me that he was dead, discarded without a trace. Determined to find the truth, I discovered the person responsible and, driven by grief and anger, killed him, ma'am.

Abhilash kills the man who killed his brother, Sanjay Saadhyam.

The name triggers something in Aira.

Aira, positioned at the bottom of the table, discreetly calls Suhail. Abhilash's phone rings, and he retrieves it.

Aira, shocked and frightened, begins to cry, terrified by the unfolding events. The scene slowly zooms in on Suhail's phone, revealing the transaction details of the day Aira called him.

(over the phone)
Suhail, how much longer are you going to indulge this guy? Do you really want to risk losing profits by not selling this drug? I've taken care of everything legally, so why are you so concerned?

Suhail responds, frustrated.

It's not about worrying, Aira. He holds 50% shares in the company, and he has a good reputation. I'm frustrated and irritated that we're losing out on that amount.

I have a plan. Why don't we just get rid of this problem and secure all the shares for ourselves? The bonus is that we can launch the product with zero losses.

Suhail, intrigued but cautious, inquires.

I have no problem with that, but how? Who will take care of it?

Do you think I called you for no reason? And they both burst into laughter.

The scene cuts, but the laughter continues. As it zooms out, Abhilash is seen sitting on a chair, laughing. The camera reveals the lifeless bodies of Suhail and Aira on the floor, surrounded by blood.

Abhilash (Voiceover)

"My brother meant everything to me, a source of support and love. What did he ever do to you? He was such a gentle soul. And in return, you both took his life for the sake of money, leaving me with no options today.

Throughout our upbringing, my brother used to say that when someone does wrong to us, karma will eventually take care of it. This time, I've become that karma myself. I am the reckoning force for the injustice done to my brother."
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