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So I sent a application to Roseythebeast101 and she said.
You passed, but send this to "iaank" to promote you.

Here is the application.:

Question 1) What position are you applying for and what is your current rank?
I am applying for any position. I am currently a customer.

Question 2) What past experiences do you have in groups similar to Snowies? (Frappe®, Tsunami Sushi, Dunkin' Donuts etc.) Please list what rank you were and what time period you were in the group. If you do not have any experience in other groups, list why we should hire you.
.Tsunami Sushi, Currently a Hibachi Chef 3-4 Months
.Tim's Tacos President 6-8 Months.
.Love Cafe Manager-Vice Chairman 9-12 Months
Question 3) How would you handle a difficult, trolling, or rude customer at the cafe or interview center?
Give him a warning.

Question 4) How long have you been in cafe business for?

Question 5) How would you handle this scenario; A rank higher than you is abusing, and also is harassing customers. Would you confront him/her, or watch and mind your own business?

Question 6) How much time a day would you dedicate to Snowies?
I have a schedule right now, I am currently free on Mon-Wens so..... About 1-4 Hours Mon-Wends
Question 7) How would you punish a player for trolling if there were no high ranks to help you?
1. Ask for a Admin on the Group wall,
2. Tell all customers and staff to do /Block Example to Block his chat in the box.
Question 8) Why do you believe you are qualified to be this rank?
I have lots of experience with these types of things. I have been a HR in 2 different groups, I love working at Cafes.
Especially Tsunami Sushi.
Question 9) What are your strengths and weaknesses?
PROS: I have a pretty good memory, My reading skill is 98% better than people my age. (It has been proven by SOLs in America)
I can learn things pretty quickly.
I can get mad, and I get scared pretty easily.
Question 10) Do you know anyone that would recommend you as a HR at Snowies?
I don't think I know anyone who works at Snowies.
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Regards; Team

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